Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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Video Playlist
I made this video playlist at


The tree of life in Morocco They call it the giver of life in Morocco, the only place where it grows.
little known elsewhere, even in the rest of this country in northern Africa, the argan
survive heat, drought and poor soils to combat desertification and provide valuable products and work
for Berber the indigenous people of the area.
The only tree of its kind anywhere in the world
, the argan grows in forests from the coastal cities of Agadir and Essaouira. Twisted
and thorny, it sends its roots deep into the earth in search of water, soil and joining
preventing erosion. Its green fruit-
look more like an olive giant has a sweet smell but taste horrible. But it contains a veritable treasure
: a hard nut with a small oil-rich seeds.
The oil is very nutritious, and, what
even more importantly, rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It is believed that
low cholesterol levels, stimulates circulation, promotes the immune system, and also
traditionally been used as a treatment for skin diseases. Used locally dipping long as
bread and salad dressing, is now becoming a fashionable food in Europe and North America
. The cosmetics industry is also showing increasing interest in the oil.
Goats sometimes help harvest the seeds. Prohibited from entering the forest to
that the fruits have matured, they face the thorns and climb trees, eating the meat
unpleasant taste of the fruit. Nuts discarded by goats
then broken by hand between two stones, a very laborious process, to extract the oil.
walnut shells are burned as fuel
. And the wood of the argan tree, known as "iron wood Moroccan -
is valued, and used for marquetry inlaid boxes. Nothing is wasted.
Women's cooperatives have begun to harvest the oil for export, providing much-needed jobs
. But the life-giving tree is threatened.
In less than a century, more than a third of the forest has been destroyed to make way for crops, grazing
or making charcoal.

For centuries the Berber tribes of the southwest of Morocco argan oil used as a basic component of their diet and as part of traditional medicine. In the early nineties, chemical analysis confirmed the valuable nutrition and skin oil (including use as a treatment for acne wrinkles and wounds.)
Argan (spiny argan), also known as prickly acebuche belongs to the family Sapotaceae, leathery leaf, small yellow flowers, and fruit like a date verdiamarillo of slow growth takes five to six years in giving their first fruit.

The Argan tree is resistant to heat and can withstand temperatures up to 50 ° C. It can reach 8 to 10 m in height. The trunk is short and tortuous. The fruit is the size of a walnut, yellow is sometimes red. This consists of a fleshy husk that covers the bone is hard.
Located in Morocco, across the strip that goes to Tarourudant and Tiznit, bordering the Sahara. It is also found in parts of Mexico and a few copies in Spain. grow in zones not exceeding 800m altitude, in dry weather. Its roots are deep, up to 10m deep, so it holds up well with a couple of good rainfall year. Excessively dry time loses its leaves, avoiding excessive perspiration, to make them recover with the first rains.
The fruits of this tree, from which oil is extracted, which begin to mature with the first heats of June, it traditionally collected in a very original: the goats gathered.
A When the grass is scarce, the goats climb trees to eat leaves, young shoots and fruits. At night, already in the fold, the animals begin to chew, spit the bones of the fruit, large as hard as acorns and almonds, the pastor collected without being stuck even once. Another method is to collect under the tree when they have fallen mature and allow to dry, peel and remove the bone.
Argan oil is the world's most expensive oil, so it is also called the liquid gold of Morocco. The bottle of extra virgin argan oil 20 cl. can cost a whopping € 17.
is made up to 80% of essential fatty acids (Acaido 50% linoleic acid, linolenic 15%, 12% oleic acid, arachidonic acid 1%, 3% linolenic acid) and contains large amounts of tocopherols (vitamin E) (nearly three times more than olive oil) and phytosterols ( D-7steroles). It is valued for its anti-aging effect by the large amounts of antioxidants and their healing powers. It also has antiseptic and antifungal effects.
We must also note that the first Slow Food Prize 2001 was awarded to the Cooperative Amal Berber women of Morocco to produce oil from the fruit of the argan tree. Thanks to the cooperative, has become to produce this oil is highly prized in Moroccan cuisine and forests Argan they were being irresponsibly cut to have become reforested
Potential anticancer properties
locals and Moroccan scientists working in a cooperative project aimed at analyzing the anticancer properties of argan oil.
The aim of this study, which involved a team of twenty people from both Universities, is whether the Argan oil has anti-cancer properties. To do this, working with chemical extracts of oil. Once purified, these components applied to tumor cell cultures to study their reaction and subsequent behavior. Depending on the in vitro results, the scientists designed an experimental model in rats with malignant tumors, the antitumor effect in checking vivo.Las research hypotheses are aimed at knowing whether that oil consumption would have a preventive effect on tumors Frequently, such as breast, lung and colon. "50% of men and 35% of women in Europe are obese. Therefore, the more overweight a person is, the greater your risk of certain types of cancer. Obesity is responsible for 35,000 new cancer cases each year in Europe. In particular, obesity increases by 40% the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. In the fat tissue biochemical reactions that trigger cancer-promoting substances. Avoid excess weight should be one of the bases of the prevention of chronic diseases in modern societies, "qualifies Juan-Bosco Lopez.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Method Of Masterbationin

Warn about the effects of Paracetamol

image Who has not eaten Paracetamol? By now most people know this drug and has adopted it as a product that must be present in the kit. This usage is so common that has led many people abuse it and eat it too often without considering the possible consequences. This is because the paracetamol has become the leading cause of liver failure or liver failure, U.S. researchers warn. The cases of liver failure have increased from 28% to 51% in the last 11 years.

course in small doses are consequences are very minor or nonexistent, but in high concentrations may even be fatal. The problem is that Paracetamol is a medicine of great demand worldwide and has no further regulation. In England, where its use is restricted, including Paracetamol was used as a drug to commit suicide. That's why they started their regulations on the sale to the public what has helped control the cases of liver failure significantly.

In patients with liver disease, fatty liver, for example, consumption of paracetamol should be done with caution because the study records that could affect patients more embarrassing, "It is possible that people with fatty liver are more sensitive to paracetamol and this may be one reason why acetaminophen liver failure has been increased "- experts say.

For now it is recommended to stop using daily doses of acetaminophen, and consider these warnings seriously, by the same U.S. FDA.

Technorati Tags: health

Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Canadian researchers get reverse multiple sclerosis in mice

image A new treatment has managed to reverse the devastating autoimmune disorder multiple sclerosis in mice. Responsible for this finding against a disease that, at present, no treatment at all in humans, is a group of researchers at the Jewish General Hospital Lady Davis Institute and the University McGill in Montreal. At the moment the rodents are the only beneficiaries of the therapy, although researchers have noted that study its application in humans.

multiple sclerosis, a disease of the nervous system that affects approximately 40,000 people worldwide, is a disease caused by the body which gives the immune response itself and attacks the central nervous system. Almost as if the body had developed an allergy itself. Its consequences are progressive physical and cognitive disabilities, with highly disabling effects. The first symptoms of the disease include blurred vision, slurred speech, loss of sensation in the limbs and loss of balance. The symptoms common to other diseases, early diagnosis makes it complicated.

suppress the immune response. This is the mechanism that underlies the treatment, called GIFT15, unlike the response suppression treatments that had previously been tested, not based on chemical pharmaceuticals, but a personalized cell therapy that uses the body's own cells to suppress the immune response.

The new therapy is composed of two proteins, fused artificially in the laboratory. Under normal circumstances, each of them acts as a stimulant of the immune system. But in its merged form, get reversed themselves. "Metaphorically, we created a chimera, a mythological these animals have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion," said Dr. Jacques Galipeau Lady Davis Hospital, director of the team responsible. The new protein, resulting from the merger of the two has a totally unexpected biological effect. This effect becomes B cells, common-form cells responsible for immune-answer in response powerful eliminator cells, similar to T cells

For treatment to be effective in mice, the disease should be treated in its early stage. In their experiment, the researchers found no side effects in rodents, which responded to the priest after the first dose. Now the challenge is humane treatment. The procedure would be to remove the patient's B cells, and treatment in the laboratory with GIFT 15. The transformed cells again be donated to the patient. As explained Galipeu, a priori is an acceptable purpose as long as it has the adequate funding.

One novelty of the treatment according to its discoverers is that, being a suppressor of the immune response might also be effective against other autoimmune disorders, such as disease Crohn's, lupus and arthritis. And even could be considered its application to control the immune response in patients with organ transplants.

Source Technorati Tags: research, health

Friday, August 21, 2009

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A book reveals the horror of the brothels in Nazi concentration camps

image horror stories of the Nazi concentration camps seem endless. A new book, which will be presented next Wednesday in the German Parliament, reveals how, from 1942, authorities began to establish brothels in the countryside, where some prisoners were forced to maintain relations with other prisoners. The Nazis thought jailers that captives who were forced to do hard labor would yield more if they promised to have sex.

"In the collective memory and written history of World War II and brothels of the camps were a taboo for a long time," says Robert Sommer, author of the book, Das KZ Bordell ( The brothel concentration camp). "The former prisoners would not talk about it. It is a difficult issue to manage. Did not quite fit the image of the concentration camps as monuments to the suffering, "says Sommer.

The SS (Nazi military police) have established brothels in 1942 in the Mauthausen camp, and came to open ten, the highest in Auschwitz, where about twenty women worked. The last was open until early 1945, the end of the war. Not working in brothels Jewish women or Jewish prisoners had access. Moreover, the Nazis imposed a rigid division of "race", so the Germans could only go with German women and the Slavs only Slavic. "The Nazis thought to increase the productivity of prisoners by offering an incentive," says the author of the book, "but did not work much, because there were few who were able physical to go. "

estimated worked in brothels around 200 women. "They promised that, if met, the would be released after six months. But the promise was never realized, "says Sommer, who stresses that" the brothels reveal another dimension of the Nazi horror, where the same victims of the Nazis became exploiters of these women. "

After the war, many of these women had to live with the weight of social stigma which remained over them despite having been victims of brutal violence of the Nazi system. "We do not know anyone who has received compensation so suffered, "says Sommer," it is important that these women were returned dignity. "

Source Technorati Tags: historic

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Found the antidote cells can 'revive' the cancer

image When a tumor is attacked by chemotherapy, a handful of particularly aggressive cells are the last to resist, even the seem invincible point: cancer stem cells, allowing tumor growth and drug resistance.

However, a group of U.S. scientists has just written a new chapter in cancer research to find a compound capable of removing solely to these cells, the salinomycin. The findings appear in the latest issue of the journal Cell .
This compound, selected from more than 16,000, manages to kill not only cancer stem cells produced in the laboratory, but those that grow naturally.
In fact, compared with the most common chemotherapy drug for breast cancer, the type of cancer that has studied the salinomycin-multiplied by 100 the number of dead stem cells in mice and is even able to reduce tumor size .
"Many therapies kill the bulk of the tumor only to see it grow back, "says Eric Lander, director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (USA), who believes that this finding opens the door to new anticancer teapias. Technical Difficulties

Although he knew the importance of these cells, the major barrier faced by scientists to study was the difficulty to develop directly in the laboratory. Relatively low compared with other tumor cells often lose their stem cell properties when grown outside the body.
To overcome these barriers, used a technique to convert adult cells into cells mother through epithelial-mesencimal transition, which causes a critical change in these molecules. Thus
have developed a sufficient number of cancer stem cells to test up to 16,000 natural chemicals and trade against them.
Using a method that allows the systematic search for agents that kill these cells made a first selection of 32 candidate compounds. Among them the clear winner was the salinomycin.
Although it is unclear why this compound has antibiotic such destructive power against these cells, and its success opened a new avenue in cancer research.
"Until now rational cancer therapies were designed against specific molecular alterations present in the tumor, the scientists listed in the article.
"These findings indicate that a second form can also be useful: find the agents that cause the different stages of differentiation of cancer cells," they conclude.

Technorati Tags: health , research

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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A Swiss passes 300 days on a desert island

Xavier Rosset decided to isolate this period and survive without food and shelter.
With just a couple of knives and a baby pig as a company, a Swiss adventurer has remained voluntarily in a deserted Pacific island for 300 days. image
The place chosen by the Swiss was Tofua, a volcanic island of 64 square kilometers where in addition to pigs, there is only coconuts, lakes and rainforest, as published by The Daily Telegraph.
His luggage consisted of a knife, a machete and a video camera to shoot his 10-month adventure, of which his team will make a documentary this year.
The challenge was relearning natural survival skills that people have forgotten city. "At first it was very difficult. I had to find food, build me a shelter, learn to fish, everything, "the newspaper recounts.
During the first two months, Rosset, lost nearly 18 kilos of body fat that had been stored prior to the project, and was until he discovered how to catch wild pigs on the island when they could keep their weight stable.
Then he found his only friend, the "baby pig." "I could not eat because I did not have enough meat, so I took it with me and stayed for three months. It was like a dog and followed me everywhere, "he says.
After eight months on the island managed to adapt to the constraints it was not used. In his blog recounts her experience step on the island. "I spent most of the day doing nothing, looking at the vast ocean or the butterflies of the place. I had enough food, so you can say I felt like my home, "he says.

Technorati Tags: curiosities

Sunday, August 16, 2009

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I made this widget at .

Saturday, August 15, 2009

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Afghan law allows husbands leave their wives without food if they refuse to have sex


controversial law in Afghanistan.

The government has approved a law that "legalized discrimination" against the Shiite minority women, stipulating that may be deprived of food if refuse to have sex with her husband, according to the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW).

According to this organization, a move denounced President Hamid Karzai's election, a candidate for re-election on August 20, the law was published in the Official Journal of Afghanistan on 27 July.

This law is, according to HRW, a new version of which was adopted in March by parliament and signed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, but had not entered into force, after arouse indignation in the West, where spoke of a legalization of domestic rape. HRW says

image have seen a copy end of the new law, which includes "numerous articles regressive" for the rights of women, although not as restrictive as the initial project. For now, nobody has confirmed Afghanistan.

puts a price on rape

The new text provides that a husband has the right to remove any material support to his wife, including food, if he refuses to satisfy her sexual demands, and that custody children is entrusted only to men, fathers and grandparents.

also states that women must ask permission from her husband to work, and allows a rapist is acquitted of any charges if you pay "blood money" to the rape victim, said HWR.

This announcement comes just days before the presidential election on Aug. 20, in which Karzai is considered the favorite.

Source Technorati Tags: politics

Thursday, August 13, 2009

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Bringing Down the House: "We can not die because no drawers", reported the Uruguayan fat

"We can not die because no drawers for obese" said Luis Cherro, president of Organized Gordos, an NGO that defends the Obese rights in Uruguay, after the death of a man of 145 kilos which could not be ensured due to lack of a coffin.

Hector Villegas, 145 kilos, died on Sunday and could not be ensured, because their families could not afford to pay for a private viewing and the municipality does not have drawers or stands to hold the weight, so you should make one in particular that was soon just for funeral Monday.

image "It was a tremendously painful fact for us all," lamented Cherro told Radio El Espectador, adding that they receive "more than 300 complaints a year" for the same problem.

" not die because we can no drawers. We are claiming that neither in life nor in death there is inclusion, " said the owner of Organized Gordos, who last year waged a public campaign to demand the authorities to promote public policies to prevent discrimination suffered by obese.

"We're a society that ignores that obesity is the leading cause of death in Uruguay", Cherro said, adding that "so far there has been no clear policies to address this issue."

"If we warn, we save you fortunes to any government. It is a matter of state and the world is working well " added Cherro to the station, and regretted that the government does not recognize that obesity is a chronic disease. "

Source Technorati Tags: curiosities

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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The serpent and the dove, like the rest of the animals due to a pure survival instinct. The man alters the system when it is aware of itself and its own environment.
ambiguities and abstract thinking we do not take the cube. It should make an effort to understand that old symbols not meet the following of our internal growth. The snake is not bad, nor the dove is the holy spirit. Everything is within us and only our hands can shape the desire for peace and unity of all peoples of the world.
Please do not follow in in the bucket ... There is plenty to do within us, open your eyes!.

Subud Emblem and Emblem Onu.
The emblem of Subud consists of seven concentric circles cut by seven radios equidistant from each other. Each circle represents a level of consciousness, a way that expresses the universal life, which have been given different names in esoteric literature: 1 .- Material level or físico.2 .- vegetative or etheric level. 3 .- animal level, emotional or human or Level astral.4 .- .- Level mental.5 perfect man or espiritual.6 .- level of compassion, or Cósmico.7 .- level of the Supreme Lord, or Absolute or Nirvanic .
The difference is minimal , but both men have made ...
Speed \u200b\u200bof Earth around the sun: Plaza of the diagonal is 45 degrees = ........ 162,000 seconds of arcoDoble Plaza (rectangle) = 26.5 seconds grados95.400 arcoDiferencia .............................. ............... 66,600 seconds of arc.
the cross (cube) with the square root of 5, as diagionales forming 4 triangles of gold (marked in yellow base) - 36-72-72 and 4 angles equalilateral 60-60-60 triangles total for each group of 720 degrees grados.Esvástica green and two oblique squares. The external border of Meru is 32 squares, so that there is another confirmation sacred character.
may sound like Chinese, but the blog has a hint esoteric, you know, attracting interest.

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faints at the dance with his favorite porn star

has always had a penchant for porn star Milly D'Abbraccio and when I finally went to a show and she danced with her so sensual, emotion, fainted, fell and had to be rushed to hospital where he recovered said "I have seen the Virgin."

The protagonist of the story is a young man of 26 years in the province of Lecce, whose name has not been facilitated, but Corriere della Sera if released on video in which the young man is spirited dancing with D ' Abbraccio, as it falls to the ground after hugging her as the actress kneeling to see what has happened and how they have to take care of medical staff.
image The incident occurred in the Erotic Erotica Festival Tour the Adriatic Trade Fair in Silvi Marina, in the province of Teramo in the Italian Adriatic coast, to 2,000.
The boy was in the front row and when the porn star invited onto his show is not thought for a second the emotion and strength hugged and danced with her sensual way, taking off his shirt. At one point, while the actress strutted and looked at the young, fell to the ground.
addition to the actress, came to his aid the presenter of the show, but when he did not react called the emergency medical service, amid the shock of those present. Eventually recovered and the first words he said, the newspaper said were: "I have seen the Virgin, where's Milly?".

Technorati Tags: curiosities

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concept related to the original American cultures. The new humanity
corresponds closely to an ancient Aztec and Mayan myth called Ollin Toniatiuh, or the myth of the Fifth Sun
According to ancient manuscripts, songs and traditional stories, there were four suns before the sun today. Sol
Each corresponded to one of four key elements: water, earth, fire and air, and with each cycle, there a new earth with its flora and fauna, and his new humanity.
Each of these cycles ended with a cataclysm during which all life was destroyed, to be reborn, more evolved.
With the Fifth Sun, also known as the Sun of Quetzalcoatl, the gods planted the seeds of a new humanity on Earth that would be governed by the same legendary Quetzalcoatl.
At the time of birth of Quetzalcoatl, the wise elders who were also warriors Toltecs, prophesied that the only way to survive the cataclysmic end of each cycle millennium was to have wisdom and a heart as firm as a rock.
For Mexica culture, the "Creation" was in a succession of several worlds, which had already suffered a previous destruction. Quetzalcoatl is the creator of the Fifth Sun, which consisted of the movement that allowed the Cosmos return to its cycle and so the sun would spin again, "Movement-.La Ollin function then human existence is to rejoin with that perfect ONE . So, Venus opens and closes the cosmic cycles as does Quetzalcoatl to reveal to man the knowledge at the beginning of the fifth sun and promising to return to close the cycle, allowing assume that Cortés Moctezuma and the English, "come beyond the sea with huge deer without peak "be-or-Quetzalcoatl. Christ is compared in Revelation 22.16, with Venus: "I am the bright morning star." Quetzalcoatl, die for stealing the bones that help you create mankind to fall into a hole, three days later resurrected by itself to give shape and life to new human beings.

In Teotihuacan, "City of the Gods", named for the Aztecs to rediscover it, thought there was born the Fifth Sun, which, according to all the gods had participated "The Movement. Teotihuacan curious that, as Christians, had a cross, representing the four cardinal points, corresponding to one of the deities governing the four corners of the world. The four cardinal points surrounding the Fifth Sun, ie after the sacrifice of the gods, the four elements corresponding to the 4 suns coming. The cult of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan was born, but the Aztecs extended over time. What is suspected by many historical sources, is that Quetzalcoatl was actually a man of great charisma and spirituality, which was transformed into a myth, as it happened with Christ.

Emblem prehispanic Mexico. (The eagle devouring a white dove shining in the sun.)