Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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concept related to the original American cultures. The new humanity
corresponds closely to an ancient Aztec and Mayan myth called Ollin Toniatiuh, or the myth of the Fifth Sun
According to ancient manuscripts, songs and traditional stories, there were four suns before the sun today. Sol
Each corresponded to one of four key elements: water, earth, fire and air, and with each cycle, there a new earth with its flora and fauna, and his new humanity.
Each of these cycles ended with a cataclysm during which all life was destroyed, to be reborn, more evolved.
With the Fifth Sun, also known as the Sun of Quetzalcoatl, the gods planted the seeds of a new humanity on Earth that would be governed by the same legendary Quetzalcoatl.
At the time of birth of Quetzalcoatl, the wise elders who were also warriors Toltecs, prophesied that the only way to survive the cataclysmic end of each cycle millennium was to have wisdom and a heart as firm as a rock.
For Mexica culture, the "Creation" was in a succession of several worlds, which had already suffered a previous destruction. Quetzalcoatl is the creator of the Fifth Sun, which consisted of the movement that allowed the Cosmos return to its cycle and so the sun would spin again, "Movement-.La Ollin function then human existence is to rejoin with that perfect ONE . So, Venus opens and closes the cosmic cycles as does Quetzalcoatl to reveal to man the knowledge at the beginning of the fifth sun and promising to return to close the cycle, allowing assume that Cortés Moctezuma and the English, "come beyond the sea with huge deer without peak "be-or-Quetzalcoatl. Christ is compared in Revelation 22.16, with Venus: "I am the bright morning star." Quetzalcoatl, die for stealing the bones that help you create mankind to fall into a hole, three days later resurrected by itself to give shape and life to new human beings.

In Teotihuacan, "City of the Gods", named for the Aztecs to rediscover it, thought there was born the Fifth Sun, which, according to all the gods had participated "The Movement. Teotihuacan curious that, as Christians, had a cross, representing the four cardinal points, corresponding to one of the deities governing the four corners of the world. The four cardinal points surrounding the Fifth Sun, ie after the sacrifice of the gods, the four elements corresponding to the 4 suns coming. The cult of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan was born, but the Aztecs extended over time. What is suspected by many historical sources, is that Quetzalcoatl was actually a man of great charisma and spirituality, which was transformed into a myth, as it happened with Christ.

Emblem prehispanic Mexico. (The eagle devouring a white dove shining in the sun.)


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