Sunday, May 8, 2011

Feels Like A Toothache With Sinus Infection

2011 WESAK


I see and when the eye is opened, all is light.

Taurus Full Moon offers a unique and special time for us to receive the energy of synthesis. At Wesak, Buddha and Christ are united in blessing on the earth toward the establishment of a new era of coexistence, harmony and peace. By joining Wesak, we celebrate our commitment work for the human family and our common home, Earth .

The Festival of Wesak is some very definite ideas and clearly marked and offering a great opportunity. The ideas it represents could be listed as follows:
• First, this festival links the past with the present as any other festival, associated with any of the world religions, it has . Represents a living truth and an opportunity present. In their mutual service to the race, the Buddha and the Christ produced this link. Also merge with the West and East together in a whole Christian tradition in Indian Buddhist beliefs and aspirations of all believers in the world today, orthodox and unorthodox. Religious distinctions disappear.
• Second, this festival marks the time of maximum spiritual blessing in the world. It is a time of unusual arrival of life and spiritual stimulation and serves to vitalize the aspiration of all.
• Third, at the time of the Festival and through the united effort of the Christ and Buddha, working in closer collaboration, opening a channel of communication between humanity and God by which love and wisdom of God himself can descend to a waiting and needy world. Speaking symbolically, and recalling that the symbols always watch a truth that could be signed at the time of the full moon is as if, suddenly opened wide a door that remains closed at other times. Through this door aspirants and disciples can contact energies that otherwise would not be readily available. Through that door can be an approach to truth and reality and those who guide humanity is not possible at other times. This is available to all who are on both sides of the door, and every time it'll be worse.
Currently, most urgently is to develop intuition and discrimination against the followers of the world. They must learn to feel the top view, to respond to the day of opportunity and achieve greater conscious relationship, whatever the price to be lower. In doing so, they should remember that the lower self, by its nature intimate and close, seem unusually attractive and can transcend only an infinitely high price. Therefore, group should develop intuition, and sense of values \u200b\u200bmust be adjusted more properly before it can be at the height of the requirements and fulfill its function, which is to inaugurate the new era. The decline of spiritual force at the time of the Wesak Festival, aims at stimulating the intuition of the disciples grouped, applicants and people of goodwill.
Lighting Forces are especially active during this period Festivals. Emanate from the heart center and are related to understanding and divine wisdom. The Buddha and Christ are the two most prominent expressions of this energy of love and wisdom to date. Forces affecting lighting, especially with the great educational movements and forums of people in all lands, and affect the quality of the values \u200b\u200bthat are deployed through the mass media. All forms of public communication, speakers, writers, commentators and social workers, are affected by this energy flowing to mind. The same human consciousness is currently receiving the lighting energy introducing new ideas and influence human affairs in general.
The Festival of Wesak is a point of cohesion for those who, in essence, symbolically, join in meditation and reflective thought as representatives of both the Kingdom of God and mankind. Establishing a factual solidarity between Eastern and Western approaches to a higher understanding, because both the Christ and the Buddha are present and active during this annual cycle.
The Wesak Festival is a Festival Full Moon universal, or world, for people of all faiths. It is a high point of inspiration for future work. All can cooperate in consciousness uniquely available in this flow of spiritual energies. Everyone can participate in meditation and the effort to express a brotherhood as a life practice, the value of such a service group together, in alignment with the Christ and Buddha and the Forces of Light, is obvious and inspiring. By using the global mantra or prayer, the Great Invocation, the available energy can be invoked magnetically and literally, within reach of human consciousness.

There is a valley, the Wesak Valley at the foot of the Tibetan Himalayas at a height
quite high. In this valley is the WESAK LAKE,
surrounded by mountains except to the east, where there is a narrow opening. The valley
shaped bottle with the neck to the east. At the end of the valley near the opening there
a large flat rock. There are no trees or shrubs in the valley is covered with a carpet
green grass and no flowers at the lake. The slopes of the mountains themselves are studded

At the time of the full moon of Taurus, pilgrims began to arrive, holy men and
lamas who come to occupy the south. They bring together a group
Great Beings of Light and Love
who are the custodians of the Divine Plan of God / a for our planet and for humanity
. With his wisdom, love and knowledge form a protective wall
for our race, trying to lead us from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real
, and death to immortality. This group of knowers of divinity, is
situated on the border of the valley in concentric circles, according to the degree
initiation of development, leaving the east end open, preparing for a major act of Divine Service

rests on the flat rock crystal bowl full of water (pure liquid love.) About
Glass bowl with water are etheric level, the Great Ones
called "Big Three Gentlemen" Christ-consciousness Planetary
Master Maitreya, who is situated on the north side, the Planetary LOGOS - Master Sanat Kumara, who
located on the west side and the Lord of Civilization, the Master Saint Germain, who
lies to the south side. They face east there waiting for the arrival of
Master Buddha.

Behind the group of masters, adepts, initiates and labor of love and light
advanced in the Plan of God / a, lie the disciples and aspirants of the world at various levels and groups
, which are at this time the new group of workers
Love and Light of the World. Some are present in the physical body and reach common
means, others are present in their spiritual bodies.

As the time of the full moon, there is a stillness in the crowd and
all face east. At a given signal, the Great Ones are three concentric circles
and start singing. When the song deepens and becomes more rhythm, ethereal Visitors
materialize and a glorious figure becomes visible in the center of the circles
. He is called by several names: Master Maitreya, the Christ, Lord of
Peace and Love, is the Teacher of all Teachers are the planetary Hierarchy
to carry out the divine purpose on this planet.

Master Maitreya, the Christ, is dressed with a pure white blanket. Sceptre has the
Power in your hand, give him the Ancient of Days for the occasion. In
each end of the Rod of Power is a great grip diamond radiates an aura
blue and orange beauty. Initiates who are in the three circles as
face in the center, and when he becomes more visible, all
bow and chant a mantra of welcome and affirmation.

Then, these circles become a single circle and a cross, whose center is
Christ. Here again, the song touches the hearts and souls of
present, and descend more joy, peace and blessing upon the crowd.

The next move is the triangle inside the circle, at whose apex is the Christ.
is standing near the rock and put the scepter of power over her. In the rock is the
Glass Bowl with Water, is seen with golden ornaments, and garlands of lotus flowers
cover the rock and hang from the corners. They do
After another move that is a triangle with three ovals that
intertwined in the center of it, where is the water bowl.
movement follows a six-pointed star, Star of Metatron (known as the Star of David
) consists of two triangles symbolizing: WELL AS IN THE SKY, ASI

At each point of the lower triangle of the star, are Maitreya on his right
Sanat Kumara, on the left the Master Saint Germain, with the Glass Bowl with Water
half star . Building
other triangle above them, illuminating them, are at each end
star: Melchizedek (the LOGOS UNIVERSAL), Melchior (the LOGOS galactose) and Helio
and Vesta (who together are the SOLAR LOGOS).

present at the hearing are also the rulers of all types of energy:
Masters El Morya, Kuthumi Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Sananda, Djwhal
Khul and many other Emissaries of Love and Light . Insiders are also present,
disciples and spiritual aspirants.
All Emissaries of Love and Light begin to sing, the song creates great excitement in
participants. Now, Maitreya taking the Scepter of Power, so stand up and say:
"Presto," Lord, come ... "

then put back his Scepter of Power on the rock for a few moments
before the full moon and all present turn towards the East.
expectation of the crowd increased and the excitement is greater and growing steadily. Through
crowd seems to feel a strong vibration stimulus or having the effect of
awakening the souls of those present, fusing and unifying the group, bringing all
and performing a great act of spiritual demand and expectation. It is the culmination of
aspiration of the world is focused on the expectant group.

few minutes before the exact time that has rather than the Full Moon, is visible to
away a small point of light in the sky, that approach is transformed into a sharp silhouette
, which takes the form of Buddha, seated in his classic lotus position,
wrapped in his saffron robe, bathed in light and color. His right hand raised in blessing
. When Buddha comes, lies floating-on-Glass Bowl with Water.
is, in the middle half of the star of Metatron and the two triangles
created by other teachers and Logos mentioned. Maitreya

now sings "The Great Invocation", and everyone repeat.


From the point of Light in the Heart of God,
light shines forth to the hearts of men Let Light
return to Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God,
That LOVE pour forth into the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men;
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men,
That The Plan of Love and Light to realize
and seal the gate where evil dwells.

Light, Love and Divine Power now restored the Divine Plan on Earth. Om Om Om

This 'Great Invocation' creates a current of energy that fills the hearts of all
, and spreads through the Earth.
This is the holiest time of year, when the humanity and divinity
enter communion.

At the exact moment of Full Moon, Buddha Maitreya passes its Divine Energies.
him to receive, direct and anchor these energies in the Water in the Glass Bowl. The Master
Buddha has its special form of energy, COMPASSION, spilling the
bless the world. This blessing is wonderfully unique, then transferred to
our physical plane, the Divine energy of upper levels, which helps transmute
discord and activate the Divine in all present, as in
the Earth itself. This energy has a very high vibration and we can perceive in
the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. So the energy that pervades
Buddha's blessing, is thus circular canals where,
full of encouragement and peace to those who wish to receive and benefit
Everything on Earth.

currently possible a great expansion of consciousness, to help the
and restore humanity to consciously accept his divinity.

Maitreya, the great celebrant calls each one of those present to receive an initiation and
This beautiful "ceremony of the communion of the water, symbolizes the New Age is already
upon us, the Age of Aquarius, the" Water Awareness. " Water magnetized by
the presence of Buddha, Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Germain and Logoses contains
healing properties, it is loaded with high ratios of the energies of
Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Compassion and Divine Power.

individual initiation is now given by Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos to
those who receive it and just drink the Holy Water. While
initiations take place, the Masters, Angels, Archangels and all
Emissaries of Love and Light sing hymns.

(NOTE: The whole ceremonial blessing, since the Buddha appears in the distance, until the time
disappearing, lasts only 8 to 10 minutes.)

If you wish, now go sit on the shore of Lake Wesak, to reflect and integrate it sucedido.oa
receive Council of Beings of Love and Light for a few minutes ..
Now, ask the teachers around them, please take them to the TEMPLE OF LOVE
in the RAF Mediterranean near the island of Malta.

see coming and then going to this temple and taking place around the central
altar on which lies a large window of love, a dark and light pocvo.

They realize that there are thousands of these in the temple with you. TRY TO JOIN now
YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND as one, with everyone present.

Now send a beam of light and love their Golden Liquid Crystal HEART to
Love in the center of the Temple, for 8 minutes.

During this time, try the bottom of his heart, to assist Hosts
Love and Light, to harmonize and balance all the possible injuries that are anchored in
Glass SOLAR PLEXUS Love in the Body of Light and Love of humanity,
related denial and fear GROUP AWARENESS.

Breathing deeply and exhaling slowly, trying to your heart that you
now forgive and release all: Doubts cast on themselves, humanity and consciousness

Now visualize the Crystal of Love, clean and bright, translucent-white color. Know
loved ones, all these have helped co-create a great step in spiritual
mankind to accept his divinity incarnate and act as
Awareness Working Group for the benefit of all that exists on Earth.

Also know that the final activation of the Portal of Love, will take place in June
now to thank her hosts of Love and Light, like all
colleagues who worked with you, on the Liturgy, and get ready for
from Temple.

Now they are back, magically transported and standing within the ceremonial circle
all other participants, pedestal near the Glass Bowl with Water
. Once completed
initiations and Healing offered to humanity, the Buddha, the Great Enlightened
, after blessing the present, it slowly disappears into the
East whence he came. The annual service done to humanity Buddha concluded,
returning again to Shamballa, the high place where he works.

After this blessing, the crowd dispersed quietly.
Maitreya and other Masters, now form small groups around the present
to give instruction.

When ready, they can begin to feel sensations in his feet and physical body,
anchors as you well in your physical body, returning to its current location.

Year after year, the Buddha returns to give his blessing and takes place the same ceremony.
Each year he and his brother Maitreya the Christ, working in close collaboration with many other Masters
, Emissary of Love and Light, under the illumination of Logases,
for the spiritual benefit of humanity.

Such is the legend behind this festival, and, such is the reality if we dare to believe it
and if our minds are sufficiently open and our hearts enough
expectant, as if to acknowledge its possibility. This idea
required to adjust some of our most cherished beliefs. But, if it can be captured and understood
will emerge in our consciousness the possibility that the race is
aware of his own divinity, and can develop a Scientific Approach to
the forces of life and still deeper truths are hidden.

Men and women of the world guided by the Buddha in unison, which brought the light
East and the Christ, the light which revealed to the West, can sue and evoke a blessing and spiritual revelation
so intense that in the immediate future can show what they both aspire
humanity: "Peace on Earth and goodwill among men. " In
this way we enter an era of brotherhood and understanding which will enable the man
more time to devote to seek God for yourself.

Text: free version of several authors: A. Bailey, Amarial, Torkom Saraydariam And


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