Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mother In Law Sympathy Quote

homosexuals persecuted and killed in Iraq

So much violence led to reflect on the Iraqi government's ability to protect the wide range of vulnerable minorities, including Christians and Kurds, especially after the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraqi cities last month.
liberal Sunni lawmaker Mithal al-Alusi is one of those responsible for armed militias like al Qaeda and the Mahdi Army, for the deaths. "Making white on one of the most vulnerable groups in a conservative Muslim society, people whose sexual orientation is prohibited under Iraqi law, the militias are sending a clear message that we still have power despite the efforts of U.S. and Iraqi of restricting it, "he said.
"The interior minister of Iraq is behind this campaign of terror," Hili said, and told witnesses that he confided that the police harass and beat suspects to be gay in street checkpoints and often delivered the militia for its implementation.
image Meanwhile, the spokesman for Interior Minister Maj Gen Abdul Karim Khalaf denied the allegations and confirmed that the minister and assigned a panel to investigate the killing of these men. Homosexuality, Khalaf said, is contrary to law "rejected by the customs of our society." Anyway, adding that those who practice it despite the ban should be brought to justice and not delivered to armed groups.
The murderers did not just run to the homosexual victims, but "their bodies mutilated and tortured," detailed the fundamentalist cleric Sheik Mohammed al-Suniita Ghreri, who publicly criticized the violence.
modus operandi. Militias often send warnings before attacking: wallpaper with posters of Sadr City, with a list of the "rebels"-homosexual or heterosexual-Western ways by name and district of residence. "If you lay down your attitude," warned one of the posters seen by journalists USA TODAY - "death will be your fate. This warning is real and the punishment will become worse. "
Many activists, including Ali Hili, are convinced that senior clerics are the ones who gave the orders that guarantee the killing. Iraq's Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani some years ago signed a decree that homosexuality is punishable with death "if it is proved before a religious judge."
An Iraqi TV channel, Alsumaria reported that the Sunni cleric al-Ghreri, despite their words against persecution, called the killing of gays. He denies it, but concedes that believes that homosexuality is "abnormal" and that gays should know that "freedom has its limits."
"First," he admitted gays should be advised to change their offensive behavior, if that fails, they should send them to prison. If the insulation does not work, should give 100 lashes for having sex with men. If the fourth time they are sentenced to flogging not lay down his attitude and witnesses state that they are practicing homosexuality, only then should be executed. "

Technorati Tags: crime, politics


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