Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Mental Illness Multiple Personality

Gestalt therapy, rather than a theory of the psyche, is an effective therapeutic approach and a philosophy of life that raw consciousness, to realize their own responsibility for the ongoing processes and belief in the intrinsic wisdom of the body, the total person we are, to self regulate properly with a changing environment. Preceded by the spontaneity to control: the experience, avoiding the annoying and painful feeling, to rationalize, the overall understanding of the processes, the apparent dichotomy of opposites. Requires the therapist use of self as instrument, emotional, physical, intellectual, which conveys a certain attitude instead of playing only a useful technique against neurosis.

There are three assumptions that underlie the Gestalt therapy and its applications in the field of clinical psychology.

A) The realization: only when the individual is aware of what it does and how it does it will change their behavior.

B) homeostasis: the process by which the organism interacts with the environment to maintain balance.

C) Contact: it is essential for growth and human development.

Realize: The realization is the ability of every human being to perceive what is happening here and now, within himself and the world around him. Within this experience in the here and now, are three types of awareness, which are referred to as " realize Areas" or " Contact Zones."

The realization of the world or outer zone; is related to the sensory contact. It allows us to get in contact with objects and events in the world that surrounds us, everything is out and what happens beyond our skin. Formulas: "I see, touch, hear, smell, I perceive, here and now.

The realization of self or inner zone; includes all those sensations and feelings that occur within us. It allows us to get in contact us. Formulas: I feel, I feel, I feel, here and contact ahora.Para self should ask the following questions: What am I feeling? Where am I feeling? How am I feeling?

The realization of fantasy or intermediate zones includes all mental activity, thinking, imagining, remembering, planning, permits us to contact our fantasías.Fórmulas, "I think, imagine, remember, desire, I think, here and now "

Homeostasis; No organization is self-sufficient, but at all times is part of a field that includes both him and his ambiente.Este homeostatic balance is healthy, if the body remains in a state of balance with their environment for a long time sick, unable to meet their needs.

Contact: Each person has a living space within which, depending on the time, you may receive or be open to certain people, but nobody can invade your space. If this happens, we feel threatened in our integrity and individualidad.Cuando we rigidly hold too much emphasis on this vital area, we run the risk of reducing contact with others. This reduced contact leads man to the solitude, choose an option safer and less fear or pain. Most of reducing exposure times this is done out of fear or fear, and although the desire to contact with others is great, the fear we feel when someone is about to remove us from our limitations and open. When the opposite happens, that is, when our ego is in constant contact with the world, showing a compulsive extraversion, you lose that creative intimacy and concentration, dissolving ego boundaries, making it sometimes difficult to distinguish between the environment and the self .

Gestalt work: The Gestalt macro range of a meeting is to discover and enhance the realization, it is not designed to achieve a catharsis, but if the expression is honest does not interfere with it.The therapist focuses on why and how. What and how to come from the accurate observation, and what leads to speculation.


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