Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Naseptin Cream Do I Need Prescription

The serpent and the dove, like the rest of the animals due to a pure survival instinct. The man alters the system when it is aware of itself and its own environment.
ambiguities and abstract thinking we do not take the cube. It should make an effort to understand that old symbols not meet the following of our internal growth. The snake is not bad, nor the dove is the holy spirit. Everything is within us and only our hands can shape the desire for peace and unity of all peoples of the world.
Please do not follow in in the bucket ... There is plenty to do within us, open your eyes!.

Subud Emblem and Emblem Onu.
The emblem of Subud consists of seven concentric circles cut by seven radios equidistant from each other. Each circle represents a level of consciousness, a way that expresses the universal life, which have been given different names in esoteric literature: 1 .- Material level or físico.2 .- vegetative or etheric level. 3 .- animal level, emotional or human or Level astral.4 .- .- Level mental.5 perfect man or espiritual.6 .- level of compassion, or Cósmico.7 .- level of the Supreme Lord, or Absolute or Nirvanic .
The difference is minimal , but both men have made ...
Speed \u200b\u200bof Earth around the sun: Plaza of the diagonal is 45 degrees = ........ 162,000 seconds of arcoDoble Plaza (rectangle) = 26.5 seconds grados95.400 arcoDiferencia .............................. ............... 66,600 seconds of arc.
the cross (cube) with the square root of 5, as diagionales forming 4 triangles of gold (marked in yellow base) - 36-72-72 and 4 angles equalilateral 60-60-60 triangles total for each group of 720 degrees grados.Esvástica green and two oblique squares. The external border of Meru is 32 squares, so that there is another confirmation sacred character.
may sound like Chinese, but the blog has a hint esoteric, you know, attracting interest.


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