Thursday, March 31, 2011

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love poem for an autistic

To make a single synonym "The blue rose." With all my heart for my son and all beings who suffer from this syndrome.

I developed a strange pink ... "The Blue Rose." Rosa

fragrant greenish-blue and light blue, pink is the most broken, polemics and displeased. His apparent lack of radiance and absence, are signs of great attention from those who know their existence ... Those who see it want to know their origin, but its origin is uncertain, and there is a substantial difference between the essence of the common and the fragrant rose Blue Rose. Rosas

ordinary there are many, colors and fragrances usual, leave no to be beautiful but nothing compares to the stunning beauty of "Blue Rose" during the course of life have been classified as special. Your fragrance can be described as a mixture of fear, anger, shame and sweetness, her explosive behaviors could be compared as the calm sea and the infinite as heaven, when agitated are uncontrollable, hundreds of spines might seem an obstacle to achieve , but they are only signs of someone who simply wants to protect, and these have been used as offensive epithets.

say crying without knowing why we cry and cry thinking to know why she cries ... Look and see and we think that it looks lost laugh and laugh without knowing why we laugh and laugh to see his great joy, turns and moves susRamas rigid and we ignore its gala wasteland.

Son, you are the Blue Rose!

're the silent rose Rosa

strips because of its difficulty to express your anguish, confusion and concerns ... let your petals scattered

Rosa who knows nothing, refuses nothing, nothing despises, hates nothing ,

Rosa that when it snows dissolve in sadness and crying for the wrap spring

Rosa that was easy watering with only a heart that is delivered to it.

So delicate are
that only a gentle breeze can cause you fear.

So sweet that the bees you want to extract your pollen, I cultivated

hoping, that as all had a beautiful pink glow, beautiful blossoms, you were a few thorns.

With the illusion that you reproduce and your fruit to make a beautiful bouquet of roses and buds.

came into my distant and close to your innocence to live between light and darkness, You're not to blame for my fear, my lack of courage, my enthusiasm faded.

I have commissioned a task that is taking care of the most beautiful rose garden and I impoverished did not understand your world because I felt suffocated, overwhelmed, unhappy, unfortunate, did not understand how great it is to care for a rose, you

defoliation to see your soul and not seen.

Now I've learned to know!

... you taught me to be a real gardener!

Spread your oil to ease my beating heart by dying penalties.

With my tears shed pearls will make a garden for you,

With the dust of my pain promissory your roots,

the sweat of my effort will water every day,

With my hands, cover your ears for the soft hiss of the breeze does not disturb you

cover you with my body so that the snow does not dissolve your joy,

And with all my love paste each petal fall as a result my weakness.

Perhaps in this way we will have setbacks! But


butterfly will be like losing the wings pollen, but find more pollen in the flora.

Because you are creating a single world! Owner

same sky

Ave of the same nest

any star light Water

same well.

By your ways, high and low!

For your mazes

For the deep echo of your silence

On the face of your love on

Because you joy in the same sentence

Because I've become a dreamer of peaks in the middle of a plain,

Because you have become a thought in my mind, leaving footprints and a yearning captive in eternal hope.

I love you and will fight all my life.

loves you very much ... your father.

Author: Filming Palma

April 2: World Day for Autism Awareness

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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When we are babies, we do not handle the words because we have not had time to learn verbal language. That we use is non-verbal physical contact, proximity or distance, crying, laughter, gestures. Over time and years, we learn and use verbal language, which will eventually prevail in our communications. But words can not replace the non-verbal language, because it provides benefits that are not available to the words.

look at this gesture you are reporting better mood of our party to any oral speech. Or the voice of a depressed person impresses us more than it says. Or a romantic and loving kiss, or a knowing look or a smile or just a look seductive without speaking.

Touching and stroking is the best way of expressing affection, understanding, love, closeness, solidarity, compassion.

Among the different types of nonverbal communication, and despite its potential, tactile communication is one of the least is lavished.

Touch and be touched, and a pleasurable stimulus, is a necessity. We're building as people on human interaction, shaping our self-esteem and sociability. And the vehicle we use for this is communication, both verbal and nonverbal.

The eyes, facial expression, smile, gestures, volume, intonation and inflection of voice, speed and clarity, make a whole language that not only complements and enhances the verbal message but is a range of autonomous elements and proper meaning that lend credibility and reliability to our words, down our level of consistency and make the relationships we build with others.

Hands are one of the tools communicators par excellence. The need to get people back to touch, that more or less intimate affection for their expression using the language of touch, hugs, greetings, Pat, are noting increasingly human relations specialists, who have found that those who in childhood were not touching their parents are more likely to show difficulties to give or receive affection, to maintain a rigid posture and limited to express their emotions. Also show a tendency to avoid physical contact with others, to see it as something inappropriate or dirty.

people are seen as distant, cold. Apparently, these individuals also show greater difficulty of a routine to feel loved and accepted by the rest. This inability can lead to problems in managing their communication skills and management of aggression in all of us.

Taboo and the brakes.
Touching is subject to taboos, prejudices and rules that hinder the caress is a habit more in our everyday mode of expression. We have internalized that touching one another is part of erotic communication and any use other than sexual or extremely concerned could be misunderstood. The only exception allowed is pat children with whom we have relationship, or great affection and adults so we have a very close personal relationship or intimate. And there are many parents who care very much and where to touch their children, fearing that his touch may constitute abuse or something similar. It is undoubtedly a sensitive issue. In addition, children and adolescents are shown unfriendly or unresponsive to the caresses of his parents and relatives, believing that "That is a matter of little kids and they feel and older. And as adults barely touched. The fear of being misunderstood touch gesture leads to no use and thus, little by little, we are dismissing our code of conduct. On the other hand, social rules work marked both the proximity space people have to keep touching regarded as correct. Everything depends on the area and how they play and trust of family or people you touched. The worst thing is that they provide moral penalties for those who exceed these limits and the value judgments that is labeled with the offender may be, at least, insidious is an octopus, a smoothie who spends all day playing.

Thus, in regard to tactile contact, we move from the need to communicate not only from patterns imposed we assume like so many social conventions. We know we have to keep some ways but we have to assume that touch others is a gauge of our ability to love and show appreciation, closeness and understanding to those around us. It is necessary for our physical and emotional health. And it becomes imperative to establish our self-esteem because they not only want to know that we are wanted, we also need to feel it, because that means our skin stimulation on the ratification of the words, kisses, looks.

Touch and be touched is an art that is learned with practice, which in turn will allow us to distinguish the tender and loving touch of healing, comforting affection, which conveys that other security or open nature or sexually suggestive. Differentiate help manage our reservations and fears and to request or refuse the contacts, considering the time we meet. Facial stiffness, the absence of a smile, hostility, lack of openness and spontaneity may have to do with skin hunger.

is an emotional appetite that needs to be filled, a desire that we should try to always respecting the other meeting. Touching and being touched, a taboo subject

not let prejudice overcome us, if the respect and sense of proportion or accompanying the caress embrace, hardly the recipient will feel attacked or confusing. If so out, let us know, and expliquémosle our behavior.

If you do not understand our argument, desist. Simply, we were wrong. Nothing happens, the world keeps turning.

tactile stimulation may trigger endorphins, the hormones that control the body's natural pain and relate to the feeling of wellbeing.

us know that a gesture says more than words, hence the use of touch can contribute to more reliable, effective and pleasant our communication.

The best way to express affection, solidarity, closeness, affection, is playing the other, letting you know that your body feels the same way that we communicate with words or gestures.

not forget that touch and be touched is a physiological need, whatever our age and emotional.

Our self-esteem goes through the knowledge of our body and it needs to be known from the sense of touch.

self Approaching through the skin is given a corporeal entity with which to approach the other.

All caress however small, is a gift.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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Patarroyo is the formula that will create vaccines against all infectious diseases

The discoverer of the first synthetic vaccine against malaria, which he donated to the WHO, announced their discovery in the journal 'Chemical Reviews'
Health tumor.
What is a synthetic vaccine?
A vaccine that does not use or living organisms or dimmed to produce immunity. This is the molecule used by the infectious agent to bind to host cells and produce the enferemedad. So although it is called VACCINE generate leads as defenses to an infectious process. does not produce side effects that produce the vaccines so far have been used, calls biological vaccine
Bogotá. (EFE) .- The
Colombian scientist and discoverer of the first
vaccine against malaria
, Manuel Elkin Patarroyo
, found the chemical principles that will create , giving him the backing of the scientific world . It is "a decalogue of principles, rules, which when applied can produce vaccines against various diseases that exist in the world, so we can cover virtually the 517 infectious diseases, "he said.
synthetic vaccines to prevent virtually all the

infectious diseases in the world.

After more than 30 years of research, Patarroyo reported the findings in an interview with Efe

after it was released today by the U.S. magazine Chemical Reviews
The scientist found these principles, that would prevent future millions of deaths on the planet from the discovery of its first vaccine against malaria, in 1986, and then develop the second generation drug coverage above 90 percent in trials with monkeys.
Of these 517 diseases, only fifteen have vaccine, why that Patarroyo and his team at the Foundation Institute of Immunology of Colombia (FIIC) faced "the problem from the point of view chemistry, "a landmark in science as the only existing developed from biology. After entering the microbe in the body through mosquito bites and reached the liver," recognized the proteins or molecules the parasite uses to attach to cells and then infect you find out its chemical structure fragments after them, "said the doctor acknowledged." That, per se, is a great discovery, but these fragments can not be used as vaccines because defense system is blind and can not see, "he added, explaining that the blindness of the immune system is what allows the germs to hide in the body. The solution was to modify the fragments through chemistry, ie create synthetic proteins identical to those of the only parts of the microbe capable of adhering to red blood cells and then change the order of the components. This formula makes molecules visible before unrecognizable by the immune system.
scientist explains in simple words: "turn back the fingers of the hands of the bug" to make them visible, referring to the only parts that attach to the cells because the rest of the parasite is not contagious and therefore not serves to prepare the vaccine, by failing to ensure the prevention of the disease hundred percent. "So the molecule (copied and then chemically modified) becomes highly producing antibodies, defenses, and may be used as a vaccine," he added.
While these findings from the study of malaria, Patarroyo has shown that these principles are used to offset other infectious ailments. The Columbian works primarily with the microbe of malaria because, among other reasons, is one of the most destructive for the speed with which it spreads into the body: "there are about 500 million cases per year and of these nearly three die, mostly children under five in Africa. " After the latest discovery, you can apply to tuberculosis, human papillomavirus, dengue, hepatitis C or leprosy, to name some of the most common diseases among the five hundred of infectious, "which annually cause the death total to 16 million people," said the scientist . Patarroyo discovered the first vaccine against malaria in 1986, called SPF-66, and after testing for over 50,000 individuals from different countries are checked for effectiveness between 30 and 50 percent. In 1996, when he gave the patent to the World Health Organization (WHO), ceased to apply to plunge into the research and find their one hundred percent effective. Now 25 years later and has the second generation of this vaccine, which it calls COLFAVAC and has proven effective over 90 percent in monkeys. "We will begin human trials and we are absolutely confident that we will have the same results", she said, finding, even after years of research, the body of Amazonian monkeys used are identical to that of men. The Colombian has received numerous awards throughout his career, as the Prince of Asturias, Medaille Robert Koch Prize in International Latin American Fernando D. Pulmonology Gomez, Leon Bernard WHO and Principe de Viana of Solidarity.

Monday, March 28, 2011

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

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There are many mental illnesses that manifest in physical or mood disorders. Within the mental or psychological illness is schizophrenia, depressive illness and personality disorders. Among the latter are obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, and some others.
mental or psychological illnesses or disorders are brain disorders that impair thinking and affected person feel like his mood and his ability to relate to others. Often decrease the ability to cope with normal stresses of everyday life. All mental illnesses are disorders caused by brain chemistry.

Some mental illnesses are

Stress People may experience stress to important events which can be dangerous or too difficult to overcome. Symptoms of psychological stress is anxiety and tension , uncontrollable worry, irritation , distraction, and difficulty in learning new things.

Neurosis conditions are showing a nervous system malfunction. In the neuroses no physical injury or personality disorder. The main neurosis are anxiety , an uncontrollable obsession to avoid dangerous situations and a lack of interaction with people. Some examples are neurosis panic, social phobia , obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress .

Hypochondria Hypochondria
is a neurotic disorder in which the person channeling the anxieties, worries and obsessive thoughts to be convinced that you have a specific physical illness such as cancer of the colon. Ie hypochondriacs are worried about suffering from a disease, but medical reports indicate otherwise.

hypochondriacs spend much time and money by visiting doctors and did several tests. The relationships between patients, doctors and nurses can in many cases be conflicting, to the extent that a real disease can not be diagnosed by people who are tired of addressing mental patients who have previously insisted on a disease that does not exist.

somatic disorders, disorder somatization disorder is rare, but it is time control. The patient has a long and complicated medical history and a series of dramatic but vague symptoms that require immediate professional attention. Complaints usually are based on gastro-intestinal pains, gynecological and other sensors. The personalities and lives of these people are dramatic and chaotic.

factitious disorder Individuals who suffer from this mental illness create the appearance physical illness to be the medical center and / or to obtain various types of drugs. People who suffer from this disorder usually become evasive and aggressive when questions are asked or challenged to clarify the inconsistency of their symptoms. Many run away from hospitals or clinics to go in search of other medical centers. Many individuals with this disorder tend to have behavior and personality similar to those who suffer from somatization .

Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a major personality disorder, a distortion of thought. Sufferers often have the feeling of being controlled by alien forces. They have delusions that can be extravagant, with impaired perception, abnormal affect unrelated to the situation and understood autism as insulation. The deterioration of mental function in these patients has reached a degree which markedly interferes with their ability to address some of the ordinary demands of life or maintain adequate contact with reality.

The psychotic does not live in this world, dissociation between reality and his world, as there is a denial of reality unconsciously. He is unaware of their disease. The

schizophrenic cognitive activity is not normal, there are inconsistencies, disconnections and there is a big impact on the language, it does not think normally reasonable. The onset of the disease may be acute, ie, you can start from one moment to another with a delusional crisis, a manic state a table with contents depressive psychotic dream or a confused state. You can also arise insidiously and progressively.

Paranoia or Schizophrenia?

Paranoia In general, this disease relates to high levels of suspicion and mistrust, usually seen in the beliefs or disappointment that she or he are victims of hatred, jealousy and resentment of others. The person suffering from paranoid schizophrenic have a presentiment that she or he will be persecuted by others, as the neighbor, the government, or an alien, or special people such as "God" (a sense of grandeur) . The person suffering from paranoid disorder staff looks normal, but it's suspicious, distrustful, hostile, controlling, and quick to develop resentment and jealousy. Some men who batter their wives or girlfriends suffer from this mental illness.


Depression is a very serious emotional problem in which the individual continues to feel sad and empty and feels constantly without help or hope. The depressed people usually suffer from anxiety and irritability, a lack of motivation, and loss of pleasure in things they enjoyed doing. They also have problems with appetite, sleep, and suffer from pain. Many depressed people have suicidal thoughts, and between ten and fifteen per cent end up killing themselves.

Manic depression many people are currently experiencing a manic episode as another intermediate or severe, along with episodes of depression. If moments of both types of emotional problems are mild, the condition is known as clotimia. If depressive episodes are severe, whether the mania is mild or severe, then the emotional condition called bipolar disorder , commonly known as manic-depressive . Persons aged 17 to 25 years of age tend to be victims of this type of emotional problem, and is usually chronic.

Many individuals who suffer from these disorders can recover in the middle of episodes, and there is an association with creativity and artistic ingenuity that the person can develop. However, the impact that the disorder causes a person's life is devastating. The level of marital problems, substance abuse, suicide and problems with the law is very high. Creativity

manic depressive

Delirium also known as the rapid onset of brain syndrome, delirium is a psychological condition associated with serious physical problems eg drug overdose or poisoning. Symptoms include confusion and disorientation, loss of consciousness , agitation, apathy and delusions, lack of perception of external stimulus, such as hearing the sound of wheels of a hospital bed and imagine it's a damn machine that comes to cutting it. Delirium should be taken very seriously and must be treated immediately because it may represent a serious physical problem.


Dementia refers to a decrease or general deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as loss of memory, attention and abstract thinking. The person suffering from dementia can easily be lost and may be unable to do simple things like re-entering the house after you have closed the door. Depression and paranoia are often associated with dementia, and some patients develop hallucinations. One of the best examples of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which typically begins at age 55.

Narcissism The person with this personality type have an uncontrollable urge to feel important, successful and admired throughout the world. They act as if they were unique and deserving of special favors. In general, the narcissist does not care about the feelings and / or resentment of others, and are jealous of the successes of others.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Mental Illness Multiple Personality

Gestalt therapy, rather than a theory of the psyche, is an effective therapeutic approach and a philosophy of life that raw consciousness, to realize their own responsibility for the ongoing processes and belief in the intrinsic wisdom of the body, the total person we are, to self regulate properly with a changing environment. Preceded by the spontaneity to control: the experience, avoiding the annoying and painful feeling, to rationalize, the overall understanding of the processes, the apparent dichotomy of opposites. Requires the therapist use of self as instrument, emotional, physical, intellectual, which conveys a certain attitude instead of playing only a useful technique against neurosis.

There are three assumptions that underlie the Gestalt therapy and its applications in the field of clinical psychology.

A) The realization: only when the individual is aware of what it does and how it does it will change their behavior.

B) homeostasis: the process by which the organism interacts with the environment to maintain balance.

C) Contact: it is essential for growth and human development.

Realize: The realization is the ability of every human being to perceive what is happening here and now, within himself and the world around him. Within this experience in the here and now, are three types of awareness, which are referred to as " realize Areas" or " Contact Zones."

The realization of the world or outer zone; is related to the sensory contact. It allows us to get in contact with objects and events in the world that surrounds us, everything is out and what happens beyond our skin. Formulas: "I see, touch, hear, smell, I perceive, here and now.

The realization of self or inner zone; includes all those sensations and feelings that occur within us. It allows us to get in contact us. Formulas: I feel, I feel, I feel, here and contact ahora.Para self should ask the following questions: What am I feeling? Where am I feeling? How am I feeling?

The realization of fantasy or intermediate zones includes all mental activity, thinking, imagining, remembering, planning, permits us to contact our fantasías.Fórmulas, "I think, imagine, remember, desire, I think, here and now "

Homeostasis; No organization is self-sufficient, but at all times is part of a field that includes both him and his ambiente.Este homeostatic balance is healthy, if the body remains in a state of balance with their environment for a long time sick, unable to meet their needs.

Contact: Each person has a living space within which, depending on the time, you may receive or be open to certain people, but nobody can invade your space. If this happens, we feel threatened in our integrity and individualidad.Cuando we rigidly hold too much emphasis on this vital area, we run the risk of reducing contact with others. This reduced contact leads man to the solitude, choose an option safer and less fear or pain. Most of reducing exposure times this is done out of fear or fear, and although the desire to contact with others is great, the fear we feel when someone is about to remove us from our limitations and open. When the opposite happens, that is, when our ego is in constant contact with the world, showing a compulsive extraversion, you lose that creative intimacy and concentration, dissolving ego boundaries, making it sometimes difficult to distinguish between the environment and the self .

Gestalt work: The Gestalt macro range of a meeting is to discover and enhance the realization, it is not designed to achieve a catharsis, but if the expression is honest does not interfere with it.The therapist focuses on why and how. What and how to come from the accurate observation, and what leads to speculation.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

L,k,b,e,r,p,h,n,m,but I Can't Come Up Wit Anythin


Ostara: Spring Equinox

The festival of Eostre, also known as Ostara, Spring Equinox, usually held on March 21 and is associated with the element of Fire. was Christianized and is now known as Passover.

marks the beginning of the season.

Ostara is the time in which the Goddess wakes from his rest and covers the land of fertility, and God grows to maturity then both encourage wild animals to reproduce.
hours of day and night are equal. The God and Goddess return to reign together.
The input Spring is the rebirth of nature represented by the egg. Pinta Ostara eggs and this symbolizes your new life and that of nature. is the time of the first year's planting, the land is at a fertile and ready to give life to their children. Excellent time to take care of the inner gardens of our being.

This time we invited the interior renaissance, fertilize your conscience to be a good ground on which you cast the seeds of all your hopes for the year has begun.

"Planting as an exercise for this time of year:

cited in many authors find a close relationship between the Spring Equinox and planting, both physically and archetypal. For our work, we understand that
- "planting" -
in a broad spectrum, since it is not just throwing a seed in a hollow earth. For the seeding to be successful, we must prepare the ground carefully choose our seeds and, once deposited in the bosom of the earth, bringing about the specific care of his kind. Similarly happen to all the desires or intentions that harbor within it the seeds of their achievement, requiring dedication and persistence to reach their fulfillment. Both species of seeds, vegetables and psychic, will depend on a chain of conscious acts, and a quiet attention, you take it to a safe growth. I'm not away too, with these comments, the document drafted for Imbolg, but the sun still high on the horizon, this time will affect more the importance of the action.

The time predisposes us to plant seeds of new beginnings or projects, but will need to be applied to work. We can perform an exercise in gardening, step by step, so that every action, movement or phase of planting has its correspondence with the achievement of our goal magical.

1) Selecting the seed / desire.

We, for sure, so eager to find seed varieties in a nursery. So first, you must make a priority list and choose a within our possibilities. I draw "between our chances" because one of the main objectives of such exercises is to strengthen our confidence magic. In no way will try to raise a tropical plant but we can provide a suitable atmosphere, as nothing will get in this level too distant targets is important to remember that simplicity should prevail before




When choosing the seed as well as by the degree of difficulty that we see are able to cope, we can be guided by our aesthetic preferences, or choose a plant that corresponds to our purpose. Having an image that corresponds to our desire, is essential in all magical work, in this case, is assisted by the simile of the seed. However, during these different phases of this work, we can visualize images while larealización of our goal, to grow with her until flowering. Although this is a suggestion of work for the Spring Equinox and Easter moon, remember that each plant has its own life cycle, and maybe this is not the time of sowing of the plant would choose. We must also bear in mind that if we breed a plant to be, by ethics, with her until the end. Therefore if we will not be able to care for a long time, better choose short-cycle plants. The relationship we have with this plant depends on each one, and deserves a theme party, but above all be respected and loved. 2) Prepare the ground.

will be important to know, from that seed is chosen, the type of soil, moisture, sun exposure, etc. I agree, in order to provide them. Just as on earth, in our mind and do we just pull up the "weeds" paraellas interference that may divert energies for our seed-desire, and on the other hand, knowing well how to nourish it.

This is an act of introspection and internal work, because first of all the land on which we planted our seeds-desires is our psyche, decked out in our mind and emotion. First we must banish all sorts of negative thoughts about laconsecución of our desire, and instead nurture the positive. It is not easy, and most of the time you find yourself with the feeling of standing fooling yourself, no matter, we in the attempt until it is a reality. If we are too pessimistic enough to make a truce with the thought always to the experiment, and when it is done we recover if necessary.

3) care.

Once you have sown, we must address our seed-desire according to our own needs. Read package directions well inthe case of seed, and we are well aware, pure logic, what is required to achieve our desire. We open with our actions one way for the possibility and the realization of our desire to manifest. For example, if you want a job handed out resumes, if we want to do something a couple

social life, etc. I guess already written to once, but it never hurts to repeat it, Wayne Dyer said: " the universe works with us, not p

ara us . " It goes without saying that you should keep patience and hope some seeds take longer to germinate than others in the same way that nature works silently, almost imperceptibly, and also the hand is subtle magic.

Esteejercicio is only a suggestion, so I shall not, given that I am not an expert in gardening, but rather the opposite. However, the structure of this work has many attractive alternatives. For example, if you need to work is a fear that our desires nogerminen, we tried birdseed, or wrap in wet cotton chickpeas, we can also see a potato sprout in water ... and at school. If our work is aimed at healing a part of us, or recover from physical or mental injury, tried to rescue a plant damaged. If not we are sure to follow the entire process successfully planting, or if we overcome the mental stage of the "germination" We try to take care of a young plant, or experimenting with cuttings. If it is a long-term, such time we dare with shrubs, roses, even a tree ... "

Vaelia Bjalfi

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World known as "the heroes of Fukushima, engineers, technicians and firefighters are 300 men, all volunteers

chose to sacrifice his life to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths from massive radiation leak. Today
one week of the earthquake and tsunami every indication that they are succeeding. They worked tirelessly seven days under unimaginable pressure how will know that hundreds of thousands of lives are in his hands and also work against the clock? How to know and it will be subjected to extreme physical conditions, high temperatures, the risk of landslides, hampering costumes absence of true rest? What will accomplish this task with the certainty that radiation is killing them? What power enables them to withstand the pressure to follow and keep quiet, and overcome all, and not to faint? What makes it possible miracle that will not break, not to flee, not falling into panic attacks? What sustains them?

The Japanese have a beautiful answer, say the heroes are in the Yamato-Damashii

, ie the Japanese spirit. The concept refers to something much larger than patriotism,

alludes to the supremacy of the common good over individual selfishness.

is that spirit which says that there was no looting, no riots,

that the police had the task of controlling the population and could engage in relief work and search. It is that spirit that they do not pass through the mind to do business with the misfortune of others and therefore not found price increases of staple goods.

The tsunami of this intense 2011 is the land of the samurai, the land of honor,

the respect for ancestors and neighbor, is the country that could rise from its ashes after War, however, to truly honor the greatness of the heroes of Fukushima and the entire Japanese people, is another response we give when we ask what sustains them? Dar prevalence to the common good on individual selfishness is synonymous with greatness and greatness is the heritage of the human spirit of the Japanese and also the two hundred thousand volunteers who died in Chernobyll and firefighters who entered the Twin Towers. We honor the Japanese and take their example if we understand that selfishness is awakening everyone's job. Dwells in every human being a samurai hidden in everyone there is a Hercules is capable of overcoming unimaginable obstacles, a David who can stand against a nuclear power and vanquish his sling. Being able to deploy such heroic force for the common good is the essence of the human heart. This force is none other than soul force.

Most of us never give life in a dramatic setting like that today holds the world in suspense, and yet the example of the heroes of Fukushima hereof. Goliath have many faces, radiation in all its horror is not the most terrible. Take the lesson that Japan has to offer, see the great beauty that always shines behind the pain, not to remain in the shadows. What the Japanese people in general and the liquidators of the very central in particular we remember is that the worst face of Goliath is selfishness. Focusing only to the common good we can ascend to the soul, only if we ascend she descends and gives us her beauty, her power, her quiet. We can not continue to consider that the soul is something abstract, likely, little demonstrable ... We can not justify persisting with outdated reasoning that what is invisible and intangible is not subject of our discussion, or our search. Also, the radiation of uranium and plutonium from Fukushima is invisible and therefore not take for null effects. The radiation of the human soul, like the atom, is measured by its effects. The effects of naming the soul, they are powerful. Nombrémosla. Redefine our identity, we become what we think of us. If our thinking sees the greatness, the greatness we conceive and be enlightened by it.

Ps. Isabella Di Carlo, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Gestalt Therapy Emotions

Truth or myth?
Multiple personality is something we all talk about us and felt. Is there, or is it an invention?

dissociative identity disorder: The existence of one or more distinct identities or personalities in the same individual, each with its own way of perceiving and interacting with the environment. also associated with memory loss not forgetfulness normal, but small amnesic periods. Although not to be confused with schizophrenia is also associated with dissociation.

Dissociation is a psychological mechanism of defense which identity, memory , ideas, feelings or perceptions are separated own conscious awareness and can not be recovered or experienced volunteer. All persons are dissociated at some point, example, when people realize after arriving home, they do not remember much of the way because they were worried thinking about personal conflicts, or attentive to resolve a workplace issue. But when given in high leads to a break, by which the person has no feelings of self and perceptions of the facts of daily life.

Dissociative Identity Disorder, is so called because the person feels connected between a personality and the other at different times of his life.
Dissociation is sometimes a necessary and common for many adults trying to forget a particular situation of his life, for a while. In this way, the person he can continue with an effective life, is embedded in their work and family obligations, being temporary situation and aware , and the result of an effort to move forward.

For psychiatrists and psychologists multiple personality is a very controversial term, few people seriously give this diagnosis. Most not considered a mental disorder, but merely a cultural base delirium and therapeutics. However

popular culture multiple personality is deeply rooted both in its use in film, as in the literature.
But in film and literature takes the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder to a virtually unlimited exaggeration. The number of different personalities and the dramatic differences between each one seems to have been increasing over time. Something that is not only popular culture but also in psychological clinics .

In multiple personality, the person forgets itself involuntarily transformed into another, repeating this process several times, of which there is usually one or two prevailing. What is interesting is that each of these personalities have their own form of be, feel, think and react , and sometimes even one disagrees with the other.

therapeutic treatment is needed to help the person to survive mental suffering of having to live in different directions, and to find peace of mind although it can not integrate the different personalities into one. The goal is, able to negotiate the differences and learn to live with them.

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If you receive this message because somehow your soul responds to the call at this time is done. There is much to do and des

of different levels.

The question is: what to do:

"The answer is: to contribute our grain of sand.

But How:

"Perhaps the only answer is your heart, go to Japan ... Japan to receive a family within your home ... make money. pray ... .. join the mainstream of loving consciousness that travels the world ...


again we'll

loved, in cooperation with

Children of the Sun, The Fourth Residence and Global Coherence, to come together as a great stream of consciousness, effective and operational. It only asks that today, 19 MARCH 2011 at 7 pm

GMT, ie at 8 pm Spain time (GMT +1) you'll join heart to this macro global work in which we unite as a single consciousness.

believe that a focused work with specific instructions is the grain of sand that can provide at this time. im not holder if you do Reiki, healing, meditation, prayer, you are a shaman or work nagualism and stalking or dreaming, or do you consider yourself as any other ... etc ... your Apor you is essential.

At the indicated time GMT centrate in your heart, breathing and evokes a feeling of love from est and state begin our work . Work no more than 10 minutes.

is putting your attention and intention to create and display a campaign Inmagine na of protection around the nuclear center FUKUSHIMA

that isolates all radioactive material being broadcast, try not

trdar more than 5 minutes in this process. Then you proceed to cool the reactor, for this look, so imagine, go and love a broadcast in order to cool until you feel that your goal has been met. Then he came back

to your heart again. As the work is done.

From the Heart,


IAS !!!!!!!!

Maria Arboleda - Llelletzá Qunhua



"Spread the message, copy and paste on your page or Send it BY MAIL, hang on your wall on Facebook or your social network, TWITEALO. FEW HOURS TO MAKE THIS WORK. THE END OF YOU EXPLAIN WHY THIS ARTICLE IS UNITE IMPORTANT TODAY. "

are moments of great change, powerful cosmic forces come into conjunction, is an ideal time for inner work and to assume our responsibility as humanity, is a call for unity coherence, common sense and solidarity .

As Kunio, and Erica mutsoko from Japan tells us in his letter that I reproduce below

"The problem is not only Japan but worldwide ... These days are crucial to the fate the planet! "

Why join today:


The Moon is, this March 19, closer Earth than it has been in the past 18 years. The satellite will not only be at 356,577 miles of our planet, but there will be a full moon

but coincident with the lunar perigee, ie the Moon passes through its closest point to Earth. The moon is aligned with the sun and the galaxy's central sun which is not true since 25,000 years ago. An astronomical event will happen on 21-12 -2012 equivalent but in this case is the land that is aligned with the center of the galaxy as 25,000 years ago.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Technicolor Coat Clipart

I received this message in my mail and I share with you all at this crucial time where the important thing is to realize how important it is to care for our planet.

Dear friends,

as you have seen on television have had a major earthquake and
a giant tsunami in Japan since yesterday morning.

Many people died and many places have been destroyed. We
alive but do not know what will happen today or tomorrow. Please

Do send deepest meditations and ki in Japan,

concentrándoos especialmetne nuclear plant in Fukushima.
That's the biggest problem right now!

The situation is extremely serious.

water to cool the reactor did not work yesterday, due to lack of electricity, and the temperature rose. If burst would soon die. Today
air leaks have been contaminated with nuclear material.

This problem is not only Japan but all over the world because that
contamination that may affect half the planet.

These days are crucial for the fate of the planet!

deep meditation is necessary to concentrate all the energy.
And please forward this message to all the good people who know him,
to seitai practitioners, and all your friends and acquaintances.

trust in your cooperation.
not afraid of everything but we believe we can do something else if
want to live on this planet a little more time.

Greetings and best wishes with love and friendship.

Kunio, Mutsuko and Erika from Japan