Friday, April 8, 2011

Suppliers Of Mcdonalds Meat

When we asked about the characteristics of human beings is usually their response rationality, their thoughts , the logic . It is still true, but people do not rely on this, we emotional rather than rational . We know what would be the best course of action but not do so because the emotions are stronger than logic.

Without progress in all respects would not have been possible. The great inventors, thinkers, philosophers, entrepreneurs, musicians, etc., had something in common. All were passionate about what they did, they felt emotionally stimulated their activities, and this further encouraged them to continue with it.

All we seek the feeling of happiness , and there are many kinds of happiness as people, what makes a happy, can another hates it. It is subjective to each individual, but may be measured or compared with others. Feelings are not quantifiable, we can not put a note, we can not measure or touch. Probably not express rationally at all, although what makes you happy or sad.

women better understand this aspect. Our world is emotions and move through different states of mind in a completely natural. We are connected with feelings much more strongly than a man. This makes us look more like small details, be sociable and talk about what we like, either at the time it is, eye men also do, of course. These are things that stimulate the emotional part of the mind, gives a small dose emotional to enjoy.

This is something that we have difficulty recognizing, traditionally has imposed the image of man as a being cold and impassive, he must refuse his feelings or at least not in public display. "Men do not cry", is a tradition so ingrained in society that has been the guide of male behavior, and with the ego, make feelings are repressed seeking to avoid feeling vulnerable, it seems that are required as the canon, be insensitive to feelings.

Part of this way of thinking about men is true, the thinking is much more rational than emotional. Speaking generally not looking for a talk for the sake of talking, but often have a desire to transmit information in particular. They have the same social spirit of women. It loses much of emotions, especially those that make the man look what is human.

With vulnerable parts that may hurt, they say something is often very difficult for a man because of the lack of habit to say as they are emotionally. Therefore tend to think more before to do so. Man tries to perform a mental analysis of emotions, leading to the great difference in perception , rationality and emotions. Many misunderstandings, misinterpretations, trying to express something emotional to rational, or something rational with emotion. In both cases, is not got to get the other person the message that they wanted, because they have not used the correct means of transmission to another person.

Only when we recognize, accept, understand and know adequately express our feelings, we can increase our own welfare, understand and relate better with others.

is feeling joy. Euphoria is emotion.

The joy is spontaneous, and most of the time it depends on a motive or cause, it just happens and overflows. It is quiet and contagious. The euphoria run over, is inadequate, uncomfortable and undiplomatic. Normally, after the euphoria arising boxes frustration, depression and apathy.

Sadness is a feeling. Depression is emotion.

Sadness is inevitable in some situations in life, but can be experienced together to peace because he comes to understand that everything is fleeting and transient, and also learning.

Fear is feeling. Panic is emotion.

Fears are many and also serve as self-protection, self-preservation and alert. But the constant fear for no apparent reason or real, which freezes, reveals a lack of clarity and confianza.Coraje (heart + action) is to do with fear.

Rabies is feeling. Hate is emotion.

human is to express the feelings of rage, even as a stance, a discernment. But this sentiment must be fast, transient, time to learn how to transform attitudes filmmakers in opportunities for the exercise of patience, tolerance and understanding. Never let anger turn into resentment, bitterness or hatred, this is the path of self-destruction.

Love is feeling. Passion is emotion

Love encourages and free. Along with passion comes as a gift jealousy, pain, insecurity and posesivismo.

There are three types of feelings:

Pleasant Unpleasant


When we wish to avoid an unpleasant feeling. However, the ideal is to return to conscious breathing, which oxygenates and provide clarity, and only observe, identify silent.

Inspiring, I realize that there is an unpleasant feeling in me.

exhaling, I see clearly that there is an unpleasant feeling in me.

Anger, sadness or fear, when clearly named and identified, make the most sincere and profound way of dealing with them.

The true feeling is understanding, forgiveness. It's a feeling of peace.


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