Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can Epsom Salt Cause Break Outs

arrested a woman who married 7 times in a month and a half

Egyptian authorities arrested a young pregnant woman in the resort town of Hurghada, on the banks of the Red Sea, accused of being married to seven men in a month and a half, judicial sources said.
The woman, 25, worked as a waitress in a cafe frequented by tourists and is married with several local clients through marriage "ORFI" without dissolving the previous marriages, the sources said.
This type of marriage is the union of two people without any documents and the presence of two witnesses, and often cover up cases of prostitution.
image She appeared yesterday in court Hurghada criminal and admitted that he had married several men and she is pregnant, but not knowing which of the husbands.
the girl's case became known when one of their husbands found the contract of marriage with another man and introduced him to the authorities.
At first, the girl said that before remarrying was divorced from their former husbands, but later denied in court and acknowledged that they had married without dissolving the former marriage.
At the moment, the young remain in custody for four days to mark the Egyptian law to conduct investigations.
According to sources, marriages "ORFI" are common in Hurghada, especially among Egyptians and foreigners for economic reasons.

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