Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keratin Before & After

geomagnetic storms. What are they? BELIEVE IS TO CREATE

Earth's magnetic field (magnetosphere )

Suddenly a specific concept managed by astrophysicists, geologists and other specialists in the study of our Mother Earth, become po pulares. Some years ago we ignored completely in the Earth geomagnetic storms occur. What are they? Do they affect the climate? Do they influence the beings living on Earth?

Earth has evolved over millions of years of evolution a wonderful shield called the magnetosphere. It is caused by the magnetization of the target

them that make up the core and parts of the geosphere.

This magnetic field deflects most solar wind on a very selective, as it passes some rays bouncing off the high loads that can be deadly p ara

dwelling species the planet.

In this way, the Earth's magnetosphere serves to protect the life within it and therefore we should be very grateful, because without this


intelligent life would not be possible.

begins about 500 km altitude, above the ionosphere, where the ionized particles in the atmosphere integrated

more interaction with the magnetic field intensity land. The magnetosphere interacts with the solar wind in a region denominated mined magnetopause which is about 60,000 km of Earth in the direction Earth-Sun and a much greater distance in the opposite direction. But its size is variable, as it will regulánd ose as plasma intensity it receives.

The explosions we see in the sun spots, have more intense cycles about every eleven years. When the solar corona plasma balls off high electromagnetic loads, those that are too high and harmful are detained in the Front Range of the Earth's magnetosphere, and are deflected by this wonderful shield to the magnetic poles of the Earth. Here is where the most amount of changes, UV radiation that we see as auroras, these beautiful formations of intense colors in heaven Nordic and southern polar regions.

must be taken into account when talking about North Pole and South Pole that the Earth's magnetic poles do not coincide with our poles. The magnetic poles are displaced about 1800 km of geographic and moving on through the ages. Therefore compasses do not point exactly to the North Pole.

Some recent measurements show a 5% reduction in the intensity of the magnetic field in the last 100 years, which has been estimated that the magnetic field Earth could disappear if it continues at this rate, within about 1500 years ago, something that would destroy life as we know it. In the South Atlantic Anomaly, the magnetic field strength is decreasing ten times faster than elsewhere. Is a weak band of the magnetosphere that occupies much of the South Atlantic, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil. This is moving very slowly towards South Africa.

When solar cycles are approaching the peak (as the present solar cycle 24, which will peak in 2012 or 2013, geomagnetic storms are becoming more persistent. They usually last from 2 to 4 days, and if its intensity is large, can cause blockage of any system dependent on electromagnetism: GPS, radar, satellites, mobile phones, television, etc.

geomagnetic storms may very portents the greatest danger is the collapse of the generators in large power plants, already in other opportunities has left many cities without power. Understanding that without light there is no heat, no Internet, many communication and alarm systems may be ineffective, a storm intense geomagntética can represent a great danger to the system in which we live, heavily dependent on electricity.

planes could not fly, boats would not have the guidance systems and could not sail, we would not receive information satellite communications could be blocked and chaos.

In recent years, became known to the people of geomagnetic storms due to a forecast published by NASA in which several scientists predicted that solar cycle 24, could be 30 to 50 % more powerful than all the above.

That is why I write this note so that we understand the nature of the magnetosphere and geomagnetic storms that we living in those days.

Influence in humans is poorly studied, although we fully electromagnetic beings (iron in our blood is a metal that produces a magnetic field around us ), it is unclear yet what symptoms we experience when we live one of these storms.

Many cases have been reported dizziness, severe pain headache, joint pain and ringing in the ears. The symptoms are logical, because by altering the Earth's magnetic field also alters our body. It is impossible to stay out of an event of the sun, because the life of our planet depends on the interaction of the Earth to the star.

interactions have also been found between geomagnetic storms and the subsequent displacement reaction terestre plate, producing earthquakes and tsunamis.

Ionosphere, also undergoes a change during a geomagnetic storm, so the planet's climatic activity is affected.

The Sun and Earth form a cosmic system binary, making it impossible to study them separately, are as Being only Earth depends on this great center is entropic the Sun, to self-regulate and maintain homeostatic levels.

Geomagnetic storms are as common as rain or thunderstorms, so we will consider them fully everyday events in our lives.

by: Bianca Atwell


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