Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Get A Working Diamond Rom And Emulator

Radionics initiated by a distinguished American physician, Dr. Albert Abrams of San Francisco (1863-1924), who discovered that could produce changes in healing diseases and even radical, circuits and devices that allow emissions measurements and distance, using simple as connecting links to samples of patients treated. This practice has been developed by many researchers and exhibitors, worldwide. Radionics was born.

This method of healing a patient remotely using a special instrument, using the right operator or optional PSI, far exceeds expectations quantum medicine we could have put us in the future, 200 years ago. A Radionics competently trained, you can discover the cause of the disease in any living system, either a human being, a plant, animal or even the earth itself. May have therapeutic powers appropriate to help restore optimum health in balancing the patient or the basement, vegetables, plants, trees and remove pests without pesticides hazardous to health, from your own home.

Leonardo Olaizabal of Darjeeling Radionics Center (Spain) said: "... The Radionics is not a medicine in the classical sense of taking drugs and that's it, but a cure for "Cell-dimensional vibration Mind." Nor is it an alternative medicine, but an ally of mainstream medicine. It is the psychological energy and Mental Science, which seeks to diagnose and cure from the patient. Made a few instruments are used for this purpose and made the issue of "energy patterns" representing the different remedies, whether homeopathic, color, or oligoementos plants, stones or gems, salts or flowers, mantras or commands.

And as already mentioned, to operationalize the radionics treatment is necessary for the person to be treated, be willing to leave a sample of her hair attached to a paper label with your name. From here, the Law on Biological Resonance and the Holographic Principle, let the high art of healing or restoring the patient's "energy" you need to approach life properly. " Indeed, as Complementary and Energy or Vibrational, is the highest Spiritual Healing, and much more scientific than some methods currently popularized by the commercial fund more than the fact of cure. Therapies that are applied to a patient should not be based solely on an act of faith, but you have to do everything possible to measure and quantify the degree of healing that has been dispensed at any given time. Everything is measurable, and the Art of Dowsing and Pendulum, with Kinesiology, make it possible. "

Subtle Bodies and Healing: The 7 flat or subtle bodies surround and infiltrate the physical body in the following order: Etheric, Astral, Mental, causal, Buddha, Atman. Each plan includes physics is believed that in her many dimensions. Various healing modalities operate in different organs. According to Gerber and others, rates specific resources, rates and frequencies of resonance with the work of the miasma specific disease or parasites and involve lower levels (physical, etheric, astral and lower mental), which Tansley warned us about. Causal and higher causal ways and plans to hire the Spirit. Such therapies include crystals, flower essences and oils, elixirs stone, Reiki and generally operate in the frequency ranges much higher (TeraHertz) rather than certain lower frequencies. It seems likely that non-toxic benign and windows throughout the spectrum of frequencies that can fluctuate unpredictably. frequent testing is therefore extremely important, even several times during a treatment session.

Tests: Trying to test the causal plane devices and resonance techniques to the types of devices such as Vega, electrodermal, EAV often leads to erroneous and misleading. This is because they are not in the same planes. Similarly, a human or Applied Kinesiologist Dowser not residing in or focused on causation and higher levels can also get misleading results. We have seen negative, misleading or false to the Causal Plane devices such as crystals, gemstones, essential oils, Hunza water has been tested by the techniques lower dimension and individuals.

The secret of the onion

Allium ampeloprasum (leek) Allium Cepa (onion) and Allium sativum (garlic). Three garden plants caring for humans for millennia. Its flower, similar to the virus in the form of hollow sphere on a leaf, contains telluric vibrations dowsing and easily measurable by sensitive teleports and experts in radionics.
Onions (bulb) in horizontal cut, reminiscent of the layers of the aura and atmosphere of the earth.

and vertical to the flame of a candle.

very important in food, we all know its properties (just put a clove of garlic in the arm to raise body temperature) for example.

But the onion, it is surprising: Allium

:., Emotional release. Help in the process of introspection in the psychotherapeutic treatment, breaking the psychological barriers and facilitating the exit blocked emotions.

Allium = Lilium is a former Latin plant name in Dutch is called lily (lelie "). Other names are translated Dutch "The lily of the Virgin" or "lily of the church."

Symbolism of Lilium Lilium symbolizes innocence, the transient, the royalty, spiritual love, purity, fertility, virginity, cleanliness and unity. In many countries, the lily has a special meaning. The Romans and Greeks crowned their girlfriends with Lilies to promote clean living and fertile. Since 1179, the lilies adorned the shield of the King of France. For Americans, the church lily (Lilium longiflorum) is the sign of hope.

The white lily is traditionally used much during the funeral, so it is often associated with death. In the cemeteries the flower is much on the graves of children and young girls, sometimes with broken stem.

Only a few people know that the white lily is also the symbol of purity, innocence and virginity. With this meaning also spoke of the lily of the Virgin. The archangel Gabriel and the parents of the Virgin Mary is often represented with a lily

In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people had a doctor who visited many farmers to see if he could help fight the flu. Many of the farmers and their families had been made and many died.

The doctor came to a farm and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what they were doing something different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the room of the home.

The doctor could not believe it and asked if he could have one to put under the microscope.

She gave him one, and the doctor found the virus in onions. Obviously absorbed the bacteria maintain healthy family.

heard this story from my hairdresser. She said that several years ago many of its employees were coming down with the flu and her customers. The following year she placed several dishes with onions on the premises. To her surprise, none of his staff got sick.

I sent this information to a friend in Oregon, who worked with me regularly with health materials. He replied with this interesting experience about onions:

I do not know about the history of the farmers but I do know that contracted pneumonia and, needless to say, I was very sick ... I came across an article that said he had to cut both ends of an onion pierced with a fork at one end and place on a plate next to the patient at night. He said that the onion would be black in the morning from the germs ...

enough it happened just like that ... the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article is that onions and garlic around the room survived the black plague many years ago. They have powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

The moral of this story is: buy some onions and place on plates without stripping around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two onions in your office or at your desk or something up there. We did and never got the flu.

Carmen Rosa Peña Diaz - From Bucaramanga, Colombia

already complained Virgil, Latin poet of the first century BC, when he exclaimed in a few lines from his work The bucolic " I do not know which eye aoja my tender lambs. "

and curse is that installed in the eye can cause a thousand misfortunes where it settles, parched fields, sick livestock and causing very different effects on people. Among others, of his will completely cancel, leaving them at the mercy of those who thus has aojado.

Anger, envy, hatred and all the passions common to humans driven by the light traveling towards its target, it infects with its content. The mechanism is automatic, without necessarily mediate the will of the beholder. The world becomes a crossover looks infinitely poisonous, which can be an unwitting victim as it being hit by a car while crossing the street. And is that all eyes, however innocent, is charged with any intention.

Plutarch in his Parallel Lives, written around the year 100, warned of their danger even to oneself. Any person, he said, can be damaged in a purely accidental to look in the mirror at the wrong time. If you face the mirror when your mind is overcome by anger or hatred, the ill will that emerges from his eyes bouncing off the reflective surface turned against it, which thus aojada their own eyes.

ancient authors seem to agree that, for all the evil intentions that nest in the human heart, envy is the most common. Sorrow for the good of others seems widespread sensitivity, and who look with envy holds that what one lacks is a mechanism as natural and involuntary. The ugly envious of the beautiful for its beauty, poor to rich, single to married, the prolific mother sterile, the failure that succeeds, the low stature who is tall, brunette to blonde and back again ... Anyway, I preaches the old adage: "If envy jock off, how many were mangy!". Hence the evil eye abound.

Heliodorus, in the fourth century, it reasoned as follows in his book The Ethiopian, "No wonder, therefore, that some aojar reach those who most want and want the best people because they are envious of nature and the reason that they act like this is not their will but their intrinsic way of being. " Thus, the greedy can not avoid looking at the rich with envy is part of their intrinsic way of being. The hotel moralizing medieval bestiary finished minting the indissoluble relationship of envy with the evil eye. In the Cambridge Bestiary of the twelfth century, refers to the envy and evil eye that burns. "

The "evil eye" is a deeply rooted belief in Greece and in almost the entire population, regardless of educational level and age. According to them those who when very young do not pay attention to these things surely will when they deliver your first child and want to protect. Young and old, college and university not all share the idea that if you feel bad, you have nausea, headache, drowsiness, lack of energy (and there are no known physiological or psychological causes to which to attribute these symptoms), probably has been the victim of "matiasma.

To prevent the" evil eye "are used crosses (the symbol that protects against all kinds of evil) and" mati "(specific to the evil eye) used hidden under clothing or on demand. In the house hangs in the corners or entrance doors. Garlic and onions also have this protection feature (there are small ceramic garlic for this purpose). At the moment we suspect that someone may be "flipping" can recite a prayer in a low voice (not very nice), a prevention mode (without the other will listen, of course): "... garlic and onions in your own eye on your back ...".

_ To protect infants of mothers use a type of small cloth bag inside a small relic of a saint that sets them on their clothes.

The Greek Orthodox Church recognizes the existence of the evil eye ("Vaskania") as evidence of the existence of evil and has a special prayer to heal, but it can only be recited by a representative of the church. Does not recognize the power of the other healing practices.

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