Friday, April 17, 2009


The color test.

the test of the Lüscher color is used for the analysis of personality and conflict resolution and can describe the inner state and mood of a persona.Este analysis can determine the performance capability and enjoyment, the image of himself, the couple's relationship and the future expectations, helping to recognize the unconscious causes of conflict to find the equilibrio.La assessment includes a number of cards with different ranges of colors that define the state a person's emotional.
Blues, indicate what are my feelings about someone very close to me. Notes the intention of achieving harmony and unity through green pacífica.Los delivery characterize internal control, the willpower and the ability to enjoy. How I want to be. The green has a stable and constant and represents solid values, firm convictions and stable self-esteem, dignity, moral standing and respect. Where these values \u200b\u200bare missing the point red apariencia.Los activity, initiative and the response to the challenges. I react to challenges. Red is the impulse to live, fight and conquer to achieve harmony. Expresses confidence in own strength and a yellow mismo.Los represent the proactive attitude, expectations about the future and to new encounters. What we now hope for the future. The yellow looks like the sun, bright and clear. Conveys a sense of lightness and lacks depth. In many ways characteristic of superficiality is yellow. Means detachment, change and release and is considered the color of inspiration and redemption. Orange is the splendor of yellow and red excitation. It is the color purple means the transformation iluminación.El n that crosses borders and transcendence to another world where govern emotional values, as well as the willingness to suggestion and manipulation. Is the color of mysticism, magic, witchcraft and the choice of colors erotismo.Cada comportamiento.Los describes a conflict are six colors: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Violet, and show where the problem lies and are used as indicators to find the solution to conflicto.El method is very simple. It requires concentration in each of the colors and sense what feelings and what mood generated. Some people may feel discomfort at the point corresponding to conflicto.Hay body to try to remember the person or the conflict situation and think about each of the colors of conflict, one after another, and pay attention to the sensations cause the color and whether adequate or not the person or issue to investigate. Conflict The blue color indicates that there is an internal rift and did not give a relaxed and full of conflict confianza.El orange color means it is disturbing that the aim pursued and the efforts employees do not have the desired effect or a satisfactory success . The color of conflict Green represents the person in question tries to dominate and carry out its purposes and its desire to dominate without conflict condition.The color yellow refers to the question about the future when the desired development remains locked in conflict or violet color frustrado.El determined that there is a difficulty in understanding and feeling of being on the same wavelength interés.Estos object results are supported by the experience gained over decades in psychosomatic clinics. colors like red and brown are seen as "hot." Red means excitement and a feeling engendered in any estimulante.Se has shown that objective perception color is the same for all without distinction of race or color education.The corresponds to a state of mind and may reflect a variety of feelings.

light body is the eye he come often incomprehensible messages.

Advertising subliminal processing right brain hemisphere.
There are a variety of visual effects, these are some and I hope you enjoy them.
Here's a little bit of everything, some to meditate, others to look closely, others to admire for their artistic quality, (Like cake on the floor of the street in Julian Beever 3D (not expose here) but you can see on the network). But the important thing is to keep the eye "awake"

In our eyes are easily tricked, not the pineal gland!.
colors A and B are equal.

World parallel


After Image, a play with light and shadow used by the builders of cathedrals in stained glass, sculptures etc.
hybrid image change in the distance

Image and mirror.

points disappear


The effect is known as Spinning Silhouette Optical Illusion (Silhouette Optical Illusion swivel), and was created by Nobuyuki Kayahara in 2003.


left turn

The Enchantment psychedelia

After seeing this look around.

Stereogram Draw your 3D image in


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