Saturday, March 19, 2011

Organizational Chart In Front Office Department

Gestalt Therapy Emotions

Truth or myth?
Multiple personality is something we all talk about us and felt. Is there, or is it an invention?

dissociative identity disorder: The existence of one or more distinct identities or personalities in the same individual, each with its own way of perceiving and interacting with the environment. also associated with memory loss not forgetfulness normal, but small amnesic periods. Although not to be confused with schizophrenia is also associated with dissociation.

Dissociation is a psychological mechanism of defense which identity, memory , ideas, feelings or perceptions are separated own conscious awareness and can not be recovered or experienced volunteer. All persons are dissociated at some point, example, when people realize after arriving home, they do not remember much of the way because they were worried thinking about personal conflicts, or attentive to resolve a workplace issue. But when given in high leads to a break, by which the person has no feelings of self and perceptions of the facts of daily life.

Dissociative Identity Disorder, is so called because the person feels connected between a personality and the other at different times of his life.
Dissociation is sometimes a necessary and common for many adults trying to forget a particular situation of his life, for a while. In this way, the person he can continue with an effective life, is embedded in their work and family obligations, being temporary situation and aware , and the result of an effort to move forward.

For psychiatrists and psychologists multiple personality is a very controversial term, few people seriously give this diagnosis. Most not considered a mental disorder, but merely a cultural base delirium and therapeutics. However

popular culture multiple personality is deeply rooted both in its use in film, as in the literature.
But in film and literature takes the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder to a virtually unlimited exaggeration. The number of different personalities and the dramatic differences between each one seems to have been increasing over time. Something that is not only popular culture but also in psychological clinics .

In multiple personality, the person forgets itself involuntarily transformed into another, repeating this process several times, of which there is usually one or two prevailing. What is interesting is that each of these personalities have their own form of be, feel, think and react , and sometimes even one disagrees with the other.

therapeutic treatment is needed to help the person to survive mental suffering of having to live in different directions, and to find peace of mind although it can not integrate the different personalities into one. The goal is, able to negotiate the differences and learn to live with them.


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