Friday, July 31, 2009

Does Scorpio Man Think Me

The brain learns more successes than failures condemn

Conventional wisdom tells us otherwise, but brain cells can learn from the experience only when you do something well and when it fails , according to a study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge (USA) published in the journal Neuron.

Researchers have managed to capture the learning process that shows how individual cells change their responses in real time as a result of information about what is right action and what's wrong. Scientists conducted experiments with monkeys in which the animals were provided with the task of examining two alternating images on a computer screen. In the case of images, the animals were rewarded when they drove their gaze to the right. In the case of the other image, were supposed to look to the left. The monkeys used trial and error to discover which images require different movements.

image The researchers found that if the answers of the animals were right or wrong echoed parts of their brains with the impact of their responses for several seconds. Neuronal activity that followed a correct response and a reward helped the monkey to make better test appeared seconds later.

"If the monkey managed to respond well, a signal is maintained in the brain that seemed to say 'you did well." Just after a correct answer, the neurons processed information more vigorous and effective and the monkey was more likely to respond well to the next question. But after an error is not produced improvement. In other words, only after successes and failures not

processing brain and behavior of the monkeys improved, "says Earl K. Miller, coauthor of the study. Processing


prefrontal cortex organizes thoughts and actions in line with internal targets while the basal ganglia is associated with motor control, cognition and emotion. This work shows that these two brain areas suspected of playing key roles in learning and memory, have all the information to perform the necessary neural processing in learning.

The researchers found activity in many neurons of these two brain areas that reflected the administration or withholding of a reward that lasted several seconds, until next year. Single neurons transmitting information in both areas steadily for four or six seconds, completing the space between exercises.

The selectivity of the response was strongest in a given year if the previous year had received a reward or weaker if it had been a mistake. This occurred when the animal was learning the association or was already good at it.

After a correct answer, the electrical impulses coming from the neurons in these brain areas were stronger and transmitting information. "The signal to noise rate improved in both brain regions. The strength of the response I had to get it right in the following year. This explains why neural level seems to learn more from our failures than our successes, "concluded Miller.

Technorati Tags: research

Thursday, July 30, 2009

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to get spanked a model Muslim in Malaysia

A state court of Sharia law in Malaysia a woman sentenced to six lashes after pleading guilty to alcohol openly in a Malaysia nightclub two years ago, according to reported the New Straits Times daily in Kuala Lumpur .

sewi Shukarno Kartika Sari, a model 32 from Singapore, will also pay a fine of 5,000 ringgit (1,350 dollars) for drinking beer in July 2007, when they broke into the Islamic inspectors nightclub.

image "The stripes are intended to make the accused to repent and be a lesson to Muslims," \u200b\u200bargued the sentencing judge. Lawyers for the women anticipated they would appeal the conviction.
sharia law in force Pahang state penalties of up to 5,000 ringgit, three years' imprisonment and six strokes of the cane cane for drinking alcohol.


Technorati Tags: curiosities

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Japanese Crazy Sharking

A parliamentary seat is what would Berlusconi offered a prostitute

foreign newspapers are still dealing with alleged erotic relations between the Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi and luxury prostitute Patrizia D'Addario and highlight the latest "revelation" of women in the Journal du Dimanche, that the head of government, after a night together, I would have offered a seat in Parliament.
"Berlusconi offered me a bench MEP, said "escort."

In the interview with French weekly, D'Addario says he has not spoken directly with Berlusconi policy but says Giampaolo Tarantini, the manager who had been in contact with the premier, asked the curriculum, which would be used to propose application to the European Parliament.
In The Times, Josephine McKenna also wrote about offering a seat in Parliament, proposed that the "escort" was not interested.
"If Berlusconi had kept the promise I would be happy today, but this does not happen, "he said.

image The article recalls the controversy that followed the elections that Berlusconi was proposed earlier this year to several "show girls" and the protests triggered by the intervention of his wife, Veronica Lario. The most widespread
German newspaper, Bild, today pointed to statements by the actress advertising Graziana Capone, and wondered what happened to the beautiful model Campari. That daily contends that "erotic comedy about alleged sexual escapades of Berlusconi, come into play a new lady."
The German weekly Der Spiegel, on sale today, Italy dedicated to an article entitled "The World of Silvio" and speaks of a country "enigmatic, disturbing and incomprehensible."

Technorati Tags: scandal, political

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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New general anesthesia is safer developed

researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in the U.S. have developed a new general anesthesia may be safer for the sickest patients. The results of their investigation, so far only performed in animal models, published in the journal Anesthesiology. "

The authors describe preclinical studies MOC-etomidate drug, an altered version of an existing anesthetic that does not cause the rapid fall in blood pressure cause the majority of anesthetics or prolonged suppression of adrenal gland activity, a problem with the original form of medicine .

explains Douglas Raines, director of the project, "we have shown that etomidate produce a version of it decomposes very rapidly in the body reduces the duration of adrenal suppression while retaining the benefit of etomidate to maintain blood pressure much more stable than other anesthetics. "


Experts say that almost all general anesthetic agents reduce blood pressure immediately after administration, which can have serious consequences for older patients and more severe. In these cases we used etomidate but because adrenal suppression may last hours or days to be used other agents, which requires close monitoring to prevent dangerous drops in blood pressure.

To find a more secure version of etomidate, the researchers mimicked the chemical structure other similar drugs, from other drugs easier to metabolize, adding a molecule that causes the natural enzymes break down more quickly the drug after operation.

The researchers conducted experiments in tadpoles and rats and showed that the new agent, MOC-etomidate anesthesia produced quickly and that animals also recovered quickly after completion of dosing. The study in rats found that the MOC-etomidate had little effect on blood pressure levels and did not affect adrenal activity, even when administered at twice the dose required to produce anesthesia.

The researchers suggest that because the study only examined the effect of a single dose of MOC-etomidate, your next step is to study the continuous infusion of the drug. They also note that you need to collect additional data from animal studies prior to evaluating the agent in human patients.

"If all goes well, we hope to provide a large dose of MOC-etomidate for induction of anesthesia and follow with a continuous infusion to maintain anesthesia without reducing blood pressure even in patients too ill. We also anticipate that patients wake up faster and with less sedation after surgery and anesthesia, "he says Raines.

Technorati Tags: research, health

Monday, July 27, 2009

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The 15 NASA inventions that changed our lives

1. Computed tomography or CT: This detector technology tumors was first used to find flaws in the spatial components.

2. Computer microchip, microchips modern descendants of the integrated circuits used in the flight computer assistance of the Apollo capsules.
3. Cordless tools: drills and vacuum cleaners today use wireless technology designed for lunar samples.

4. Ear thermometer: a lens like a camera that detects infrared energy that we feel as heat was originally used to monitor the birth of stars.

5. Freeze-dried foods, this technique reduces the weight of food and increases the amount of food that can be transported without sacrificing nutritional value.


6. Insulation: The insulation used in the home use the same reflective material used to protect spacecraft from radiation.

7. Invisible braces (brackets): the braces are less cumbersome by a transparent ceramic pastes made from materials used in spacecraft.

8. Joystick: This computer game device was first used in the Apollo Lunar Rover.

9. Memory Foam: Seat set of spacecraft to protect astronauts on landing, this foam can return to its original form, is now on mattresses and impact-absorbing helmets.

10. Satellite television: the technology used to fix bugs in signal communication with the spacecraft now helps reduce interference in the images and the sound of satellite television.

11. Scratch-resistant lenses, cover the visors of astronauts' helmets makes our glasses are now 10 times more resistant to scratches.

12. Insulation shoes: the footwear manufacturing companies adopted the designs of the boot space to cushion the impact by adding springs and ventilation.

13. Smoke Detector: NASA invented the first smoke detector settings with various levels of sensitivity to avoid false alarms.

14. Swimsuits: NASA used the same principles to reduce the resistance in the space now used ultrafast manufacturers such as Speedo swimsuits, which are causing such a stir among some professionals to give an unfair advantage.

15. Water filters, domestic versions now borrowed a technique pioneered by NASA to kill bacteria in water tanks used for astronauts to drink.

Source Technorati Tags: ranking

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does Chikan Actually Happen

A battalion "special": The Sacred Band of Thebes

The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite Greek army that existed by the fourth century BC It was made by the best and bravest men chosen from among the Theban troops and were subjected to hard training to give height.

Well, so far everything is more or less normal. The elite units are as old as war and all the hosts have some.

What makes this unit so special is that the Sacred Band was comprised of 300 men, or rather, the battalion was composed of 150 pairs of lovers.

Homosexuality in Greece was not only tolerated but in certain circumstances, it was frowned upon and even gave a degree of status. Even in the Greek army were not uncommon homosexual relationships between colleagues. There are numerous known and documented cases of military heroes male partner had as Theron, Harmodius Aristogeiton himself to Alexander the Great and mythological heroes like Achilles.


Gorgas was the Theban commander who led these relations in the army a step further by creating the Sacred Band of Thebes. Was composed exclusively of men both pairs of lovers. Couples the formed, usually, a veteran named Heniochoi (driver) and another component called Paraibatai younger (partner). Sacred

The battalion was part of the Greek infantry for over 33 years and he also serves as bodyguard demonstrated in numerous battles and brawls value and unparalleled courage to other units.

The secret of this strength? There is no stronger bond between two people that love and affection and that in a battlefield is worth its weight in gold. Plutarch explains:

"For men of the same tribe or family little value one another when danger pressed, but a battalion cemented by friendship based on love will never break and is invincible because lovers, ashamed of not being worthy in the sight of his beloved and the beloved in the sight of her lovers, eager to throw themselves to danger for the relief each other. "

Battalion The end was tragic. During the Battle of Chaeronea, in which the Greek city-states faced Philip II and his son Alexander , all the Greek infantry yielded to the pressure of the Macedonian army and left in disarray. All but the 300 to 150 lovers surrounded by the troops of Alexander decided to resist to the end to find there his death. Plutarch tells it:

"Victorious Philip laid his eyes on the corpses and asked: who are almost three hundred dead they embraced each other and coupled sunk in death and love.

They said, are those of the Sacred Band of Thebes Pelopidas of lovers and loved the virile of Thebes of the house of Laius.

Philip replied: Perish the man who suspects that these men or had or did something improper. "

In Chaeronea was ordered to erect a monument in memory of the fallen of Thebes.

Near the monument, found during an excavation in 1924, also found a communal grave with 254 bodies placed in seven rows. They fought together, died together and rested together

Technorati Tags: historic

Saturday, July 25, 2009

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Good progress in search of a cure for HIV

Scientists believe they have found the missing link in the evolution of the virus that causes AIDS. If so, have reduced the gap between infection that does not harm most of the apes and which kills millions of human beings.
This link is a virus that is killing chimpanzees in the wild at an alarming rate, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Nature.
Chimpanzees are primates also the first human beings who become ill in the jungle in a significant number with a virus related to HIV. Chimpanzees are also the closest beings to humans among primates.
Chimpanzees are already in danger, but the discovery of the disease that kills these apes could help doctors find better treatments or a vaccine for humans, experts say.
version of the virus that causes AIDS from monkeys is known as simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), but most of apes and monkeys that have revealed no symptoms or become ill.

So "if we can figure out why the monkeys do not get sick, maybe we could apply to humans," said study lead author Beatrice Hahn, professor of medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The nine-year study of chimpanzees in the wild in Gombe National Park in Tanzania found that chimpanzees infected with SIV were dying at a rate of 10 to 16 times higher than non-infected chimpanzees.
Necropsy of infected chimpanzees revealed an unusually low amount of protein on T cells in white blood cells that are similar to levels found in humans with AIDS, Hahn said in a telephone interview.
When scientists looked at the particular strain found that it was the closest to the virus that first infected humans.
"From an evolutionary standpoint and epidemiological data may be considered a 'missing link' in the history of the HIV pandemic," wrote the AIDS researcher Dr. Daniel Douek of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in an email . Douek not participate in the study of Nature.

Technorati Tags: research, health

Friday, July 24, 2009

Acceptable Billy Rubin Levels

Berlusconi " I'm not a saint "

ROME (AFP) - "I'm not a saint," said Wednesday the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi after the publication this week the alleged conversations spicy he had with a prostitute luxury that says have been paid for the night the millionaire / Political.

"I'm not a saint, I'm sure you have understood and I hope you also understand the (daily) La Repubblica," Berlusconi told reporters during the inauguration of a highway between Brescia and Milan (north).

Italian magazine L'Espresso published on Monday and Tuesday several recordings made secretly by the attractive woman in October and November 2008 after the meetings he had with Berlusconi in Rome private mansion in the prime minister.


A disclosure intimate conversations, in which it is discovered that the president of the Italian Council proposes not use condoms and have sex in a group, add the photos released several months ago on his feast on young prostitutes in her mansion estate in Sardinia summer.

The newspaper La Repubblica, which belongs to the same publishing group L'Espresso, a strong opponent of Berlusconi, published on Wednesday the transcript of the conversations on the website.

The talks were branded as "unbelievable" by Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini, who threatened legal action against anyone that plays.

However, neither Berlusconi nor his battalion of lawyers have complained formally to the weekly now to show that the recordings are false.

war against Berlusconi publishing group worsened on Wednesday after the defamation complaint filed against L'Espresso head of government.

L'Espresso group accused before a Milan court of "abuse of power" and "violation of market rules" to Berlusconi for having called a public meeting in June with the Italian industrialists to withdraw advertising they do through that medium.

L'Espresso group reported also civilly liable to Berlusconi, owner turn the publishing giant Mondadori, by "unfair competition and boycott."

Technorati Tags: politics, scandal