Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monica Roccaforteimage

There are many mental illnesses that manifest in physical or mood disorders. Within the mental or psychological illness is schizophrenia, depressive illness and personality disorders. Among the latter are obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, and some others.
mental or psychological illnesses or disorders are brain disorders that impair thinking and affected person feel like his mood and his ability to relate to others. Often decrease the ability to cope with normal stresses of everyday life. All mental illnesses are disorders caused by brain chemistry.

Some mental illnesses are

Stress People may experience stress to important events which can be dangerous or too difficult to overcome. Symptoms of psychological stress is anxiety and tension , uncontrollable worry, irritation , distraction, and difficulty in learning new things.

Neurosis conditions are showing a nervous system malfunction. In the neuroses no physical injury or personality disorder. The main neurosis are anxiety , an uncontrollable obsession to avoid dangerous situations and a lack of interaction with people. Some examples are neurosis panic, social phobia , obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress .

Hypochondria Hypochondria
is a neurotic disorder in which the person channeling the anxieties, worries and obsessive thoughts to be convinced that you have a specific physical illness such as cancer of the colon. Ie hypochondriacs are worried about suffering from a disease, but medical reports indicate otherwise.

hypochondriacs spend much time and money by visiting doctors and did several tests. The relationships between patients, doctors and nurses can in many cases be conflicting, to the extent that a real disease can not be diagnosed by people who are tired of addressing mental patients who have previously insisted on a disease that does not exist.

somatic disorders, disorder somatization disorder is rare, but it is time control. The patient has a long and complicated medical history and a series of dramatic but vague symptoms that require immediate professional attention. Complaints usually are based on gastro-intestinal pains, gynecological and other sensors. The personalities and lives of these people are dramatic and chaotic.

factitious disorder Individuals who suffer from this mental illness create the appearance physical illness to be the medical center and / or to obtain various types of drugs. People who suffer from this disorder usually become evasive and aggressive when questions are asked or challenged to clarify the inconsistency of their symptoms. Many run away from hospitals or clinics to go in search of other medical centers. Many individuals with this disorder tend to have behavior and personality similar to those who suffer from somatization .

Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a major personality disorder, a distortion of thought. Sufferers often have the feeling of being controlled by alien forces. They have delusions that can be extravagant, with impaired perception, abnormal affect unrelated to the situation and understood autism as insulation. The deterioration of mental function in these patients has reached a degree which markedly interferes with their ability to address some of the ordinary demands of life or maintain adequate contact with reality.

The psychotic does not live in this world, dissociation between reality and his world, as there is a denial of reality unconsciously. He is unaware of their disease. The

schizophrenic cognitive activity is not normal, there are inconsistencies, disconnections and there is a big impact on the language, it does not think normally reasonable. The onset of the disease may be acute, ie, you can start from one moment to another with a delusional crisis, a manic state a table with contents depressive psychotic dream or a confused state. You can also arise insidiously and progressively.

Paranoia or Schizophrenia?

Paranoia In general, this disease relates to high levels of suspicion and mistrust, usually seen in the beliefs or disappointment that she or he are victims of hatred, jealousy and resentment of others. The person suffering from paranoid schizophrenic have a presentiment that she or he will be persecuted by others, as the neighbor, the government, or an alien, or special people such as "God" (a sense of grandeur) . The person suffering from paranoid disorder staff looks normal, but it's suspicious, distrustful, hostile, controlling, and quick to develop resentment and jealousy. Some men who batter their wives or girlfriends suffer from this mental illness.


Depression is a very serious emotional problem in which the individual continues to feel sad and empty and feels constantly without help or hope. The depressed people usually suffer from anxiety and irritability, a lack of motivation, and loss of pleasure in things they enjoyed doing. They also have problems with appetite, sleep, and suffer from pain. Many depressed people have suicidal thoughts, and between ten and fifteen per cent end up killing themselves.

Manic depression many people are currently experiencing a manic episode as another intermediate or severe, along with episodes of depression. If moments of both types of emotional problems are mild, the condition is known as clotimia. If depressive episodes are severe, whether the mania is mild or severe, then the emotional condition called bipolar disorder , commonly known as manic-depressive . Persons aged 17 to 25 years of age tend to be victims of this type of emotional problem, and is usually chronic.

Many individuals who suffer from these disorders can recover in the middle of episodes, and there is an association with creativity and artistic ingenuity that the person can develop. However, the impact that the disorder causes a person's life is devastating. The level of marital problems, substance abuse, suicide and problems with the law is very high. Creativity

manic depressive

Delirium also known as the rapid onset of brain syndrome, delirium is a psychological condition associated with serious physical problems eg drug overdose or poisoning. Symptoms include confusion and disorientation, loss of consciousness , agitation, apathy and delusions, lack of perception of external stimulus, such as hearing the sound of wheels of a hospital bed and imagine it's a damn machine that comes to cutting it. Delirium should be taken very seriously and must be treated immediately because it may represent a serious physical problem.


Dementia refers to a decrease or general deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as loss of memory, attention and abstract thinking. The person suffering from dementia can easily be lost and may be unable to do simple things like re-entering the house after you have closed the door. Depression and paranoia are often associated with dementia, and some patients develop hallucinations. One of the best examples of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which typically begins at age 55.

Narcissism The person with this personality type have an uncontrollable urge to feel important, successful and admired throughout the world. They act as if they were unique and deserving of special favors. In general, the narcissist does not care about the feelings and / or resentment of others, and are jealous of the successes of others.


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