Sunday, April 4, 2010

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"The evening sun in the tropics and its impact on agriculture"

Influence of moon phases in the dynamics of sap plants.
How does the dynamic of the movement of sap in the plants during the different phases of the moon and why consider them in the various agricultural activities and livestock?

no doubt the attraction of the Moon, plus the Sun on the Earth's surface at certain times has a high grip on any liquid that is in the earth's surface, with very different amplitudes depending on the nature, physical state and plasticity of the substance they act upon these forces. Thus in certain positions of lake water from the oceans rises up to a maximum height, then dropped below to a minimum, regular maintenance and on this swing.

has also been shown that this phenomenon is felt in the sap of plants, starting the process of its influence from the highest to go down gradually throughout the stem, until the root system.

This phenomenon is less intense when associated with high plant size and sturdy stems, bearing many irrigation canals intertwined, or in plants where low height is very short distance between topsoil and root, but appears very clearly in those high-stemmed plant with few channels for the flow of sap and poor communication between them.

The lunar influence development benefits and growing dramatically in many plants, including highlights vines, bougainvillea and bougainvillea, roses, legumes, wisteria, etc. On the other hand, has also been found in some flowering plants follows the rhythm of ebb and flow of tides and certain trees that are grown for the production of sugar juices also keep pace with them, while there is still abundant flow and becoming more scarce in the ebb tide.

Botanic Japanese, Filipino, English and Malay, which for decades been studied in detail the phenomena that occur in the growth of certain types of bamboo, have found that some of these species from Southeast Asia come to grow between 50 and 60 centimeters a day, for example, a scientist once clocked growth of 1.24 Madame Japanese bamboo meters in 24 hours.

The action of the moon, or more specifically as they say, the action of the tides, is manifested in a very visible, since growth is much faster over the flow and experience a delay during reflow. The cause is due to the attraction of the moon, establishing a rate of pressure and pressure from the sap of these plants.
Details of the dynamics of sap extensive and intensive periods.

An explanation: For example, when we had the wood for construction in the crescent phase to full moon, the woods lasted long because the fibers were loaded with much water, which were open to dry, soft and full of air.

woods would crack and little reluctant to weather. As if we cut the wood in gibbous moon, three days after the full moon to last quarter, they lasted longer and we were more resistant to decay, because the woods were under water and dry the fibers were sealed, resistant to weather and insects.

On the other hand, associated with this practice of moon phases, is the phenomenon of the lesser circulation of sap in the trees because of the low temperatures of late autumn and winter months in the pole south, by which time virtually all the trees have lost their leaves and their photosynthetic activity is reduced to minimum. Finally, associated with this learning together with an additional 16 years of personal research with other farmers across the continent of Latin America and the Caribbean, the result of continuous exchange of experiences with them. In fact, we can say that this publication or these notes are the fruit of the wisdom of the rural.

Jairo Restrepo Rivera
Juquira candiru Foundation

The influence of the moons in the oceans (tides), agriculture (tree pruning, planting, harvesting, etc ...) and even in the state of spirit of ourselves is now an undeniable phenomenon. What we want to know the moons are most suitable for vegetable crops, cereals and all fruit trees in the orchard or the garden.

ancient agriculture in the observation of the sun, moon and other stars were common practices. This observation, along with experience, are the source of wisdom passed on from generation to generation and current practice has been lost. Biodynamic agriculture is recovering this ancient connection between the energies of heaven and earth. For this we can find on the market biodynamic lunar calendars that will guide us on the best times to perform various tasks in the garden, depending on lunar phases, planetary aspects, etc. Need

a common calendar that contains the phases of the moon of each month (Full Moon, New, Shrinking, Growing). Must be a current calendar this year. They are available at any stationery store or nearby Anticipating
or planting trees to plant, either in seed or transplanted definitely one place where it will have its life cycle and reproduction.
A place or area intended for planting.

Pico Pala or any tool that can dig a well.
enough water for each plant at planting. Steps

Before planting, we will review the schedule and we located the exact date of the month to plant in that day will the "full moon."
When we are unsure of the date on which the full moon will fall, we anticipate 3 days before the full moon or 3 days AFTER the full moon, planting takes place at noon (12:00 pm). For example, if the full moon of July 2009 will fall by 7, then the seed will be either July 5, 2009 or July 9, 2009 at 12:00 noon. ANY OF THESE 2 DATES WILL BE FEASIBLE.

Once we set the date of planting, prepare everything from the well or area to be planted every tree or seed, water and all that will be used if one wants to plant more trees.
Place the tree or seeds to plant in their rightful place at the right time, filled with earth, pour enough water and Done.
With this, be sure you have one of the best crops throughout the year and every year, depending what you sow. Important

the full moon three days BEFORE IT or 3 days later, makes the trees have a very beautiful, healthy and great a distance need not reach very high (lemons, coconuts, papaya, mango, avocado any tree fruit, etc, etc). In short, trees bajitos short term short distance off.
If sown the same day as the full moon in the specified time, the harvest is fruitful as well, but here other than to wait months for harvest and also need good-sized ladder to cut the product.
So we must not forget that this beautiful natural satellite Earth, also fruit can give us success, if we calculate the days in which your domain.

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