Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hole After Mole Removed

anticipatory anxiety

anticipatory anxiety is that anxiety you feel before facing feared situations is like being afraid fear. Anticipatory anxiety in the individual begins to feel fear, before having to face a situation, and when confronted she might have a bad outcome as a result of his nervousness, which causes an increase in anxiety early as again have to face a similar situation, this is becoming a vicious circle each day PTO situations that the individual prefers to avoid for fear of failure or feelings that can not overcome.

The fear and anxiety are caused not only by the actual stimuli but also by ideas or images that we anticipate meeting with desired. Say what the source of fear and phobias is known, however the source of fear is unknown anxiety, what unites them is that they are directed to the future. The reactions are conditioned by assumptions as to lift up and be afraid to be trapped, to feel fear of talking to a stranger.

These thoughts and associated images that make anticipatory anxiety somatic sensations and activate negative, more or less intense, the fear now becoming potential. Therefore, end up being confirmatory findings on the consequences are feared and high emotional power, triggering avoidance behavior of confrontation with the feared object and therefore symptomatic relief. That which is to be avoided in these cases will be afraid may actually be triggered as a result of this anticipatory activity.

This preparatory state of fear, anxiety itself, disrupts the behavior so that being in the real situation occur the consequences sought to avoid. A person with social anxiety , for example, may advance to blush when talking to a girl he likes, he thinks he will not know what to say or stutter. This advance active negative responses anxiety, which will become progressively more intense as you approach the situation. Anxiety disturb motor coordination, or clouded thinking tremors occur so that the result feared, anticipated, such as blushing, stammering or stuttering, and so the saying that we did not want to happen.

The main risk of anxiety disorders lies in the chronic in many cases suggests that all situations are potentially dangerous or harmful. Therefore, and although the feelings or motions are adaptive, and prepare for action, it is important to distinguish between the threat that lurks in the framework of which is also important to recognize when it comes to specific issues and real plane or invented or exaggerated, and have the means to cope.

This is the fundamental difference between normal and pathological anxiety.

Normal Anxiety episodes were seen in rare, its intensity is usually mild or medium, with limited duration. Basically responds to a stimulus or stressful situation clearly detectable. Does not interfere with people's everyday life.

pathological anxiety is manifested repeatedly, its intensity is high and long life. It consists of a disproportionate reaction to a stimulus or stressor, and significantly interferes with a sufferer's life, increasingly incapacitating, therefore, requires specific treatment.

Using psychology to sauce our spiritual needs is to ask the psychology that takes over as what science knows and does not handle. Jorge Bucay


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