Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can I Smoke Stomach Ulcer

Phobias Fear of change

Is it hard to change? actually make a change not so difficult in itself, is like deciding to get out of bed on a Sunday morning or any day of the week you have free and you wake up early. What it costs us not get out of bed, but resistance to take the first step needed to continue the process of getting up. If we have to run the sheets, incorporate the bed, put your feet out of it and get up, when we resist the most is the first. Once overcome inertia initial easier steps continue to rise.
With the changes it is the same, once the initial resistance tends to stay in the same state it has always been, the remaining steps follow one another with relative ease and fluency. The most difficult process of change has passed.

What causes resistance to change? This depends, of course, the exchange rate is and the importance they assume in our lives. You do not have the same emotional weight for us to change our dress, decide to go to live in another city and have other work or break a unsatisfactory relationship. Some changes may include other small changes within them.

Some of that resistance usually comes from:

Fear of change and the unknown: Any process of transformation or start a new phase or activity makes you close a previous part of our lives. This leads to having to face a new situation where we do not know for sure what will be the things that must be dealt with or whether we will be able to do it successfully.

known: Change involves an active effort constant for a while until assimilate new behaviors or situations. On the other hand, remain as at present, there effortless adiccional or provide extra energy, otherwise we would be using to act in some way.

conservation Instinct: Kingdom to the previous two, seeks to preserve the stability that we have at the moment, the situation is good or bad, instinctively seems less dangerous to try something new. Its aim is to prevent the suffering of exposing yourself to something that can hurt you physically or emotionally , even if the present situation is potentially worse than the new.

This can help us to change:

I can not make someone love me, only to become someone you can love.

The rest depends on the other.

We may take years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

What really counts in life are not things I have around, but people. I can not compare with the best that others do, but the best I can do myself. The most important thing is not what happens to me, but what I do about it.

There are things I can do in an instant and can cause lifelong pain.

is important to practice to become the person I want to be.

is much easier to react than to think ... and more satisfying to think that react.

I can go much further than I thought possible.

I am responsible for what I do, whatever we feel.

not control my attitudes If they control me.

Heroes are people who do that of which they are convinced, despite the consequences.

Money is a poor indicator of the value of something or someone.

Many times I have the right to be angry, but not the right to be cruel.

True love and true economists continue to grow despite the distances.

how strong it is my grief, the world does not stop my pain.

While my background and circumstances may have influenced who I am, I am responsible for what came to be.

Two people can watch the same thing and see something totally different.

Regardless of the circumstances, are honest with me, I get far in life.

Many things can be generated by the mind, the trick is self-control. Both

written as speak, relieve emotional pain.

The paradigm in which I live is not the only option I have.

The word love can have different meanings, it loses its value when used lightly.

Our whole life is learning and permanent changes.


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