Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Build Outdoor Swing Sets Blueprints

What is a phobia?
Phobia: is excessive or unreasonable fear. This fear is triggered by the presence or anticipation of certain objects or situations such as animals, heights, enclosed spaces, darkness, flying, seeing blood, medical interventions and other events.

The result of exposure to stimuli that causes fear, is none other than an anxiety response, which in some cases can be a panic attack. To better understand this sequence will clarify certain concepts that can lead to misunderstanding, as are the terms of anxiety, fear, anxiety and stress.

Anxiety: is a negative emotional response that may be atypical and that relates to the terms of fear, anxiety or stress . Anxiety refers to the anticipation of a future danger may be indefinable and unpredictable.

Fear: is an emotion caused by a present and imminent danger and that is linked to the stimulus that generates it.

The term used to describe the feeling that occurs in response anxiety is what we call distress.

The concept of stress: in an adaptive process of unpleasant nature, which in its operation generates emotions .

phobic situations are avoided or else is endured with intense anxiety or distress. This clearly somehow interferes in the normal routine of a person in their work, academic or social.

The how anxiety manifests itself varies with the individual and the type of phobia . For example, in children, anxiety can manifest itself through crying, tantrums, immobility or clinging to another person (such as in separation anxiety). In adults, for example phobia of blood, nausea and fainting often occur, not always the fear.

Classification of phobias.
Although the number of stimuli or situations that may provoke a phobic fear is high, you can set a classification taking into account certain characteristics that allow the grouping of some of them.

to external stimuli Phobias: Phobias


agoraphobic syndrome.

social phobias.

Other specific phobias. Phobias
to internal stimuli:


obsessive phobias.

Given the enormous difficulty exists in distinguishing between nosofobias (fear of illness) and depression or hypochondria and between phobias and obsessional neurosis obsessive, we focus on the first group of the established classification. Thus, if we believe in the same group phobia of animals and specific phobias, we find three different sets: agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobias.

Agoraphobia: This concept refers not only to fear of open spaces, but also others who interact with them, such as fear of crowds and situations where there is some difficulty to escape immediately to a safe place (usually the home). In other words, agoraphobia refers to the fear of those situations where it is difficult to find a way out. Among the fears that may appear include fear of leaving home, entering shops and stores, crowds, public places and traveling alone in trains, buses or planes. Because of this fear, some people go to be locked inside his own home. In this type of phobia base there is a fear of helplessness in certain situations rather than fear, since many people reduce or even overcome the fear when accompanied by someone they trust.

social phobia fears This type includes one or more social or performance situations in public where a person is exposed to be tested, fearing to act in a humiliating way and look ridiculous. When the subject is facing such situations, there is an anxiety response immediately, which can lead to a crisis distress. The individual admits that fear is irrational and excessive, but tends to avoid such situations because of the intense discomfort that cause. In addition, avoidance behavior, anxious anticipation or distress in these circumstances interfere in a major way in the normal routine of the person (in their social relationships and work or academic).

Among the feared situations in social phobia can highlight the drinking, eating or speaking in public, writing in the presence of others, conduct interviews, ask for information to strangers, use public toilets and even ruborizarse.Ăšltimamente is is differentiating between social phobia widespread and not general. The first concern of most social situations. By contrast, the second refers especially to the phobia of public speaking.

The fundamental distinction between agoraphobia and social phobia is that, as mentioned the fear that the agoraphobic person is reduced when accompanied by someone you trust.

Specific Phobias In such phobias given an excessive and irrational fear triggered by the presence or anticipation of specific objects or situations, such as animals, heights, darkness, blood, injections, heights, storms , etc. Exposure to the feared stimulus immediately provokes an anxiety response . If the feared object or situation is not present, the person is well, without any anxiety or mental disorder . These people have a good social adjustment and having a normal personality, although avoidance of the feared stimuli is just remarkable.

A special case is the phobia of blood, injections and injury, as after activation of the sympathetic system, there is an activation of the parasympathetic system (bradycardia, hypotension and dizziness), contrasting with the other phobias in which there is tachycardia and hypertension.

Consult your physician as primary care physician to tell what happens to us. He may refer you to a psychologist . On the other hand, if necessary may propose a combination treatment of psychological therapy and pharmacotherapy .

Another option is to go to a private consulting psychologist.

psychologist first thing done is an assessment of the problem. The assessment can be carried out with different instruments. You can use interviews, self-reports, questionnaires, scales and psychophysiological.

Regarding social phobia in vivo exposure to feared stimuli is the treatment of choice. The aim of the technique is that the patient comes in contact with actively avoiding situations, which is directly opposite to fears and remain in situations until the anxiety decreases. The exhibition dealing with anxiety, fear and avoidance behaviors that maintain the disorder.

The goal of these programs is to change thought patterns, and phobic patients are exposed to the phobic stimulus with lower anticipatory anxiety possible and appropriate interpretation of motor and physiological reactions.

Following treatment the patient will see how it improves gradually, and begin to feel better everyday. Each person will do at different rates, it is important to be patient.

not hesitate to ask for help.


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