Thursday, July 30, 2009

Green Mucus Should I Go To Doctor

to get spanked a model Muslim in Malaysia

A state court of Sharia law in Malaysia a woman sentenced to six lashes after pleading guilty to alcohol openly in a Malaysia nightclub two years ago, according to reported the New Straits Times daily in Kuala Lumpur .

sewi Shukarno Kartika Sari, a model 32 from Singapore, will also pay a fine of 5,000 ringgit (1,350 dollars) for drinking beer in July 2007, when they broke into the Islamic inspectors nightclub.

image "The stripes are intended to make the accused to repent and be a lesson to Muslims," \u200b\u200bargued the sentencing judge. Lawyers for the women anticipated they would appeal the conviction.
sharia law in force Pahang state penalties of up to 5,000 ringgit, three years' imprisonment and six strokes of the cane cane for drinking alcohol.


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