Sunday, January 30, 2011

Birthday Wishes 18 Years Old

Mantra Healing Learn to meditate

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Long Do Box Braids Stay In

Firework, singing from the heart. Kiesha Crowther

A video clip with a special message.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heal Pityriasis Rosea

talk about 2012. SPANISH SUBTITLES

The secret of travel between dimensions is living from the heart.

Closet Rod Under Cabinet

The greatest discovery of all time !!!!!

Manhattan 460668 Letoltese

Vincas Last inventions.

Graviola is the plant world's most powerful anticancer has been used for more than 40 years in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Hundreds of research papers in more than 20 laboratories of the highest scientific level achieved by the National Cancer Institute, National Health Center and the U.S. Purdue University and the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Catholic University of Korea.

Awesome casuistry of thousands of cases treated for colon cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer and lung cancer.
Contains powerful anti-cancer or cytostatic active. Acetogenins containing GRAVIOLA sheet. Comparative studies were made in vitro and in vivo by comparing the effect with adriamycin (called chemotherapy). It was found that is 10000 times more powerful, and that kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells as with chemotherapy, which also causes nausea, loss weight and hair, protect and enhance the immune system.

is the best alternative when you can resort to surgery or therapy or Radium Cobalt Therapy or when you have to suspend their action and chemotherapy atrogenica (side effects) on the liver and kidneys .
There is no conflict and contrary complements very well with any treatment that the patient under improving quality. They have absolutely no side effects or intolerance or allergic reactions.

In 1976, Dr. Jerry McLaughlin at Purdue University discovered the ANONACEA acetogenins GRAVIOLA, Anticancer powerful. Continued this research in the National Cancer Institute proving their effectiveness in cancer of the colon and prostate. The National Health Center used for other types of cancer (gastric, kidney and breast). The Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Catholic University of Korea conducted comparative studies with adriamycin (chemotherapy) treatments for lung cancer.

The acetogenins derived from long chain fatty acids have direct action on mitochondria, the ATP, the Machine Goldi reticular and plasma membranes and cell selectively destroying cancer cells without harming healthy cells and tissues, also contain Bullatacin, beta-sitosterol, Sitosterol, Campesterol, myristic acid, stearic acid, Stigmasterol, Amino acids, vitamins and minerals that act on Enzymatic and Molecular.

protect and improve the immune system.

in countries other anticancer action have different customary and traditional uses: Brazil (analgesic, antirheumatic and antifebrile). Haiti (asthenia, flu and antiespasmasmodica). Mexico (bronchial and diarrhea). Panama (dyspepsia and allergy). Venezuela (liver disease). Malaysia (rheumatic and dermatological)

Graviola is a small tree and the tree upright, grows 5 to 6 meters in height with large leaves, dark green and shiny. It is native to the rainforest of Peru and Brazil. The fruit is sold in local markets in the tropics where it is called Graviola or Brazilian Cherimoya and is excellent for making drinks and sherbets and, though slightly sour-acid, can be eaten out of hand.
All GRAVIOLA tree parts are used in natural medicine in the tropics, including bark, roots, fruits, and seeds of the fruit. The various features and uses are attributed to various parts of the tree. Generally, fruit and fruit juice are taken for worms and parasites, to cool fevers, to increase milk after childbirth, and as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. The crushed seeds are used against internal and external parasites, head lice, and worms, the roots are considered sedative, antispasmodic and hypotensive.

Principle Active: Alkaloids (Annonaceus Acetogenis) Muricoreacin, Munhexoin C, Mono-tetrahydrofuran, acetogenins, Annomuricin E, Miricapetocin. Recommended Use

Antitumor Anti-cancer

antispasmodic sedative

Combat Fighting Combat

hypertension diabetes

Corrects liver disorders

Properties in action: anti-bacterial, anti cancerous, antiparasitic, antitumor, antispasmodic, stomachic, astringent, cytotoxic, febrifuge, hypotensive, insecticide, pesticide, sedative, vasodilator, vermifuge.


Perhaps one of the most important discoveries related to cancer is that of the parasites. All cancer patients are infected with parasites. Parasites (the same that give our dogs and cats) create both toxic within the body, with their droppings and urine, the body simply is not any defense against cancer and succumbed to the attack of cancer cells.

The soursop, whose scientific name Annona muricata is , belongs to the family of the Annonaceae.
Their cultivation is mainly in tropical America, Southeast Asia and the Philippines.
Its fruit, much like the cherimoya has a weight of between 2 and 4 kilos. His skin is dark green and covered with small spines present. Its pulp is white or slightly yellowish fleshy and abundant juice. Inside are a large number of black seeds that are easily detached. Avails sour taste of this fruit, for the manufacture of ice creams, sorbets and mousses.
Two are the properties of this fruit, which can make it become a dessert desktop in a revolution.
Its main feature is the ability it has to kill cancer cells without harming the remaining healthy cells, a fact which puts its potential as an alternative treatment to cancer much higher than conventional chemotherapy. Consumption of soursop has none of the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, hair loss and weight, nor attacks the immune system, weakening it and causing our bodies to be easily attacked by common illnesses while trying to combat cancer.

ACTION of the soursop acetogenins against cancer

The acetogenins of Annonaceae are waxy substances resulting from the combination of fatty acids long chain (C33 or C34) with a 2-propanol unit at carbon 2 to form a lactone.

A study conducted at Purdue University in California, demonstrated that the acetogenins can selectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells and also inhibit the growth of tumor cells resistant to adriamycin (Chemotherapeutic drug). In another study conducted by scientists at the University, it was demonstrated that the acetogenins of soursop (graviola) are extremely potent having an ED 50 (lethal dose 50) of up to 10 to 9 micrograms per milliliter, resulting to have about 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin .


Studies in the years 1.998 to 2.000 by McLaughlin and Chih HW, Chui HF have shown that acetogenins are inhibores of complex I oxidative phosphorylation chain thus block the formation of ATP energy cancer cells need to operate your pump mediated by P-glycoprotein, which allows you to stay active.

The acetogenins also inhibit the ubiquinone-ubiquinone oxidase, NADH-dependent enzyme is peculiar in the plasma membrane of the cancer cell. McLaughlin did his research and Bullatacinone Bullatacin acetogenins.

currently antitumor property of the soursop (graviola) has been patented by at least 9 foreign companies.

The soursop (graviola) is a plant which can be exploited not only the fruit that contains many nutrients and vitamins, but also the medicinal properties of its different parts, especially leaves; For anticancerógenas properties.

Furthermore soursop has anti-bacterial qualities that make it an effective remedy against infections by bacteria and fungi.

If the above is true, it is logical to ask why that has not been widespread use of this medicinal plant. For the answer, once again to look at the profitability of the product, ie money.
The soursop tree is a natural product and therefore can not obtain a patent which, to the company that decides to exploit it, have the exclusivity of its disclosure, which reduced profitability to the business. Companies know they can not obtain the desired benefits if they invest time and resources to try to market this product to final consumers deprived of their property.

Alicia G. García

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