Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank You Wedding Program Sample



World known as "the heroes of Fukushima, engineers, technicians and firefighters are 300 men, all volunteers

chose to sacrifice his life to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths from massive radiation leak. Today
one week of the earthquake and tsunami every indication that they are succeeding. They worked tirelessly seven days under unimaginable pressure how will know that hundreds of thousands of lives are in his hands and also work against the clock? How to know and it will be subjected to extreme physical conditions, high temperatures, the risk of landslides, hampering costumes absence of true rest? What will accomplish this task with the certainty that radiation is killing them? What power enables them to withstand the pressure to follow and keep quiet, and overcome all, and not to faint? What makes it possible miracle that will not break, not to flee, not falling into panic attacks? What sustains them?

The Japanese have a beautiful answer, say the heroes are in the Yamato-Damashii

, ie the Japanese spirit. The concept refers to something much larger than patriotism,

alludes to the supremacy of the common good over individual selfishness.

is that spirit which says that there was no looting, no riots,

that the police had the task of controlling the population and could engage in relief work and search. It is that spirit that they do not pass through the mind to do business with the misfortune of others and therefore not found price increases of staple goods.

The tsunami of this intense 2011 is the land of the samurai, the land of honor,

the respect for ancestors and neighbor, is the country that could rise from its ashes after War, however, to truly honor the greatness of the heroes of Fukushima and the entire Japanese people, is another response we give when we ask what sustains them? Dar prevalence to the common good on individual selfishness is synonymous with greatness and greatness is the heritage of the human spirit of the Japanese and also the two hundred thousand volunteers who died in Chernobyll and firefighters who entered the Twin Towers. We honor the Japanese and take their example if we understand that selfishness is awakening everyone's job. Dwells in every human being a samurai hidden in everyone there is a Hercules is capable of overcoming unimaginable obstacles, a David who can stand against a nuclear power and vanquish his sling. Being able to deploy such heroic force for the common good is the essence of the human heart. This force is none other than soul force.

Most of us never give life in a dramatic setting like that today holds the world in suspense, and yet the example of the heroes of Fukushima hereof. Goliath have many faces, radiation in all its horror is not the most terrible. Take the lesson that Japan has to offer, see the great beauty that always shines behind the pain, not to remain in the shadows. What the Japanese people in general and the liquidators of the very central in particular we remember is that the worst face of Goliath is selfishness. Focusing only to the common good we can ascend to the soul, only if we ascend she descends and gives us her beauty, her power, her quiet. We can not continue to consider that the soul is something abstract, likely, little demonstrable ... We can not justify persisting with outdated reasoning that what is invisible and intangible is not subject of our discussion, or our search. Also, the radiation of uranium and plutonium from Fukushima is invisible and therefore not take for null effects. The radiation of the human soul, like the atom, is measured by its effects. The effects of naming the soul, they are powerful. Nombrémosla. Redefine our identity, we become what we think of us. If our thinking sees the greatness, the greatness we conceive and be enlightened by it.

Ps. Isabella Di Carlo, March 19, 2011


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