Friday, April 29, 2011

Old Underwear Clipart

infidelity is seen as one of the worst betrayals facing the couple and it is generally believed that the infidel is the culprit, however, infidelity is just the result of crisis couple and this is not just sexual because the unfaithful spouse will seek aspects that your partner gives you and these can be intellectual, sexual, physical and emotional .

male infidelity is socially accepted, but the woman is always punished and in some cases will result in separation. It's a cultural issue. The man feels humiliated when they are deceived. They usually go through several stages to pass thought he was misled by being less of a man, they doubt their intelligence or their value as people, you also get the macho in when they think "they are all equal" which can lead to create a bad concept of women and keep resentments that prevent healthy relationships.

One of the first emotions that invade the man who faces a infidelity is anger. Then comes a depression and low self-esteem Which if not resolved can bring negative consequences . The deception causes man feel betrayed and deceived, so think end the relationship.

Another aspect hurts to know that the couple has established a bond with someone else. This is devastating for them by the patriarchal culture and macho , perceived as a mockery , is a blow to their self-esteem socially and questions his manhood, pity him or think is stupid because he cheated. In extreme cases, can react with violence when anger becomes aggression. These negative emotions be working internally or with professional if necessary, to heal the wound and start an open and available.

dialogue is very important to the couple, a couple is two, is not healthy reproach, blame, everyone should review their actions and take responsibility, nothing justifies a lie or a deception. We all deserve to be treated with respect, both men and women.
is important forgiveness, this is the first step in what will come, it is very hard to move on with resentment for what they decide to go ahead with a partner or separated should be on good terms.

Infidelity is not a gender issue. It's no different than deceive be fooled, the unfairness always hurts.

This break in couples product infidelity is a very common reason for consultation. Even an issue on the rise, due inter alia to the growing eroticism manifested through the media and advertising. It also influences the greater incorporation of women into the work, which opens the request to them to know more people, and they have more temptations in their environment work to be infidels.

The vast majority infidelity can be overcome, it is essential that prior to the act of infidelity and marriage the couple have maintained a stable and deep, capable of facing a problem of this magnitude. If there is a link based on commitment and a deep love infidelity can be overcome, more than ninety percent of cases, with or without support from couples therapy. Having a stable and assume mutual recognition of their responsibilities before the break is essential to start a couples therapy, aimed at overcoming infidelity.

After discovering out of this crisis were not known at all, they discovered in themselves and in a couple new things, like an erotic fantasy that never before had commented. It is common after a the couple therapy deepens the relationship and become more accomplices. Major crisis hurt much, but are instances and opportunities to do better than how it was before.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Paper Power Val De Meuse

These emotional vampires emotional vampires, emotional predator , toxic person, they are using and abusing the mentally friends, relatives, strangers, controlling situations and people for their purposes, these subjects toxic gain strength to keep doing it over and over again.

The assailant psychic people usually look at the weak and vulnerable mentally, and chooses as victims. The first thing is suggestible the subject with negative impressions that undermine their security. But for this external force is effective, we must give permission for their negativity into your mind.

But what we sometimes vampires authorization to act? Just when we react to uncertainty for malicious comments made us, because we sowing confusion and, in seconds, we started to feel sick because of these comments. Therefore, it is best to ignore the seemingly innocuous comments made by these individuals, who through a smooth and soft language, but loaded with destructive intent to destroy our esteem.

In sum, there is a crack in emotional, psychological the aggressor attack because we ourselves we will have paved the way to absorb our energy. This begins a process of destruction it contributes energy thief and the victim, initiating a process of self-destruction to let the comments affect her emotional vampire. We may also be vampires ourselves when a robber of life force is close.

The emotional vampire, is a thief of energy usually suffer unhealthy behavior, and are characterized by melancholy and tendency to depression . His lack of energy is compensated by feeding on the vitality of others. Because they are unable to generate adequate positive attitude to feel good about themselves, unconsciously, to compensate for this deficiency, seeking victims feed them. Thus, they manage to stock up stealing the soul energy of those around them.

toxic types of people, who want to manipulate with lies , attacking for fun, humiliate others, devalue to feel good about himself, fanatic, the presumed The competitor the control freak, accusing the critic, the arrogant the envious, the depressed and melancholy, the narcissistic , the violent, the scam artist are all types of toxic people .

When it neutralizes toxic kindly. His eagerness to hurt nasty comments or acts is sterile if he perceives no effect. Focus on the positive things you have in your life when you're around someone toxic. Is an effective scheme to overcome the bad times.

People toxic are they controlled by taking away their power slipping away from them or not allowing access to our privacy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Learn Quotes For Exam

Infidelity Depression Dysthymia

Traumatic cause depression.

Depression affects both men and women, being depressed is not the responsibility of individuals, much less sign of weakness , there are personalities prone to depression than others, but there are situations traumatic as natural disasters, car accidents, assault, a violation, among other things that can cause depression . The loneliness by separation, by uprooting is a contributing factor to depression. Another trigger is the perocupaciones economic justice problems, such as judgments, bankruptcy, retirement and other pressures from work or home environment.

The tremendous pain by the death of a loved one such as spouse, a son, father, mother, etc can cause depression considering the magnitude of the strong feelings and mood of one who feels the absence of the deceased. The tragedies in the family environment are the main causes of depression .

The researchers acknowledge genetic or hereditary factors. People with genetic susceptibility may be more prone to depression when something traumatic happens to them in life. As a breakup can cause depression. Children who are on protected in the future are more likely to suffer from depression quickly.

Depression can arise from many causes, though most people suffer from reactive depression , that is a consequence of events more or less stressful or traumatic situations , as an assault, a catastrophe of nature, floods, earthquakes, gender violence, infidelity, etc.

A very interesting research field is biochemistry depression. It is believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Although there is an increased risk of clinical depression when a family history of disease.

When you alter the functioning of certain neurotransmitters , depression occurs . There may be more prone to these changes as people age. The older people are more likely to sink into a deep state of depression .

is very important to treat depression as soon as possible, because in addition to causing sadness, confusion, insecurity , this can affect the quality of life because depression causes decreased energy, poor sleep, loss or increased appetite and sexual disinterest, affects our thinking and the ability to enjoy life, depression can affect many functions of our body. Depression is not merely a state of mind but that depressed people produce hormonal and immunological changes which can be extremely harmful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Build Outdoor Swing Sets Blueprints

What is a phobia?
Phobia: is excessive or unreasonable fear. This fear is triggered by the presence or anticipation of certain objects or situations such as animals, heights, enclosed spaces, darkness, flying, seeing blood, medical interventions and other events.

The result of exposure to stimuli that causes fear, is none other than an anxiety response, which in some cases can be a panic attack. To better understand this sequence will clarify certain concepts that can lead to misunderstanding, as are the terms of anxiety, fear, anxiety and stress.

Anxiety: is a negative emotional response that may be atypical and that relates to the terms of fear, anxiety or stress . Anxiety refers to the anticipation of a future danger may be indefinable and unpredictable.

Fear: is an emotion caused by a present and imminent danger and that is linked to the stimulus that generates it.

The term used to describe the feeling that occurs in response anxiety is what we call distress.

The concept of stress: in an adaptive process of unpleasant nature, which in its operation generates emotions .

phobic situations are avoided or else is endured with intense anxiety or distress. This clearly somehow interferes in the normal routine of a person in their work, academic or social.

The how anxiety manifests itself varies with the individual and the type of phobia . For example, in children, anxiety can manifest itself through crying, tantrums, immobility or clinging to another person (such as in separation anxiety). In adults, for example phobia of blood, nausea and fainting often occur, not always the fear.

Classification of phobias.
Although the number of stimuli or situations that may provoke a phobic fear is high, you can set a classification taking into account certain characteristics that allow the grouping of some of them.

to external stimuli Phobias: Phobias


agoraphobic syndrome.

social phobias.

Other specific phobias. Phobias
to internal stimuli:


obsessive phobias.

Given the enormous difficulty exists in distinguishing between nosofobias (fear of illness) and depression or hypochondria and between phobias and obsessional neurosis obsessive, we focus on the first group of the established classification. Thus, if we believe in the same group phobia of animals and specific phobias, we find three different sets: agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobias.

Agoraphobia: This concept refers not only to fear of open spaces, but also others who interact with them, such as fear of crowds and situations where there is some difficulty to escape immediately to a safe place (usually the home). In other words, agoraphobia refers to the fear of those situations where it is difficult to find a way out. Among the fears that may appear include fear of leaving home, entering shops and stores, crowds, public places and traveling alone in trains, buses or planes. Because of this fear, some people go to be locked inside his own home. In this type of phobia base there is a fear of helplessness in certain situations rather than fear, since many people reduce or even overcome the fear when accompanied by someone they trust.

social phobia fears This type includes one or more social or performance situations in public where a person is exposed to be tested, fearing to act in a humiliating way and look ridiculous. When the subject is facing such situations, there is an anxiety response immediately, which can lead to a crisis distress. The individual admits that fear is irrational and excessive, but tends to avoid such situations because of the intense discomfort that cause. In addition, avoidance behavior, anxious anticipation or distress in these circumstances interfere in a major way in the normal routine of the person (in their social relationships and work or academic).

Among the feared situations in social phobia can highlight the drinking, eating or speaking in public, writing in the presence of others, conduct interviews, ask for information to strangers, use public toilets and even ruborizarse.Últimamente is is differentiating between social phobia widespread and not general. The first concern of most social situations. By contrast, the second refers especially to the phobia of public speaking.

The fundamental distinction between agoraphobia and social phobia is that, as mentioned the fear that the agoraphobic person is reduced when accompanied by someone you trust.

Specific Phobias In such phobias given an excessive and irrational fear triggered by the presence or anticipation of specific objects or situations, such as animals, heights, darkness, blood, injections, heights, storms , etc. Exposure to the feared stimulus immediately provokes an anxiety response . If the feared object or situation is not present, the person is well, without any anxiety or mental disorder . These people have a good social adjustment and having a normal personality, although avoidance of the feared stimuli is just remarkable.

A special case is the phobia of blood, injections and injury, as after activation of the sympathetic system, there is an activation of the parasympathetic system (bradycardia, hypotension and dizziness), contrasting with the other phobias in which there is tachycardia and hypertension.

Consult your physician as primary care physician to tell what happens to us. He may refer you to a psychologist . On the other hand, if necessary may propose a combination treatment of psychological therapy and pharmacotherapy .

Another option is to go to a private consulting psychologist.

psychologist first thing done is an assessment of the problem. The assessment can be carried out with different instruments. You can use interviews, self-reports, questionnaires, scales and psychophysiological.

Regarding social phobia in vivo exposure to feared stimuli is the treatment of choice. The aim of the technique is that the patient comes in contact with actively avoiding situations, which is directly opposite to fears and remain in situations until the anxiety decreases. The exhibition dealing with anxiety, fear and avoidance behaviors that maintain the disorder.

The goal of these programs is to change thought patterns, and phobic patients are exposed to the phobic stimulus with lower anticipatory anxiety possible and appropriate interpretation of motor and physiological reactions.

Following treatment the patient will see how it improves gradually, and begin to feel better everyday. Each person will do at different rates, it is important to be patient.

not hesitate to ask for help.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What Lotion Is Best To Use For Solarium

this century is one of the most common disorders of our time. It uses the name of dysthymia to qualify a mood disturbance which has the following symptoms: state swings mood, with a tendency to irritable mood or depressed . Dysthymic person is angry, and tended to be sad or depressed . Difficulty

enjoy the good things in life. Dysthymic person is impaired to become fully happy.

Sleep disorders: sleep not usually be repaired. Dysthymic person wakes up several times, and feels tired in the morning. concentration problems. The person with this disorder usually perceived problems with memory and concentration, even for recreational activities; like watching a movie. somatization tendency; Strong headaches and dizziness are more common, with chronic fatigue states.

Dysthymia, also called dysthymia, depressive , is but an almost depressive derived from a continuous stressful situation. It occurs in people under constant stress, or people very overachieving, to which any stressful situation becomes.

can last for weeks, months or years. People have been kept almost all his life. Some authors speak of depressive personality in these cases. Many people with dysthymia come to believe that they are well, and do not identify dysthymia as a pathological condition but as a normal state of his nature.

Dysthymia is a common cause of personal distress, and family distress. People with dysthymia are often angry, aggressive , easy to enter into discussions, and a low tolerance for frustration. They are often described as bitter.

People with dysthymic disorder may be treated by psychotherapy , but also with the use of antidepressants . Dysthymia is due to a failure of regulatory mechanisms mood, due to improper use of one of the brain neurotransmitter, serotonin in the brain that is responsible for moderating mood swings.

serotonin deficiency is accompanied by a number of disorders, which include: anorexia, depression , phobias, obsessions , bulimia , dysthymia, panic , et al. Dysthymia is a less serious condition than the others, but its feature-perpetuating over time makes it very annoying. On the other hand, almost always ends in a phenomenon deriving more serious major depression or panic attacks , for example.

The use of antidepressant drugs specific conservation of serotonin, which are used as a priority in the last 10 years has served to correct a condition that, without being severe, causing a wide dysfunction the quality of life for many people. Such drugs, combined with psychotherapy designed to enhance positive thinking, allow people to correct their propensity dysthymic discouragement and fatigue so they can feel fully satisfied in terms of quality of life. The combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is most suitable for the treatment of dysthymia.

Criteria for the diagnosis of dysthymia Depressed mood or irritable most of the time. At least two of the following symptoms:

appetite disorders Sleep disorders

Chronic fatigue Low self-esteem

concentration disorders

useful Psychotherapies:

Cognitive therapies

Psychotherapies interpersonal.

systemic therapy.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can I Smoke Stomach Ulcer

Phobias Fear of change

Is it hard to change? actually make a change not so difficult in itself, is like deciding to get out of bed on a Sunday morning or any day of the week you have free and you wake up early. What it costs us not get out of bed, but resistance to take the first step needed to continue the process of getting up. If we have to run the sheets, incorporate the bed, put your feet out of it and get up, when we resist the most is the first. Once overcome inertia initial easier steps continue to rise.
With the changes it is the same, once the initial resistance tends to stay in the same state it has always been, the remaining steps follow one another with relative ease and fluency. The most difficult process of change has passed.

What causes resistance to change? This depends, of course, the exchange rate is and the importance they assume in our lives. You do not have the same emotional weight for us to change our dress, decide to go to live in another city and have other work or break a unsatisfactory relationship. Some changes may include other small changes within them.

Some of that resistance usually comes from:

Fear of change and the unknown: Any process of transformation or start a new phase or activity makes you close a previous part of our lives. This leads to having to face a new situation where we do not know for sure what will be the things that must be dealt with or whether we will be able to do it successfully.

known: Change involves an active effort constant for a while until assimilate new behaviors or situations. On the other hand, remain as at present, there effortless adiccional or provide extra energy, otherwise we would be using to act in some way.

conservation Instinct: Kingdom to the previous two, seeks to preserve the stability that we have at the moment, the situation is good or bad, instinctively seems less dangerous to try something new. Its aim is to prevent the suffering of exposing yourself to something that can hurt you physically or emotionally , even if the present situation is potentially worse than the new.

This can help us to change:

I can not make someone love me, only to become someone you can love.

The rest depends on the other.

We may take years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

What really counts in life are not things I have around, but people. I can not compare with the best that others do, but the best I can do myself. The most important thing is not what happens to me, but what I do about it.

There are things I can do in an instant and can cause lifelong pain.

is important to practice to become the person I want to be.

is much easier to react than to think ... and more satisfying to think that react.

I can go much further than I thought possible.

I am responsible for what I do, whatever we feel.

not control my attitudes If they control me.

Heroes are people who do that of which they are convinced, despite the consequences.

Money is a poor indicator of the value of something or someone.

Many times I have the right to be angry, but not the right to be cruel.

True love and true economists continue to grow despite the distances.

how strong it is my grief, the world does not stop my pain.

While my background and circumstances may have influenced who I am, I am responsible for what came to be.

Two people can watch the same thing and see something totally different.

Regardless of the circumstances, are honest with me, I get far in life.

Many things can be generated by the mind, the trick is self-control. Both

written as speak, relieve emotional pain.

The paradigm in which I live is not the only option I have.

The word love can have different meanings, it loses its value when used lightly.

Our whole life is learning and permanent changes.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Howto Translate Doujin

My soul told me

From: Khalil Gibran
My soul spoke to me and taught me to love what you hate and protect the people that denigrated. My soul showed me that love is not only proud of being who loves but also loved. Before I speak my soul, my heart's love was like a thin tight rope between two pins. But now the love has become a halo whose beginning is its end and whose end is its beginning. Surrounds all beings and spreads slowly to embrace all that exists.

My soul told me and made me feel the hidden beauty of the skin, the shape and hue. He taught me to think about what people call ugly until you see the true charm and delight. Before my soul advise me, for me the beauty was a shaky torch between columns of smoke. Now that the smoke vanished, but I do not see the flame.

My soul spoke to me was hearing voices that do not speak the tongue, larynx and lips. Before I spoke to my soul I heard was screaming and wailing. But now, anxiously, I can hear the silence and hear its choirs singing the songs of the times and the songs of the sky, announcing the secrets of the occult.

My soul spoke to me and taught me to drink the wine that comes from wineries can not pour a drink that can raise your hands or touch the lips. Before I speak my soul, my thirst was like a spark hidden under the ashes confusing that can shut down a sip of water.

My soul spoke to me and taught me to play what has not been embodied, she found that everything we touch is part of our desire. But now my fingers became in mist entering what you see in the universe and mixes with the invisible.

my soul taught me to smell the perfume that do not emit the myrtle and incense. Before my soul I wanted to suck me about the fragrance of the perfume in the garden, in containers or in censers. But now I can enjoy the incense that is burned as an offering for sacrifice. And fill my heart with a fragrance which no breeze drove through space.

My soul spoke to me and taught me to say "I'm ready" when the unknown and danger call me. Before I speak my soul I do not respond to any voice except that of the preacher I knew, and just walked down the comfortable path and easy. Now the unknown is that I can mount a steed to meet him, and the plain became his ladder and climbed stairs to the top.

My soul spoke to me and said, "do not measure the time saying: There was one yesterday and will tomorrow." Before my soul I spoke believed that the past was a time that never again and that the future could never be alcanzado.Ahora I realize that this has at all times and that he is everything you might expect, everything done and everything accomplished.

My soul told me exhorted not to limit the space saying, "Here, there, there." Before my soul I felt that I speak by any party who was walking away from any other space. Now I realize that wherever they are found everywhere and that the distance I walk covers all distances.

my soul taught me to be awake while others sleep and going to sleep when others move ¬ miento.Antes my soul that I could not tell me about his dreams to sleep and they warned me my fantasías.Ahora never sailed on the ship of my dreams unless they watch me, and they never go back to the sky fantasies unless I share them with their freedom.

My soul spoke to me and said, "Do not rejoice with praise and do not distress yourself with reproach. "Before my soul advise me I doubted the merit of my work. Now I realize that the trees bloom in spring and bear fruit in the summer without expecting praise, and drop their leaves in fall and are bare in winter without fear of reproach.

My soul spoke to me and made me realize that I am only the dwarf nor less than the gigante.Antes of my soul I spoke I saw humanity divided into two kinds of men: a weak, that I pity, and strong, which remained defiant and refused. But now I learned that I like both and I'm made of the same elements. My home is your home, my consciousness is your consciousness, I claim my pilgrimage of his claim and his pilgrimage.

My soul spoke to me and said the torch you carry is not yours and you sing the song was not composed in the depths of your heart, because even if you hold the light does not light, and even if you are a lute with stretched strings are not the performer.

My soul told me, sister, and taught me many things. And your soul also has spoken and taught you. Because you and I are one and there is no difference between us, unless I have declared what is in my inner being, while you save it as a secret of your privacy. But in your book is a kind of virtue.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hole After Mole Removed

anticipatory anxiety

anticipatory anxiety is that anxiety you feel before facing feared situations is like being afraid fear. Anticipatory anxiety in the individual begins to feel fear, before having to face a situation, and when confronted she might have a bad outcome as a result of his nervousness, which causes an increase in anxiety early as again have to face a similar situation, this is becoming a vicious circle each day PTO situations that the individual prefers to avoid for fear of failure or feelings that can not overcome.

The fear and anxiety are caused not only by the actual stimuli but also by ideas or images that we anticipate meeting with desired. Say what the source of fear and phobias is known, however the source of fear is unknown anxiety, what unites them is that they are directed to the future. The reactions are conditioned by assumptions as to lift up and be afraid to be trapped, to feel fear of talking to a stranger.

These thoughts and associated images that make anticipatory anxiety somatic sensations and activate negative, more or less intense, the fear now becoming potential. Therefore, end up being confirmatory findings on the consequences are feared and high emotional power, triggering avoidance behavior of confrontation with the feared object and therefore symptomatic relief. That which is to be avoided in these cases will be afraid may actually be triggered as a result of this anticipatory activity.

This preparatory state of fear, anxiety itself, disrupts the behavior so that being in the real situation occur the consequences sought to avoid. A person with social anxiety , for example, may advance to blush when talking to a girl he likes, he thinks he will not know what to say or stutter. This advance active negative responses anxiety, which will become progressively more intense as you approach the situation. Anxiety disturb motor coordination, or clouded thinking tremors occur so that the result feared, anticipated, such as blushing, stammering or stuttering, and so the saying that we did not want to happen.

The main risk of anxiety disorders lies in the chronic in many cases suggests that all situations are potentially dangerous or harmful. Therefore, and although the feelings or motions are adaptive, and prepare for action, it is important to distinguish between the threat that lurks in the framework of which is also important to recognize when it comes to specific issues and real plane or invented or exaggerated, and have the means to cope.

This is the fundamental difference between normal and pathological anxiety.

Normal Anxiety episodes were seen in rare, its intensity is usually mild or medium, with limited duration. Basically responds to a stimulus or stressful situation clearly detectable. Does not interfere with people's everyday life.

pathological anxiety is manifested repeatedly, its intensity is high and long life. It consists of a disproportionate reaction to a stimulus or stressor, and significantly interferes with a sufferer's life, increasingly incapacitating, therefore, requires specific treatment.

Using psychology to sauce our spiritual needs is to ask the psychology that takes over as what science knows and does not handle. Jorge Bucay

Monday, April 11, 2011

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Reduce stress and feelings

Hypnotherapy is mainly a psychological state special certain psychological attributes that make similar to physiological sleep but only superficially, and characterized by the operation individual's level of cooperation called for convenience in the conceptualization of "realize" unconscious or subconscious. When the subject is hypnotized , or hypnotic trance, you think, act and behave as well, and often better, as you can do in the state psychological common awake This is possible because of the intensity of his attention to the task and be free of distractions.

is not, as commonly believed, disempowered or under the will of hypnotist. The relationship between the hypnotist and the subject is rather interpersonal cooperation, based on reasonable mutually acceptable. The subject can not be forced to do things against their will, but can be helped to achieve the goals you want.

Hypnosis and trance are normal experiences that can develop naturally during periods of introspection . No need for mysterious manipulations of the subject.

The therapist does not control the subject in hypnosis, but rather provides them with incentives and opportunities for domestic absorption, which sometimes leads to recognizably different states of consciousness. The art of the hypnotherapist is to help the patient achieve an understanding that will help set aside some of the limitations of their shared vision of the world every day, so you can reach a state of receptivity to new and creative that is inside.

Aromatherapy is an ancient oriental technique, the effect is to relax. Is to use herbal oils and other aromatic plants that applied in the body, achieve relaxation or relief of pain or disorder. The oils are extracted from leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, fruits, bark and resin of various plants and diluted in water or unscented oil such as jojoba. These solutions can be applied to the skin with a relaxing massage, inhaled as vapor or smoke generated by aromatic candles, added in the form of bubbles or oil in water bath or used in compresses that are applied in certain parts of the body. Aromatherapy is one of many treatments and slimming massages lately offered in spa services.

Many of the aromatic essences are used for different things: tension problems, emotional , headaches, premenstrual tension, muscle pain, skin disorders, fatigue, insomnia and stress among others. This technique, its effectiveness relies on two basic mechanisms: the sense of smell and the absorptive capacity of the skin. Therapists say that inhaling certain fragrances makes brain to release chemicals that fight stress and fatigue. They also believe that some medicinal oils have an effect after being absorbed through the skin.

Scientifically and generally traditional doctors dismiss any therapeutic benefit than the placebo effect and relaxation. addition to massage, the aromatherapist can recommend a hot dip bath with a few drops of one or two aromatic oils, causing drowsiness or produces an invigorating toning.

Among the most frequently aromatic oils used are:
juniper, fragrance, pungent, spicy, is used in sprays, baths, compresses and massages for its calming effects, is also used for muscle aches. Eucalyptus
, strong aroma and invigorating, like camphor. Is used to treat nasal congestion and breathing, in sprays, compresses, baths and massages, pain relief and prevents muscle fatigue is applied to the skin as a repellent against insects. Geranium
, fragrance, pungent, spicy. It is used in sprays, baths, massage is considered an essential oil to treat stress, acne. Jasmine
, faint floral aroma. Used in facial massage and baths, for their relaxing properties. Manzanilla
, mild aroma, sweet. Because of its sedative used in sprays, baths, compresses, facial masks and massage.

A proper control of our breathing is one of the simplest strategies to cope with stressful situations and manage the increases in physiological activation caused by them. Correct breathing habits are very important because they provide the body enough oxygen to our brain. The current pace of life encourages incomplete breath that does not use the full capacity of the lungs. The aim of breathing techniques to facilitate the voluntary control of respiration and automate so it can be maintained in situations of stress .

seems incredible that it can cure everything, make, improve and prevent a simple, loving hug. It is proven that physical contact, far beyond the sexual content, has healing powers and broadens our emotional wellbeing. When we touched and hugged with and joyful spirit of solidarity, we enliven our senses and we reaffirm our confidence in our own feelings. It is also a way to express our feelings beyond words. It is the universal language of hugging. Not only do we use language we must also use the intuitive wisdom without words and listen to the heart. Thus we perceive the deeper meaning of the mystery we call love. Hugs, besides making us feel good, are used to relieve pain , depression and anxiety . disrupting physiological positive who plays and who is touched. Increases the will to live to the sick. It is well known that four hugs a day are necessary for survival, eight for twelve to stay and grow as people.

Bear Hug: is typical of parents and children, where the largest body wrapped in the smallest.
Hug and cheeks Contact: You place your arms on the shoulders of another, while giving you a kiss on each cheek. Implies comfort, kindness and consideration. Embrace
East: Both arms intertwined with each other's bodies. Sought spiritual contact with all the other's body. Is accompanied by an inspiration and is the longest. They contact the spirits of the people through the physical body.
Embrace three: For parents with children or several friends. Implies comfort, happiness. Embraced the person feels completely safe.
Embrace Cost: an arm is passed through the shoulder or waist of another. Ideal for walking together, enjoying the scenery.
heart Hug: Long, intense, warm, springs straight from the heart. Arises at any time to say hello, remember special dates, express joy. Offers unconditional love and tenderness.

What we feel when we hug? Safety:
No matter what our age or our position in life, we all need to feel safe. If we fail to act inefficiently and our personal relationships decline.
Protection: The feel protected is important for everyone, but it is more for children and the elderly who depend on the love of those around them.
Trust: The get the feeling of security and protection we receive. The confidence we can advance when fear is imposed on our desire to participate in a challenge with enthusiasm of life.
Strength: might think that the strength is an energy developed through the choice of an individual but we can convey our inner strength making a gift for others to confirm and increase the power of others. When we transfer our energy with a hug, increase our own strength.
Healing: Our strength becomes powerful when the transmit healing energy through the embrace. Physical contact and the embrace given a vital energy can heal or relieve minor ailments. Self-Assessment
: Recognition that we are worth is the basis of all every success and satisfaction in our lives. By embracing the message we recognized the value and excellence of each individual.

are many techniques that exist to enable the individual to cope with stress ie live with it without choking us or hurt us and every day we see a greater variety of services offered to learn to control it. We can also see that affects us in very different ways each and every one of us, so probably there is such a variety of techniques. So the important thing is to learn to look within our own to recognize symptoms of stress and handle it before we drive it to us. Stress is a disease of our time also can be cured and it is possible to prevent or minimize their effects is essential that we be aware of how to lead a healthy lifestyle and balance our responsibilities to our right to a quality life for ourselves and our families.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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When we asked about the characteristics of human beings is usually their response rationality, their thoughts , the logic . It is still true, but people do not rely on this, we emotional rather than rational . We know what would be the best course of action but not do so because the emotions are stronger than logic.

Without progress in all respects would not have been possible. The great inventors, thinkers, philosophers, entrepreneurs, musicians, etc., had something in common. All were passionate about what they did, they felt emotionally stimulated their activities, and this further encouraged them to continue with it.

All we seek the feeling of happiness , and there are many kinds of happiness as people, what makes a happy, can another hates it. It is subjective to each individual, but may be measured or compared with others. Feelings are not quantifiable, we can not put a note, we can not measure or touch. Probably not express rationally at all, although what makes you happy or sad.

women better understand this aspect. Our world is emotions and move through different states of mind in a completely natural. We are connected with feelings much more strongly than a man. This makes us look more like small details, be sociable and talk about what we like, either at the time it is, eye men also do, of course. These are things that stimulate the emotional part of the mind, gives a small dose emotional to enjoy.

This is something that we have difficulty recognizing, traditionally has imposed the image of man as a being cold and impassive, he must refuse his feelings or at least not in public display. "Men do not cry", is a tradition so ingrained in society that has been the guide of male behavior, and with the ego, make feelings are repressed seeking to avoid feeling vulnerable, it seems that are required as the canon, be insensitive to feelings.

Part of this way of thinking about men is true, the thinking is much more rational than emotional. Speaking generally not looking for a talk for the sake of talking, but often have a desire to transmit information in particular. They have the same social spirit of women. It loses much of emotions, especially those that make the man look what is human.

With vulnerable parts that may hurt, they say something is often very difficult for a man because of the lack of habit to say as they are emotionally. Therefore tend to think more before to do so. Man tries to perform a mental analysis of emotions, leading to the great difference in perception , rationality and emotions. Many misunderstandings, misinterpretations, trying to express something emotional to rational, or something rational with emotion. In both cases, is not got to get the other person the message that they wanted, because they have not used the correct means of transmission to another person.

Only when we recognize, accept, understand and know adequately express our feelings, we can increase our own welfare, understand and relate better with others.

is feeling joy. Euphoria is emotion.

The joy is spontaneous, and most of the time it depends on a motive or cause, it just happens and overflows. It is quiet and contagious. The euphoria run over, is inadequate, uncomfortable and undiplomatic. Normally, after the euphoria arising boxes frustration, depression and apathy.

Sadness is a feeling. Depression is emotion.

Sadness is inevitable in some situations in life, but can be experienced together to peace because he comes to understand that everything is fleeting and transient, and also learning.

Fear is feeling. Panic is emotion.

Fears are many and also serve as self-protection, self-preservation and alert. But the constant fear for no apparent reason or real, which freezes, reveals a lack of clarity and confianza.Coraje (heart + action) is to do with fear.

Rabies is feeling. Hate is emotion.

human is to express the feelings of rage, even as a stance, a discernment. But this sentiment must be fast, transient, time to learn how to transform attitudes filmmakers in opportunities for the exercise of patience, tolerance and understanding. Never let anger turn into resentment, bitterness or hatred, this is the path of self-destruction.

Love is feeling. Passion is emotion

Love encourages and free. Along with passion comes as a gift jealousy, pain, insecurity and posesivismo.

There are three types of feelings:

Pleasant Unpleasant


When we wish to avoid an unpleasant feeling. However, the ideal is to return to conscious breathing, which oxygenates and provide clarity, and only observe, identify silent.

Inspiring, I realize that there is an unpleasant feeling in me.

exhaling, I see clearly that there is an unpleasant feeling in me.

Anger, sadness or fear, when clearly named and identified, make the most sincere and profound way of dealing with them.

The true feeling is understanding, forgiveness. It's a feeling of peace.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Erich Fromm

In "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm, the author tries to demonstrate the difficulties of loving feeling. We talk about common mistakes where it is believed that love is to receive love and not give it, it is to find an object to love, when in reality it is, according to Fromm, an art that requires a learning process.

Is love an art?: general belief is that love is a pleasant feeling, but it is an art that requires esfuerzo.Se think the problem is being loved and not love, assessing issues with success, power, wealth, attractiveness, importance is given to object before the función.O So for Fromm, love as any art, requires a learning process.

theory of love:

Love in response to the problem of human existence, man seeks to overcome his soledad.En the child, the mother avoids the feeling of separateness. Fromm speaks of orgiastic states, such as those that occur in primitive cultures, through communal ritual orgies, which do not fault for being accepted by society.

orgiastic In cultures not, you try to escape the separateness by alcohol and drugs, but causes guilt. Sex without love is not good either exhaust separateness. Orgiastic unions are strong, transient and periodic. The individual disappears in favor of equality rebaño.La membership as a condition for the development of individuality, it is society to avoid friction. Fromm

talk that the polarity of the sexes is disappearing, and with it, erotic love, alleging that the union polaridad.Pero for compliance does not solve the anguish of separateness, and that is seen in alcoholism, drug addiction , suicide, compulsive sexuality. A third form of union would be creativity, where the individual creates its object and become one. But this does not apply to all individuals, but to the artists.

So orgiastic union is transient. The joint compliance is pseudo-unity. And the creative activity is not interpersonal.Ante this scenario, only love can make a merger with another person, being then the most powerful impulse in men.

Fromm talks about love mature (not symbiotic as the fetus and mother), where is the paradox of two beings become one and yet remain dos.La capacity for love is an act of giving without expecting anything in return, it also involves care, responsibility, respect and understanding, everything is interdependent.

Fromm criticizes Freud's theory that sexual desire awarded to the elimination of chemical stress in the body, without taking into account the psychobiological.

The love between parents and children at birth The stimulation only feels maternal love, the outside is real according to their needs. Growing

learn to perceive things, and between eight and ten years, and can love. Fromm believes that the child thinks of love as love because I suck, and mature love, love me because I love.

immature love says I love you because I need you. The basis of mental health is in the success of the relationship parents children.

love objects: distinguishes brotherly love, motherly love, erotic love, love yourself and love God as love objects.

Love: In contemporary society, love is a rare phenomenon due to the capitalist structure of sociedad.La practice of love is a personal experience, that requires discipline, patience, concern.

who knows nothing, loves nothing. Who can do nothing, understands nothing. Whoever understands nothing, anything goes. But he also includes ama.observa, go ... The greater the knowledge inherent in one thing, the greater the love ... Who believes that all fruits ripen at the same time as strawberries knows nothing about grapes. Paracelsus

Sunday, April 3, 2011

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The Art of Positive Thinking

We can not control the circumstances that we face. Sometimes we feel at the mercy of what happens to us, without doing too much for it to be different. What we can change our reactions, and this change not only our present but also our future.

Many of the things and events that seem unfavorable to the time we were important in our life for our growth, to get away from that job and get a better one, separate of that couple, or that friendship that harmed us. The process can be difficult and painful, but today, at the distance, we understand that were important points for our personal growth and to move forward in our lives. Our attitude is what defines whether we feel good or bad in the day. We can complain and sterile cling to beliefs such as: Pass me the same thing. I have bad luck.

No man (or woman) is reliable.

No pain no gain anything.

'm clumsy and everything goes wrong.

is impossible to enjoy the work. All of these limiting beliefs exert more influence on us than you could ever imagine. Generate continuing bad weather around us. Instead think of nice things and positive, that is what we attract into our lives. All the thoughts we've had so far have created our present.

Imagine the power that we have to change our future, now. Aim yourself that from now on, every time you think or say negative phrases or limiting, the change immediately in your mind: for example: I was wrong this time, but I'll try to get it right.

Some men or women cheat or lie, but there are others who are trustworthy and reliable.

If I cry, is not to be silly / a. I deserve to be valued and treated me well, in all circumstances.

Some jobs worth having because they provide our personal development.

If a friend or disappoint me, or her problem to him and his conscience I just accept the good treatment and trust.

not expect the things we want to come out of nowhere to us, we must pursue them until they do.

not feel that we lost because something was wrong once, you always have to try again, perseverance is the most important thing a person can be smart but if there is no evidence to do things, you'll never achieve.

Every day we try to learn something new, look on in color, the opaque not win a beauty that lies before our eyes.

remember that every time we learn something new to our world expands and advance in life and can enjoy greater satisfaction. We deserve to be happy and fulfill our dreams.

"They may lose sleep, but they can never take away the desire to keep dreaming." (Shoshan)