Monday, April 18, 2011

What Lotion Is Best To Use For Solarium

this century is one of the most common disorders of our time. It uses the name of dysthymia to qualify a mood disturbance which has the following symptoms: state swings mood, with a tendency to irritable mood or depressed . Dysthymic person is angry, and tended to be sad or depressed . Difficulty

enjoy the good things in life. Dysthymic person is impaired to become fully happy.

Sleep disorders: sleep not usually be repaired. Dysthymic person wakes up several times, and feels tired in the morning. concentration problems. The person with this disorder usually perceived problems with memory and concentration, even for recreational activities; like watching a movie. somatization tendency; Strong headaches and dizziness are more common, with chronic fatigue states.

Dysthymia, also called dysthymia, depressive , is but an almost depressive derived from a continuous stressful situation. It occurs in people under constant stress, or people very overachieving, to which any stressful situation becomes.

can last for weeks, months or years. People have been kept almost all his life. Some authors speak of depressive personality in these cases. Many people with dysthymia come to believe that they are well, and do not identify dysthymia as a pathological condition but as a normal state of his nature.

Dysthymia is a common cause of personal distress, and family distress. People with dysthymia are often angry, aggressive , easy to enter into discussions, and a low tolerance for frustration. They are often described as bitter.

People with dysthymic disorder may be treated by psychotherapy , but also with the use of antidepressants . Dysthymia is due to a failure of regulatory mechanisms mood, due to improper use of one of the brain neurotransmitter, serotonin in the brain that is responsible for moderating mood swings.

serotonin deficiency is accompanied by a number of disorders, which include: anorexia, depression , phobias, obsessions , bulimia , dysthymia, panic , et al. Dysthymia is a less serious condition than the others, but its feature-perpetuating over time makes it very annoying. On the other hand, almost always ends in a phenomenon deriving more serious major depression or panic attacks , for example.

The use of antidepressant drugs specific conservation of serotonin, which are used as a priority in the last 10 years has served to correct a condition that, without being severe, causing a wide dysfunction the quality of life for many people. Such drugs, combined with psychotherapy designed to enhance positive thinking, allow people to correct their propensity dysthymic discouragement and fatigue so they can feel fully satisfied in terms of quality of life. The combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is most suitable for the treatment of dysthymia.

Criteria for the diagnosis of dysthymia Depressed mood or irritable most of the time. At least two of the following symptoms:

appetite disorders Sleep disorders

Chronic fatigue Low self-esteem

concentration disorders

useful Psychotherapies:

Cognitive therapies

Psychotherapies interpersonal.

systemic therapy.


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