Monday, April 11, 2011

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Reduce stress and feelings

Hypnotherapy is mainly a psychological state special certain psychological attributes that make similar to physiological sleep but only superficially, and characterized by the operation individual's level of cooperation called for convenience in the conceptualization of "realize" unconscious or subconscious. When the subject is hypnotized , or hypnotic trance, you think, act and behave as well, and often better, as you can do in the state psychological common awake This is possible because of the intensity of his attention to the task and be free of distractions.

is not, as commonly believed, disempowered or under the will of hypnotist. The relationship between the hypnotist and the subject is rather interpersonal cooperation, based on reasonable mutually acceptable. The subject can not be forced to do things against their will, but can be helped to achieve the goals you want.

Hypnosis and trance are normal experiences that can develop naturally during periods of introspection . No need for mysterious manipulations of the subject.

The therapist does not control the subject in hypnosis, but rather provides them with incentives and opportunities for domestic absorption, which sometimes leads to recognizably different states of consciousness. The art of the hypnotherapist is to help the patient achieve an understanding that will help set aside some of the limitations of their shared vision of the world every day, so you can reach a state of receptivity to new and creative that is inside.

Aromatherapy is an ancient oriental technique, the effect is to relax. Is to use herbal oils and other aromatic plants that applied in the body, achieve relaxation or relief of pain or disorder. The oils are extracted from leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, fruits, bark and resin of various plants and diluted in water or unscented oil such as jojoba. These solutions can be applied to the skin with a relaxing massage, inhaled as vapor or smoke generated by aromatic candles, added in the form of bubbles or oil in water bath or used in compresses that are applied in certain parts of the body. Aromatherapy is one of many treatments and slimming massages lately offered in spa services.

Many of the aromatic essences are used for different things: tension problems, emotional , headaches, premenstrual tension, muscle pain, skin disorders, fatigue, insomnia and stress among others. This technique, its effectiveness relies on two basic mechanisms: the sense of smell and the absorptive capacity of the skin. Therapists say that inhaling certain fragrances makes brain to release chemicals that fight stress and fatigue. They also believe that some medicinal oils have an effect after being absorbed through the skin.

Scientifically and generally traditional doctors dismiss any therapeutic benefit than the placebo effect and relaxation. addition to massage, the aromatherapist can recommend a hot dip bath with a few drops of one or two aromatic oils, causing drowsiness or produces an invigorating toning.

Among the most frequently aromatic oils used are:
juniper, fragrance, pungent, spicy, is used in sprays, baths, compresses and massages for its calming effects, is also used for muscle aches. Eucalyptus
, strong aroma and invigorating, like camphor. Is used to treat nasal congestion and breathing, in sprays, compresses, baths and massages, pain relief and prevents muscle fatigue is applied to the skin as a repellent against insects. Geranium
, fragrance, pungent, spicy. It is used in sprays, baths, massage is considered an essential oil to treat stress, acne. Jasmine
, faint floral aroma. Used in facial massage and baths, for their relaxing properties. Manzanilla
, mild aroma, sweet. Because of its sedative used in sprays, baths, compresses, facial masks and massage.

A proper control of our breathing is one of the simplest strategies to cope with stressful situations and manage the increases in physiological activation caused by them. Correct breathing habits are very important because they provide the body enough oxygen to our brain. The current pace of life encourages incomplete breath that does not use the full capacity of the lungs. The aim of breathing techniques to facilitate the voluntary control of respiration and automate so it can be maintained in situations of stress .

seems incredible that it can cure everything, make, improve and prevent a simple, loving hug. It is proven that physical contact, far beyond the sexual content, has healing powers and broadens our emotional wellbeing. When we touched and hugged with and joyful spirit of solidarity, we enliven our senses and we reaffirm our confidence in our own feelings. It is also a way to express our feelings beyond words. It is the universal language of hugging. Not only do we use language we must also use the intuitive wisdom without words and listen to the heart. Thus we perceive the deeper meaning of the mystery we call love. Hugs, besides making us feel good, are used to relieve pain , depression and anxiety . disrupting physiological positive who plays and who is touched. Increases the will to live to the sick. It is well known that four hugs a day are necessary for survival, eight for twelve to stay and grow as people.

Bear Hug: is typical of parents and children, where the largest body wrapped in the smallest.
Hug and cheeks Contact: You place your arms on the shoulders of another, while giving you a kiss on each cheek. Implies comfort, kindness and consideration. Embrace
East: Both arms intertwined with each other's bodies. Sought spiritual contact with all the other's body. Is accompanied by an inspiration and is the longest. They contact the spirits of the people through the physical body.
Embrace three: For parents with children or several friends. Implies comfort, happiness. Embraced the person feels completely safe.
Embrace Cost: an arm is passed through the shoulder or waist of another. Ideal for walking together, enjoying the scenery.
heart Hug: Long, intense, warm, springs straight from the heart. Arises at any time to say hello, remember special dates, express joy. Offers unconditional love and tenderness.

What we feel when we hug? Safety:
No matter what our age or our position in life, we all need to feel safe. If we fail to act inefficiently and our personal relationships decline.
Protection: The feel protected is important for everyone, but it is more for children and the elderly who depend on the love of those around them.
Trust: The get the feeling of security and protection we receive. The confidence we can advance when fear is imposed on our desire to participate in a challenge with enthusiasm of life.
Strength: might think that the strength is an energy developed through the choice of an individual but we can convey our inner strength making a gift for others to confirm and increase the power of others. When we transfer our energy with a hug, increase our own strength.
Healing: Our strength becomes powerful when the transmit healing energy through the embrace. Physical contact and the embrace given a vital energy can heal or relieve minor ailments. Self-Assessment
: Recognition that we are worth is the basis of all every success and satisfaction in our lives. By embracing the message we recognized the value and excellence of each individual.

are many techniques that exist to enable the individual to cope with stress ie live with it without choking us or hurt us and every day we see a greater variety of services offered to learn to control it. We can also see that affects us in very different ways each and every one of us, so probably there is such a variety of techniques. So the important thing is to learn to look within our own to recognize symptoms of stress and handle it before we drive it to us. Stress is a disease of our time also can be cured and it is possible to prevent or minimize their effects is essential that we be aware of how to lead a healthy lifestyle and balance our responsibilities to our right to a quality life for ourselves and our families.


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