Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dauntless Elite Cistern Parts

that is happening to our leaders? Are they sick?
Nature is Mother Earth, and a mother should be treated with affection, respect and admiration. We can not allow the "motherless" throw overboard centuries of civilization, wiping out life forms can not be recovered. Recommended
also read:
Agriculture and intensive farming.

There are many indicators that show the global agricultural and livestock model is failing, and the bees as environmental indicators because of its high sensitivity to changes in the environment, remind us that the model is unsustainable and begins to produce failures and accidents at many levels. Therefore, their disappearance could be due to a combination of factors created by the intensive model: pesticides, transgenic crops, pollen with low nutritional management of beekeeping, etc. Common sense and the obvious effects of intensive model in the environment suggests the latter cause as the most likely. According to Greenpeace, the agricultural model based on toxics, GM, erosion biodiversity, loss of species and varieties, and the current model of conventional management of hives that genetically impoverished cottage, and generates high levels of stress, seem to be the root of the problem, which could manifest in a weakening of the hives and consequent diseases.
GMOs as a possible cause While there is no clear scientific evidence that the problem is due to the ingestion of genetically modified (GMO), many researchers agree that it is one aspect to consider. This reminds us of the many uncertainties we have with regard to the effects of GMOs on human health and animal, and on the environment and the impunity with which some empresas.Si GM act was the cause or one BCC, it would be very difficult to prove given how little we know about the adverse effects of GMOs. Remember the disastrous role of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), impact assessments, the recent scandals and attitudes of the agency with respect to 3272 of Syngenta corn, potato EH92-527-1 of BASF, the Mon 810 of Mon 863, etc. While the authorities decide, in Germany begin to detect problems of contamination of honey with GM pollen.

out July 15 published a story by the IPS (Inter Press Service), on six leading German beekeepers their bees to Munich to save them from GM maize, which had been planted near his village, Kaisheim, 80 kilometers from the city. "If our bees come into contact with genetically modified corn and honey is contaminated with it, not allow us to sell it," said Karl Heinz Bablock IPS. GM in Germany is legal, but can not be used for drinking humano.Estudios made in Australia, and Canada show that the bee can be, accidentally, an agent for dissemination of genetically modified varieties, particularly rapeseed. From one hive to another, for pollination, canola can spread their genetic heritage in the range of the bee (three miles). Studies on the effect of GMOs on abejasAlgunas voices say in the states of North Dakota and South American GM crops, mainly soybeans, cause DDC Syndrome (Cognitive Impairment Road) and following the deaths of millions of bees, which has quietly forced to import bees from Australia, the only country in the developed world has prohibited the use of "seeds of evil." These voices argue that "the bees suck the pollen of flowers produced by transgenic plants lose directional and road sense, and are unable to return to their beehives dying on the road. So, secretly, using transgenic killed millions of bees in the Dakotas, but the government and the Department of Health and U.S. Food I fell silent. In China it was the same with the production of transgenic pears, bees also disappeared and led to what is known today as the catastrophe of pollination, which forced the Chinese to carefully collect pollen and continue watering crops . 'A study from the SADA (Argentina Beekeepers Society) by Dirk Babendreier about the effects of pollen from GM maize ability to secrete a Bt insecticidal toxin on the development of the hypopharyngeal gland of the adult workers (with which feeds the pups) showed that this gland was significantly decreased in those abejas.Otros study emphasizes the need to be very cautious in regard to bees, compared to transgenic plants that produce an insecticide, or produce a protein conferring resistance to herbicida.En Germany is conducting a research showing a clear relationship between the health of bees and Bt protein in Bt transgenic crops Apparently, after the attack of certain parasites, gut of bees is much more sensitive to Bt, generating significant damage. There are articles about it in the newspaper "Spiegel" and found details on the website of "Biosicherheit." In addition, a study published in http://www.biosicherheit field. concludes that "there is no chronic toxic effects of Bt maize events Bt176 and MON810 in healthy bees, but they exist in bees affected by other factors (such as parasites Microsporida) decrecimento leading to a significant number of individuals in and reduced reproductive activity. " Future humanity is threatened without bees
The current model of agriculture and livestock seems to be causing the disappearance of our bees, although studies fail to determine a clear cause and direct, since it is a combination of factors. Some studies show that bees weakened by diseases and parasites may be affected by some GM pollen, and this is the case of bees overexploited with an intensive model. If the bees have poor health maintained through the use of antibiotics and other chemicals (chemical treatments of monoculture weaken them more), plus GM pollen may be affecting your ability to navigate, feed and reproduce, how they will not disappear? The syndrome of disappearing bee reminds us and shows the great dependence of the human species on biodiversity and ecosystems. should take care of our environment, move towards a model of agriculture that respects the environment, not destroy resources, climate, that does not generate waste injustice and unsustainable manner. The implications of an expansion of the depopulation of hives are alarming, since most crops around the world rely on pollination by bees. Not surprisingly Albert Einstein once said que si las abejas desaparecían, al hombre sólo le quedarían cuatro años de vida.

440/ Hz de Zumbidos alquimicos.
Una vez màs, muere la abeja presa tecnològica de la humana empresa,
Si desaparece su batir de alas, ¿Con què afinaràn, mùsicos y hadas?
¿Que bebida nueva llenarà los cuernos de Druidas sabios en noches de invierno?
La miel es el sìmbolo de lo psicotròpico, la abeja de reyes y chamanes nòrdicos.
¿Y què nuevo insecto crearà la alquimia con nèctar y polen que cure my arrhythmia?
What am I going? Since I am blind, deaf, dumb, and do not understand, because in the galaxy
my inner body as there is so much misery in hell.
not breathe the air, and glimpse the fire, as I consume the life I lead,
invoke the land, and water quenching, but nothing happens, everything in my rambles,
more I proclaim that love is everything, life shows me that I'm lonely.
Only in the fight: the battle where a simple debate pirate and scoundrel,
in vile speaking, writing history in sick minds who applaud his glory,
Runs with the cash! That generates life, the poor pay with their lives!
With their mortgages! and cold wars! That watered with blood the streets empty!
That all for sale, and everything can be bought! And feelings have neither vote.
only five years, the human race survive before such deception.
bee is dying with it the intent of the sublime joy that leads to contentment,
until we see it, the world smiles and happy talk all over the phone. Sad
technology, with logical progression, summing up the time.

Luis Tejeiro / 2001


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