Sunday, February 1, 2009

Numero De SÉrie Blazedtv 2.5a

esoteric Seeds





christia vespertilonis

Huayuro nego, contra maleficios



Ailanthus altissima

La Ceiba

is the national tree of Guatemala, also known as kapok or silk cotton tree. It is a very tall tree spreading its branches at the top of his glass, the soft fibers are used to fill pillows and comforters. However, the most important role in many communities Ceiba Guatemala, is to cover the main square in the shadow of their long branches. This tradition goes back many centuries, in the days when the Mayas cultivated the kapok trees in the streets of their cities. In many of the famous ruins of Guatemala these trees (Or their descendants) still reach 100 feet or more, sheltering with his shadow remains of these long-neglected communities. La Ceiba is an ecosystem in itself, since its crevices and branches (which can reach up to 150 feet wide) are populated by many species of orchids, ferns, cacti and bromeliads. A iguanas and other reptiles like to bask in the highest branches of the ceiba. The fruits of this tree are large, hard, in large capsules containing cotton fibers. La Ceiba has many uses such as traditional medicine, kapok fiber, fiber, and also for food. La Ceiba easily reaches 70 feet tall. A tree cylindrical and straight, with finger-like leaves. Its bark is gray-pink and soft.

Mediator between heaven and earth, between matter and spirit, between living and dead, the human bond with Mother Father Creator, an element that carries the prayers to the realm of the Divine That is the function of copal, through sahumador.Nos count in Tradition, which Quetzalcoatl transformed into his animal plant a tree, piercing also, offering a sacrifice, an act that allowed it to flow of be, the aromatic white copal resin. By fall of that "white blood" on the breaststroke burning, the act becomes the fragrant white smoke that cleanses, purifies and rises carrying the prayers and petitions to cielo.La aromatic copal resin is extracted from the tree Bursera bipinnata tree in the days before the arrival of English, known as "Copalquahuitl." Copalli resin is one of the great gifts that Mother Nature gives us, is an element considered sacred in the minds of the natives of America now, right for giving, to purify and promote a dialogue between human beings and the divine standpoint . The generic name of the species are: Bursera, refers to J. Bursa, born about 1500. The way to get the resin varies depending on the product that is desired. The stone copal or gum is collected directly from the bark of the tree, the white copal or saint is extracted in a similar way as is done with rubber and chewing gum, making diagonal cuts along the tree trunk or branch , so that the drop is collected in a maguey leaf placed under the final cut, giving it an elongated shape, and which is also called white scrolls flecha.Las copal produced by burning copal, are considered Divine and receive according to the old concept, the name of Iztac Teteo (white gods), also if the incense is called "white woman" in the poetic language of the ancestors Anahuac. Smoke it amounts to is a clear demonstration of the dialogue that is taking place between heaven and earth. The plume becomes the axis of the World, which revolve around the universe and the Old Anahuac criaturas.En incense symbolized the incorruptibility and immortality. His pleasant perfume is real but elusive, so is the realm of the spiritual. In the ceremonies, its aromatic white smoke located the place through which pass the animas.En therapeutic use copal heals the diseases caused by cold and moisture, and also calms the headaches. Even now in some communities, children are hanging on the neck, a bag of cotton with a ball of copal, as a preventive measure that avoided enfermedades.Otro ritual use of incense, is carried out in the production of sculptures, made of such material. When this resin is molded fresh and hardens when it dries, it is feasible and lasting shape. These sculptures were done as a way to pay tribute to Mother Earth to Tonantzin Tlazolteotl, and even accompanying some of the characters in their graves. Copal has also been found as part of the base of the handle so-called "sacrificial knives." Being burned the white smoke was associated with the rains, which is also thought that in this way were honoring Tlaloc , and was used to apply water lluvia.Es important to note certain constant elements considered "sacred" around the world. For example resins offered by the Magi, as an offering, as a gift to baby Jesus, the Bible tells us that were Frankincense and Myrrh. Both resins from species within the genus Bursera, in its variety that produces called Boswellia and Commiphora incense called the mirra.En obtained the local environment, some people call myrrh, the copal tree bark soaked in resina.El copal is an essential element in the rituals, is considered an offering worthy of being offered to the Father Mother Giver of Life. Now part of the offering with the incense burners, ritual begins, is the element that cleanses, purifies and raises the vibration places and the bystanders. Its most common use is burned on the breaststroke burning incense burner.
Copal flavored not only everything he touches but is a true cleaner auras. The aura around us, is our halo and aura cleansing helps us live better, not sick.
Copal is a resin extracted from the copal tree or holy tree. The extraction is performed as the rubber is extracted from his tree, with bleeding cuts. Copal ideally used for magic is the milky white that looks like a stone on the outside, is yellowish and with a kind of viscous liquid inside. It is sold in some fairs of the peoples of Mexico and Guatemala in its purest form, but either way you can perform the rituals that are detailed below with any incense you find in the market, including wand that is readily available. Keep in mind that in these rituals the prayers have a role of great importance.
At a time like Spring, a step that favors early, when hopes resurface and there is a renewed faith in the stuff, the copal is helpful. First anoint your home with these incense and then asks aloud what you want. For example, if you started a diet, you can ask "the great masters of heaven and earth, let me have the strength to take care of my body and heal it."
If you want to improve employment, use the incense, light a blue candle and asks "that this job gives me particular abundance not only in money but in happiness and welfare." If you want a love that will complement and really want, you can ask that "these aromas attract all the love in my life and I'm willing to give and receive." So with all new and good things you want for your life, as the perfume of incense and help stimulate the senses.
Any ritual done with this resin has the ability to transform anything bad to good. When we doubt our luck or be fooled by anything or anyone, using copal back to our home or who want to protect the good vibes that transform everything. Be generous @ to light your incense and let the aroma throughout your house, it saturates the air with their perfume and evil will disappear as if by magic.
saturate the air with this delicious perfume before any event where you have high expectations, provide the enabling environment to receive the event that is sure to be happy and perfect. Before a wedding is wonderful burning copal, preferably yellow and milky white in the place where the bride will change or where the couple spend their wedding night. Not only will the room a delicious perfume but alienate any bad vibes that are in place.
Also in the minutes before leaving for a new job or to an absolute highlight, burn some incense to give you a boost of hope and happiness an interesting project. Copal in virtually all its forms, if not dark, perfumes, gives hope and brings the good vibes. It's certainly a magnet for happiness.

fornicatumEl fornicatum Hongo has a very odd shape and structure, which can have a height of 8 inches. We see above a spherical structure that is the endoperidio , the sac where the spores .

To start down the radio or "legs" which are exoperidio fragmentation. The "feet" landing on a special layer, that is buried in the earth. The legs can become between 4 and 6.
When it was first discovered in 1688, this fungus was named Fungus anthropomorphus, its shape resembling a person. The present specific name, fornicatum, he was released because the anthropomorphic figure is located on the bottom layer as if they were having sex, or fornicating. This fungus can live
areas under conifers, they are closely associated with the cypress trees. They are not edible, fornicatum.


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