Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gloryholes/athens Georgia

Continents are five women are named: Europe, Asia, Africa , America and Oceania, five-pointed star has led the African and Asian merchants in the American continent; called it: "Holy Virgin" Meri Ka: Meri, Mery, Maria (HH, glorify or Stella Maris) is its meaning Hebrew. Ka is the "life force", a component of the human spirit, a bit of principle universal and immortal life , according to Egyptian mythology . Later, the star turned out to be the planet Venus, representing the love that binds to the Nations. When they reached the English Ambassadors, their boats or ships were painted with the Cross of Malta to the Order of St. John that we served to confuse the old symbols of shaman Incas, Aztecs and Mayas.

The person who does not believe will be longer. Gone are the days of square-headed bureaucrats, the Dark Church. atheism and approve Randis that something said by someone else, questioning "his navel" as the epicenter of the infinite truth. This such individuals also living God, until his ego is rejected and the dark shapes inhabiting their glands, that is when his aura is gone, stop spinning your chakras and are blinded by Qliphots. Ideas that are struggling in this sea of \u200b\u200bcontradictions that we are men and that populate his spirit.
The egregore formed by the power of the rites, liturgies and meditations regularly carried out by the various religions, societies and esoteric spiritual training schools in the world determine with great influence psychological states that affect the environment of such particular communities and also on other consciousnesses generating a psychological phenomenon experienced as an awakening spiritual. Thus, we see an elevation or dignity of conscience. egregores These are desirable, necessary and lawful intended as cohesion is lit. By contrast, other negative that are generated by acts of selfishness, the inability to accept the good and reject evil. Egregores These are the most numerous and often we will cross on the way to the highest spiritual elevation where you want peace, serenity and understanding.

the Mother Goddess worship is an essential condition to achieve this closeness to God. Who do we achieve that feeling of protection and affection but is the mother? And it would be different in the spiritual world? Yes, we know that it is difficult to understand. But surely if you pose this question correctly a small child, will not hesitate a second to respond. And respond well. Interestingly is that our friends left builders, among other places, a Camino de Santiago full of virgins, some white and some black. But, why black, you ask?. The answer is simple yet difficult. Black is the color that contains and which all others arise. Therefore, it is a color in its infancy, yet undeveloped. It is, ultimately, the start color. The black virgin indicates that our approach to the Eternal Feminine that we all have, is in its early beginnings. And it will walk the road to Santiago, the patron of those symbolic pilgrimage to themselves, as we will whiten our Divine Mother, making it more present in us and let us help you avoid getting lost in transit. This mystery, difficult to understand, is reflected in the cathedrals. Was not in the underground vaults where were the black virgin? Did not remember that crypt to that parent, mater, matter, which should give birth to something wonderful?.

Acquaintances French investigators looking Simonetón Bovis and emit vibrations created the Biometric places Bovis, which is a ruler for setting the optimal measures that guide us to know the power of a place. In a healthy human being he belongs among the 7,000 to 8,000 Bovis units.

One might give less than 5,000 units are sick. The greater the risk the lower is in the scale, on the eve of his death down to about 1,000 Bovis units. This is in regard to the physical human being that is between 0 and 10,000 Bovis units. The etheric body or astral body is between 11,000 and 13,000 UB (Units Bovis) The measure between 13,500 and 18,000 UB, corresponds to the plane of consciousness and Spirit. A human being is in a low penetrating units can compensate in a place that is loaded with high concentrations of vibrations occurring in this human being, satisfaction, improvement and even healing. could be due to intuition, or attraction imperative to places, the appearance in the human mind the distinction between common places that do not experience anything in particular and those who feel an intermediary between Earth and Heaven, Places considered to be in contact with the gods and blames these physiological changes, psychic and spiritual perception itself.


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