Thursday, April 28, 2011

Paper Power Val De Meuse

These emotional vampires emotional vampires, emotional predator , toxic person, they are using and abusing the mentally friends, relatives, strangers, controlling situations and people for their purposes, these subjects toxic gain strength to keep doing it over and over again.

The assailant psychic people usually look at the weak and vulnerable mentally, and chooses as victims. The first thing is suggestible the subject with negative impressions that undermine their security. But for this external force is effective, we must give permission for their negativity into your mind.

But what we sometimes vampires authorization to act? Just when we react to uncertainty for malicious comments made us, because we sowing confusion and, in seconds, we started to feel sick because of these comments. Therefore, it is best to ignore the seemingly innocuous comments made by these individuals, who through a smooth and soft language, but loaded with destructive intent to destroy our esteem.

In sum, there is a crack in emotional, psychological the aggressor attack because we ourselves we will have paved the way to absorb our energy. This begins a process of destruction it contributes energy thief and the victim, initiating a process of self-destruction to let the comments affect her emotional vampire. We may also be vampires ourselves when a robber of life force is close.

The emotional vampire, is a thief of energy usually suffer unhealthy behavior, and are characterized by melancholy and tendency to depression . His lack of energy is compensated by feeding on the vitality of others. Because they are unable to generate adequate positive attitude to feel good about themselves, unconsciously, to compensate for this deficiency, seeking victims feed them. Thus, they manage to stock up stealing the soul energy of those around them.

toxic types of people, who want to manipulate with lies , attacking for fun, humiliate others, devalue to feel good about himself, fanatic, the presumed The competitor the control freak, accusing the critic, the arrogant the envious, the depressed and melancholy, the narcissistic , the violent, the scam artist are all types of toxic people .

When it neutralizes toxic kindly. His eagerness to hurt nasty comments or acts is sterile if he perceives no effect. Focus on the positive things you have in your life when you're around someone toxic. Is an effective scheme to overcome the bad times.

People toxic are they controlled by taking away their power slipping away from them or not allowing access to our privacy.


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