Saturday, February 12, 2011

Princess Beatrice Look-alike



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presentations from Maria Elena Sarmiento
. EFECTOISAIAH - Presentation Transcript
INTRODUCTION The discovery of the Great Isaiah code in the Dead Sea caves in 1946 revealed clues about our role in creation.

In the words of his time, the Essenes remind us that every prayer has been answered.
Any result that we can imagine and every possibility that we are able to conceive is an aspect of creation that has already been created and exists today as a state "sleep" of possibility. "CREATE OR ACCESS? From this perspective, our use and application of the sentence based on the feelings no longer less about "creating" this or that result and it becomes more of "access" to the desired result is already created.
For his writings we know that the ancient Essenes believed that we communicate with our world through our perceptions and senses. Every thought, feeling, emotion, respiration, nutrient movement or combination of any of them, was regarded as an expression of prayer. In the view of the Essenes, as we feel, perceive and express ourselves during the day, we are praying constantly.
systems designer Gregg Braden aerospace computing and chief geologist, Phillips Petroleum, is a scientist known today by joining the world of science and the spiritual world. DNA AND EMOTIONS

  1. The first experiment was conducted by Dr. Vladimir Poponin a quantum biologist. In this experiment, first a container was emptied (ie a vacuum was created inside) and then all that is left inside were photons (particles of light).
    measured the distribution of the photons and found they were completely random inside the container. This was the expected result.
  2. then placed inside the recipient a DNA sample and the location of the photons was measured again. This time the photons is organized and aligned with the DNA. In other words the physical DNA had an effect on non-physical photons.
    • After this the DNA was removed from the container and the distribution of photons was measured again. The photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up where the DNA had been.
    • do that are connected to the light particles? Gregg Braden says we are forced to accept the possibility that there is a NEW field of energy and that the DNA is communicating with the photons through this energy.
    • EXPERIMENT # 2
  3. This experiment was carried out by the military. We gathered a sample of leukocytes (white blood cells) of a number of donors. These samples were placed in a room equipped with a measuring of the electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in another room and subjected to "emotional stimulation" consisting of video clips that generate emotions. The DNA was placed in a different place from the donor, but in the same building.
    • The donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical), the DNA IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE SAME TIME. There was no time lapse or delay in transmission. The highs and lows of DNA EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor.
    • The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated than 80 miles between the DNA and the donor and STILL had the SAME result.
  4. No lag time; no transmission.
  5. . DNA and the donor had the same responses at the same time. What does this mean? Gregg Braden says it means that living cells are recognized by a form of energy not previously recognized. This energy is not affected either by distance or by time. This is not a form of energy, an energy that exists everywhere and at all times.
    The third experiment was conducted by the Heart Math Institute and is called: local and nonlocal effects of coherent heart frequencies and changes in the conformation of DNA in this experiment took the human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container where they could measure changes in it. 28 samples were distributed in test tubes the same number of trained researchers.
    Each researcher had been trained to generate and emit feelings, and each had strong emotions. What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of the researchers.
  7. 1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded RELAXING and the strands unwound. The DNA became longer.
    • Relaxed covalently closed circular DNA to relaxed circular DNA molecule is If Its axis, Shown by the dashed line in the figure Below, lies Entirely in on plane, say the plane of the paper. The thick and thin continuous lines repre the two DNA strands.
  8. 2. When the researchers FELT anger, fear or stress, DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. Became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of the codes. Have you ever felt "shut down" by negative emotions? now you know why their bodies are also downloaded.
    • DNA codes are reconnected when the researchers feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation.
    • This experiment was later applied to patients with HIV-positive. They discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without them. So here's the answer that we can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria that is floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation.
    • These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Individuals trained in deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Gregg Braden says this illustrates a new form of energy that connects all of creation. This energy seems to be a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all matter. Essentially we can influence this web of creation through our VIBRATION.
    Graduate in International Relations from the University of Yokohama, current President of the General Research Institute Fellowship Inc., has stressed in his valuable research to make photographing water crystals subjected to different vibrations. Hope
  9. Love
    over fifty years ago, in 1947, Dr. Hans Jenny has developed a new science to investigate the relationship between vibration and form. " Through his studies, Dr. Jenny showed that the vibration produced geometry.
    • Dr. Jenny was a surprising variety of geometric designs from some very complex to some very simple materials such as water, oil, graphite and sulfur powder. Each drawing was simply the visible form of an invisible force.
    • The importance of these experiments is that with them Dr. Jenny proved without a doubt, that the vibration created predictable way in which the substance is planned. Thoughts, feelings and emotions are vibrations that create a disturbance on the subject in which they are projected. Instead of water, sulfur and graphite, we project our vibrations on the refined substance of consciousness.
    science now suggests that our future may already exist in latent form in the soup of creation as one of many "possibilities." As each day we choose new things in our lives, waking up other possibilities and we will adjust the final result. This view implies that whenever we ask anything in prayer, it is possible that our request is already in progress.
  10. If this world view is correct, then in a zoo of my childhood, for example, each peak broken, flawed and fractured bone member was one of the possible outcomes for that moment. At that very moment, there was also another situation in which each of these animals and was healed. The two situations existed. Each possibility was real.
  11. The key to choosing a result of the many potential lies in our ability to feel that our choice is already happening. View prayer in this way, as 'feeling' we are invited to find the quality of thought and emotion that produces this feeling: living as if the fruit of our prayer is already underway.
  12. Thinking, feeling and emotion as non-aligned patterns.
    With no union, they can lose their focus. How can we benefit from the effect of our thought and emotion,
    • if each pattern moves in a different direction?
  13. The result is a dispersion of energy.
    thinking is not aligned with the feeling and emotion. This can make our Prayer is dispersed and no effect. For example, if we say, "I choose the perfect match of my life", released an energy pattern that expresses that thought. Any feeling or emotion that is not in sync with our thinking can not give strength to our choice of finding a perfect match. If our patterns are not aligned due to feelings that we do not deserve to have such a couple of perfect or emotions of fear, they may be truncated to materialize our choice. In this state, we will be aligned wondering why our affirmations and prayers have not worked.
  14. "... Whosoever shall say to this mountain, take off there and cast into the sea, not hesitating in his heart but believes that the shall say it has to do, so will "(Mark 11:23). The key to effective prayer is the union of thought, feeling and emotion. If on the other hand, the patterns of our prayer focus on the union, how can the "material" of creation does not answer our prayers?
    • (OL) = Prayer based on logic: requesting intervention
    • (OS) = Prayer based on feelings, knowing that our prayer has been answered
    • 1. (OL) We focus on our present conditions where we do not believe that peace exists.
  16. 1. (OS) We witness all events, those of peace and those who see it as lack of peace, as possibilities without judgments of right and wrong, good or bad.
  17. 2. (OL) We may feel helpless, powerless or angry at the events and conditions that witness.
    2. (OS) release our judgments about situations Blessing the conditions that have caused us suffering. Blessing does not condone nor aware of the event or condition. By contrast, acknowledges that the event is part of the sole source of everything is (Ref.: Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion).
    • 3. (OL) employ our prayers of petition calling on the divine intervention of a higher power to bring peace on individuals, conditions and places where we believe that peace is absent.
    • 3. (OS) Experiencing feelings of our prayer has been answered, we demonstrate the ancient quantum principle stating that the conditions for peace in our bodies is reflected outside the body.
  18. 4. (OL) Through our request, inadvertently affirm the same conditions less desire. When we say "Please let there be peace", for example, we are declaring that peace is not present in the current situation. By doing so, we are really giving fuel to the condition we chose to change.
    • 4. (OS) We recognize the power of our prayer and know (feel) that the focus of our prayer has already become the past.
    5. (OL) requesting action continue until we see that the change has happened in our world or we gave up and left the path of prayer
    5. (OS) Our prayer now consists of:
    a) recognition that peace is already present in our world live according to the knowledge that such changes have occurred;
    • b) strengthening our prayer giving thanks for the opportunity to choose peace instead of suffering.
    • HOW FAST YOU will drive?
    Gregg Braden says that some of "our scientists" are concerned that the magnetism of the Earth is decreasing drastically and quickly, and have even speculated as a secret of a possible change of the planet's magnetic poles provided just for the year Mayan calendar ends, and the prophecies Hopi point as the beginning of a new beginning: 2012.
    • says that the greater the magnetism, the greater the time spent for what we think and feel, be revealed in our world. Therefore, the lower the magnetism, the less time that we meet with the manifestation of our desires, or we crashed with the manifestation of our fears.
    • genetically
    • We have seen that our DNA changes with the frequencies that produce our feelings, and how is that higher energy frequencies, which are love, impact the environment in a material producing changes not only in our DNA (specifically on what our scientists call "junk DNA" because they found their usefulness), but in the environment around us, in a material way.
    • CONCLUSION THUS ... The more love
    let flow through our bodies, we will be better adapted to meet whatever might happen in 2012 and to lead our planet through our positive thoughts together, to the best possible future.
    • Ref: Awakenning to Zero Point Gregg Braden.


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