Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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What event can cause trauma? Hidden Fears

The causes of trauma are very broad, ranging from pregnancy or birth trauma to natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, through attacks or acts of violence, kidnappings, terrorist attacks, murder, psycho-emotional abuse, physical, sex, accidents, falls, acute or chronic illness, sudden loss of a loved one, surgery and other medical or dental procedures necessary aggressive, and high levels of stress for long periods.

There may also be trauma in people who are exposed to continuous pressure environmental, social or economic as immigrants, refugees or who have had financial losses or bankruptcies among others.

effects of trauma are so strong that affect the body in different ways: Physically
: Feelings of persistent pain in the body, chronic fatigue, chest pain or back pain, muscle tension, fibriomalgia , migraines, nausea, gastritis, peptic ulcer, hyperarousal, hypervigilance, intrusive images of trauma, nightmares, exaggerated startle responses, panic attacks, hypersensitivity to sound, smell and touch.

: sudden mood swings, reduced ability to handle stress , difficulty in dealing with others, isolation, frequent crying, exaggerated emotional reactions that can not control. Difficulty controlling fear or terror even after the event. Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness , despair, depression , loses interest in family work and other things previously caused him pleasure.

Mentally: Paranoia, obsessive thoughts and compulsive , confusion, difficulty concentrating, poor tolerance to differences.
There are people who affect them more than others after trauma , ie for the duration and severity of traumatic event, existence of previous traumas and support, emotional and social support was the person after trauma.

The person experiencing these or other symptoms that the person without traumas can not understand, speak no obvious trauma, all in one way or another suffer trauma, may think she's crazy. Not crazy, there is an explanation for everything that is happening. With trauma significantly alters the mind and that is why he feels this way. But the person has not suffered irreversible damage to your mind and you can reduce and even eliminate symptoms.

Psychology energy can make important changes. According to James L. Oschman ; His specialty was the electron microscopy studies the microscopic structure and function of various kinds of tissues and cells . "The past traumas can be resolved as quickly as settled" The body is prepared at all times to solve these woes, as well as all physiological and emotional imbalances they create. This process leads to deeper energy level, which organizes embodies or underlying the conscious experience itself. And, do not forget this happens, the patient may suddenly know the problem or discomfort will no longer bother him more.

Energy Psychology is the perfect blend between Western psychology and Eastern energy medicine techniques. With this new approach will achieve a better emotional and physical relief soon. It is the medicine of the future.
We are all able to heal the wounds involved.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Learning to illuminate hidden fears.
Most people have ever felt afraid to stay in the dark. According to evolutionary psychology that happens in childhood, in a stage of development. However, in many cases can last into adulthood as an expression of insecurity and distrust .

outer darkness evokes own inner darkness. Therefore, fear of the dark is a very common fear of people insecure and distrustful. This is the most appropriate metaphor to account for areas feared and therefore did not investigate our own unconscious . Whereupon, as is usual in psychology , the fear of something outside is indeed an expression of inner fear.

Therefore, when they are in the dark, this type of personalities they feel invaded by fears that considered unknown. Both at
psychic and physical, active defense system fear. On the one hand, trying to keep repressed psyche reacts all elements associated with the feared situation. Furthermore, the physical body becomes alert its defense system, and prepare to stay alive. This behavior is manifested through the escape or attack. The flight does not necessarily refer to the escape of a dark place, can also be an internal leak through which the person moves to a fantasy world as blocking capabilities to create, think, speak, among others.

is common to hear that children are afraid of the dark . Psychologically is normal because this type of fear is characteristic of the human psyche developmental stage necessary for the constitution of the psyche. night terrors, fear of the dark , being alone and strangers, among others, are natural indicators of the evolutionary process, therefore, in the case of children, should not be a concern.
Now, if these natural manifestations of the evolution of maintain or resurface psyche beyond childhood, there is something in the normal process is not well established.

From the evolutionary point of view, this condition tells us of a psyche that deals with unconscious and its drives in psychoanalysis in this way is called a deep psychic energy that directs the behavior towards order and downloaded to get it.

For children and young body is not easy to assimilate, therefore, during processing, can be overwhelmed. Given the power overload, fear response indicates a failure to solve everything that is feared, our unconscious ghosts (all within a psychoanalytic context ).

When fear persisted, we investigate clinically meaning and elaborate psychological professional help that is, they must perform a therapeutic work understanding and elaboration on what is feared, that which still remains in the darkness within us.

Fear is a natural human emotion that arises in response to survival. When the behavior associated with fear of making an exaggerated scale compared to the behaviors daily living that allow to restrict freedom, we can talk behavior "emotionally sick."

To help people with such fears, it is necessary to make them understand that they will not go away by magic. Must face them, even if it means fighting past traumas or fears for internal, rooted and difficult to recognize.

If fear of the dark remains for longer than expected or normal, the most appropriate is to consult a professional psychologist or psychiatrist . It could be just a phobia transient and resolve in immediate or be part of a complex psychopathological behavior . Ask for help and together through fear is vital to overcome.