Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Victoria Secret Biggest Breasts


When we are babies, we do not handle the words because we have not had time to learn verbal language. That we use is non-verbal physical contact, proximity or distance, crying, laughter, gestures. Over time and years, we learn and use verbal language, which will eventually prevail in our communications. But words can not replace the non-verbal language, because it provides benefits that are not available to the words.

look at this gesture you are reporting better mood of our party to any oral speech. Or the voice of a depressed person impresses us more than it says. Or a romantic and loving kiss, or a knowing look or a smile or just a look seductive without speaking.

Touching and stroking is the best way of expressing affection, understanding, love, closeness, solidarity, compassion.

Among the different types of nonverbal communication, and despite its potential, tactile communication is one of the least is lavished.

Touch and be touched, and a pleasurable stimulus, is a necessity. We're building as people on human interaction, shaping our self-esteem and sociability. And the vehicle we use for this is communication, both verbal and nonverbal.

The eyes, facial expression, smile, gestures, volume, intonation and inflection of voice, speed and clarity, make a whole language that not only complements and enhances the verbal message but is a range of autonomous elements and proper meaning that lend credibility and reliability to our words, down our level of consistency and make the relationships we build with others.

Hands are one of the tools communicators par excellence. The need to get people back to touch, that more or less intimate affection for their expression using the language of touch, hugs, greetings, Pat, are noting increasingly human relations specialists, who have found that those who in childhood were not touching their parents are more likely to show difficulties to give or receive affection, to maintain a rigid posture and limited to express their emotions. Also show a tendency to avoid physical contact with others, to see it as something inappropriate or dirty.

people are seen as distant, cold. Apparently, these individuals also show greater difficulty of a routine to feel loved and accepted by the rest. This inability can lead to problems in managing their communication skills and management of aggression in all of us.

Taboo and the brakes.
Touching is subject to taboos, prejudices and rules that hinder the caress is a habit more in our everyday mode of expression. We have internalized that touching one another is part of erotic communication and any use other than sexual or extremely concerned could be misunderstood. The only exception allowed is pat children with whom we have relationship, or great affection and adults so we have a very close personal relationship or intimate. And there are many parents who care very much and where to touch their children, fearing that his touch may constitute abuse or something similar. It is undoubtedly a sensitive issue. In addition, children and adolescents are shown unfriendly or unresponsive to the caresses of his parents and relatives, believing that "That is a matter of little kids and they feel and older. And as adults barely touched. The fear of being misunderstood touch gesture leads to no use and thus, little by little, we are dismissing our code of conduct. On the other hand, social rules work marked both the proximity space people have to keep touching regarded as correct. Everything depends on the area and how they play and trust of family or people you touched. The worst thing is that they provide moral penalties for those who exceed these limits and the value judgments that is labeled with the offender may be, at least, insidious is an octopus, a smoothie who spends all day playing.

Thus, in regard to tactile contact, we move from the need to communicate not only from patterns imposed we assume like so many social conventions. We know we have to keep some ways but we have to assume that touch others is a gauge of our ability to love and show appreciation, closeness and understanding to those around us. It is necessary for our physical and emotional health. And it becomes imperative to establish our self-esteem because they not only want to know that we are wanted, we also need to feel it, because that means our skin stimulation on the ratification of the words, kisses, looks.

Touch and be touched is an art that is learned with practice, which in turn will allow us to distinguish the tender and loving touch of healing, comforting affection, which conveys that other security or open nature or sexually suggestive. Differentiate help manage our reservations and fears and to request or refuse the contacts, considering the time we meet. Facial stiffness, the absence of a smile, hostility, lack of openness and spontaneity may have to do with skin hunger.

is an emotional appetite that needs to be filled, a desire that we should try to always respecting the other meeting. Touching and being touched, a taboo subject

not let prejudice overcome us, if the respect and sense of proportion or accompanying the caress embrace, hardly the recipient will feel attacked or confusing. If so out, let us know, and expliquémosle our behavior.

If you do not understand our argument, desist. Simply, we were wrong. Nothing happens, the world keeps turning.

tactile stimulation may trigger endorphins, the hormones that control the body's natural pain and relate to the feeling of wellbeing.

us know that a gesture says more than words, hence the use of touch can contribute to more reliable, effective and pleasant our communication.

The best way to express affection, solidarity, closeness, affection, is playing the other, letting you know that your body feels the same way that we communicate with words or gestures.

not forget that touch and be touched is a physiological need, whatever our age and emotional.

Our self-esteem goes through the knowledge of our body and it needs to be known from the sense of touch.

self Approaching through the skin is given a corporeal entity with which to approach the other.

All caress however small, is a gift.


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